"Because of an accident, I merged with the spiritual foundation of "Morgan" of pan-human history. "

"So I have a certain degree of awareness of pan-human history."

Morgan nodded. While picking up the donut, she stared at Jiang Shang and asked curiously.

"The "escape technique" you used before should be the immortal technique of the Age of Gods. "

"I sense an ancient aura. It is an age of gods that is even older than Britain."

"It's really shocking..."

"The celestial art of the ancient gods can be so complete that it can be passed down to the modern age."

"Thought Disk..."

"It's amazing to me..."

In Morgan's eyes, there was a fiery yearning that was not concealed.

When it comes to the "key pattern of thought" in the East, even she, a magician in the age of gods, can't hide her desire for knowledge.


"That's a "super-giant magic device" fused with the planet. "

"Its existence itself is an unimaginable masterpiece in the Western magic world."

"Just like the web, everyone can use it, and everyone can upload newly developed magic."

"And sorted out, it's like a "planetary library".It records all the knowledge passed down from the ancient gods to the present. "

"Although there are strict level restrictions, as long as there are magicians, you can access the "privileged area". "

"Even in the modern age when the mysteries fade away, it is still possible to use the supernatural powers in mythology."

Jiang Shang sighed proudly.

By virtue of his status as "Taigong Wang", he has already seen many fairy arts recorded in the privileged area!

Bringing the dead back to life, backtracking in time and space.

Traveling through the world, transcending reincarnation.

Those regular-level fairy arts have gone beyond the concept of "magic"!


"You've said so much, I'm afraid the level is not low..."

Morgan asked expectantly while eating a chocolate crispy donut.

When talking about the magic field she is best at, even this aloof Her Majesty the Queen became eloquent.

"I hold the "highest level" authority..."

"In theory, you can read all the materials."

"But it also means that I have to bear a heavier responsibility than others."

Jiang Shang had no intention of hiding his clumsiness, and simply told Morgan directly, this terrifying fact!


The donut that Morgan took a bite of suddenly rolled down the table and fell to the ground.

And Morgan was already stunned in place, but how shocking Jiang Shang's answer was to her!

"Let's end this topic..."

Morgan took a deep breath and returned to his cold look again.

Although she is full of curiosity about all of this.

But she has the dignity of being the "King of the Lost Belt". As the most noble fairy, she does not want to be misunderstood by humans as a person who is greedy for profit.


Hearing Morgan's disappointing words, Jiang Shang, who opened up the conversation, was a little confused.

If it was someone else, they would probably be unable to hold back after hearing this heavy news!

Even if you try your best!

Even if it is unscrupulous deception!

I also want to use Jiang Shang to set foot in the privileged area of ​​"Thinking Disk" and get huge benefits from it!


Morgan is a different kind of...

"Although I am full of almost unlimited curiosity about the mysterious fairy art, I will not force you."

"I won't use low-level methods to defraud information from you."

Morgan explained seriously.

Although she is a cruel and ruthless queen.

But his style of acting is aboveboard, and he disdains to use intrigue and tricks to get what he wants.

Morgan, who had clean little hands and no greed, made Jiang Shang feel difficult for a while.


This is Jiang Shang's game...

He intends to use the "thought key pattern" to attract Morgan's attention.

And take this opportunity to draw a big pie!

Let this powerful "King of the Lost Belt" become his tool man!

for example...

Let Morgan develop Jiang Shang's "imaginary number space" into an independent small world according to the production drawings!

Morgan is no ordinary magician!

She has a terrifying talent that even the gods admire!

Even the slightest waste of this talent is an incalculable loss!

If there are supporting drawings and detailed tutorials.

It is probably only a matter of time before a real world is created.

and so!

Since this Her Majesty the Queen refuses to take the bait!

Then Jiang Shang can only do it himself!

"Morgan, don't have such a big burden."

"Think of it as the "Age of Gods Magic Exchange Meeting". "

"I have a detailed tutorial on "Opening the World", I wonder if you are interested? "

Jiang Shang gently squinted his eyes, his harmless and handsome appearance was filled with the most honest smile.

"Open up the world..."

"A fairy technique of this scale is probably already a top secret."

"Wouldn't it be too much to have an in-depth discussion with a goblin like me... who doesn't even count as an outsider?"

Morgan said hesitantly, but the fire in her eyes couldn't hide from Jiang Shang's perception.

This cold queen is only one blow away from voluntarily taking the bait!

"It doesn't matter..."

"Because I trusted you from the beginning."

"I believe in your abilities and have unlimited expectations of you..."

"If you are a genius like you, you must be able to produce works that even the gods would be jealous of."

Jiang Shang showed a sincere smile, took out a blood-colored jade tablet from his pocket, and pushed it in front of Morgan.

This exquisite blood-colored jade card is similar to a modern "memory card".

It records in detail the specific process of how to make the "Dongtian Fudi".

Jiang Shang's move shocked Morgan again.


Like a ray of warm light...

Through the haze intertwined with thousands of years of resentment, she shines on her heart that has been frozen for a long time.

this warmth...

This recognition...

this expectation...

This was the luxury that Morgan, or "Savior Ash", had been longing for!

In the thousands of years since her birth, no matter what kind of "disasters" she has experienced.

But after winning...

But she was regarded as troublesome and expelled again and again!

Betrayed again and again, but still have illusions in my heart!


This extravagant hope that was so dear to her heart was displayed in front of her in such a straightforward way.

Morgan, break the defense...

The joy she had never experienced made her ice-blue pupils tremble violently.

There is something sour, trying to rush out of her eye sockets to the outside world!

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