
After hearing Jiang Shang's command through the "command spell", she did not hesitate at all...~.

Morgan, sitting high on the jade throne, smashed the magic spear in his hand to the ground with all his might!

The dull voice echoed in the empty and luxurious palace.

Her strongest "Mirror Magic" is activated with maximum power at this moment!


Within the inherent barrier...

The King of Conquerors has returned to God and knows that he can no longer take it off!

He waved down the rein, ready to drive the "Shenwei Wheel" to increase the speed to the extreme!


The original scorching sun was in the sky, but it suddenly became dim!

A large piece of strange dark cloud suddenly gushed out of thin air!

Not only did it block the light of the sun, but it also turned into a horrifying vortex, shooting out giant beams of dark blue light from the inner core!

Giant beams of light with a radius of over a kilometer fell from the sky one after another!

Just like the "space-based gun" in a science fiction movie!

Sweeping the battlefield below at a speed close to that of light!

The moment he came into contact with the dark blue beam of light, there was a squeeze from two worlds!

Just these ordinary legionnaires, screaming in pain, turned into particles and disappeared!

Even those powerful and outstanding heroic spirits in the legion could not escape the fate of being transferred!

The sea of ​​people gathered by tens of thousands of people was instantly dispersed by the huge beams of light falling from the sky!

Anyone who is touched by the beam of light cannot escape the fate of falling!

"how come..."

Weber, who was standing in the Shenwei wheel, turned around and looked at the battlefield behind in horror, murmuring in disbelief!

It's so tragic...

Under the attack of that unknown "mysterious follower"!

The King of Conquerors—Iskandar's "Army of the King" is like ants in a storm!

This is a "dimension reduction blow" beyond their imagination!

This is the "magic of the age of gods" from ancient mythology!


The Conqueror didn't turn around to check...

He is driving the "Kamui Wheel", holding a sharp dagger, and the only target is the enemy in front!

At this moment, Jiang Shang remained motionless, even with his hands behind his back, revealing his pale neck!

There is a fearless courage of "Here is the head, just come and get it"!


When the King of Conquerors was less than three meters away from Jiang Shang!

A huge dark blue beam of light selected both the Conqueror and Jiang Shang at the same time!

The "dimension transfer" from another world has been activated at this time!


Two phantom beast bulls let out mournful screams.

During the teleportation, the body shattered into large pieces.

The King of Conquerors, who had lost his mount, opened his mouth in astonishment.

The light and shadow in front of his eyes flashed quickly like a mirage!

When he came back to his senses, he had already appeared in another world!

And he...

There are only the last two meters away from Jiang Shang's position!

can do...

It's just a matter of two steps!

The King of Conquerors raised the dagger in his hand and ran towards Jiang Shang!

But when the first foot was just taken, it seemed that there was a thousand tons of force, suddenly attacking from all around!

The king lost his balance, knelt down weakly on one knee, and stabbed the dagger into the ground, barely falling down!

Something frightening happened to him...

The magic power endowed by the "Command Spell" is rapidly passing away at this moment!

In addition, casting "The King's Army" has consumed too much of his magic power.

so that...

Even his body is rapidly collapsing!

The repelling force from the "world" is carrying the power of heaven and earth, oppressing him!

To crush him!Even crushed!

King of Conquerors, weakly turned his head...

Looking behind him, those powerful subjects who were transported to another world with him.

One step ahead of him, under the rejection of the world, it turned into a bright spot of light and disappeared.

see this scene...

The King of Conquerors sighed complicatedly as if accepting his fate.

"This is..."

"Is your real strength..."

The King of Conquerors raised his head, looked at the enemy in front of him complicatedly, and sighed wryly.

Obviously there is only one step away, but in his eyes, it is like a natural danger, unreachable!

With his current strength, he couldn't even lift his arms.

I don't even have the strength to pull out the dagger that was inserted into the ground!

This is a whole new world!

0····Ask for flowers·······

There is no trace of human history!

The will from the world is ruthlessly rejecting outsiders!

Because the history of mankind has not yet been born, so the legend of the conquering king does not exist!

No matter what status he was in before his death, it was nothing in this new world!

Be it a demigod or an emperor...

No matter what legends are left behind, no matter how terrible Noble Phantasms are...

If there is no acknowledgment of "the will of the world", waiting for their end will only lead to disillusionment!

This is an unsolvable dead end...

Just like Jiang Shang concealed the identity of the "Master"...

The world transformed from his "imaginary number space" is also the dead end he set up early in the morning!

As long as it cooperates with Morgan's "Age of Gods Magic", even the local gods will have the same ending as the King of Conquerors!

. . . . . .


Rejected by the will of the world, the weak Conqueror has completely lost his ability to fight.

"You guys are amazing..."

"How many hole cards do you have, this king doesn't know..."

"I'm afraid that until now, you still hold a stronger card in your hand..."

The King of Conquerors sighed bitterly.

Even Iskandar, who is the king, couldn't understand the enigmatic man in front of him.

Even if he drove the "Shenwei Wheel" and charged in front of this man, he still stood still.

Even the smile on his face was normal, without any fluctuations.

as if...

He already knew in advance that the ending of the story was the same...

That's why I stood where I was, waiting silently, and proceeded according to the known results!


A terrifying opponent like Jiang Shang...

It's like being able to predict the future, almost omniscient...


Jiang Shang lowered his head in pity, looked at the King Conqueror on the ground, and sighed in a complicated way.

"Iskandar, are you hating me?"

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