The future he saw was also the story line of the two ceremonies in the original work.

Hearing Jiang Shang's answer...

The two ceremonies fell into a brief silence, and then she looked into Jiang Shang's eyes seriously and asked solemnly.

"In that case..."

"Then, is there a better (aeed) future for me and "Zori"? "

The girl asked sincerely and softly.

Because Jiang Shang said before, the decisions they make will create a different future.

If this is the case, then there must be an ideal future leading to happiness!


Jiang Shang's answer was very concise.

He had a confident smile on his face, as if this kind of thing was just a piece of cake for him.

"any solution?"

The two rituals showed expectant expressions, and asked nervously.

This is about her life!

For her at this moment, there is nothing more important than this!


"Merge Zhi Zhi's personality with yours."

"In this way, to make up for what you both lack."

"As long as the two personalities are fused, then the newly born "two ceremonies" will have no worries in this regard. "

Jiang Shang smiled and said the answer.


The two ceremonies frowned, showing deep worry.

"If you do this, isn't it equivalent to erasing me and "Zi" at the same time? "

The two ceremonies expressed their concerns, which was not the answer she wanted.

Jiang Shang shook his finger, then explained again.

"Not a permanent fusion, but a temporary fusion."

"Use your common sense to resolve the killing intent of "Weaving". "

"The strength from "Weaving" can also be better used by you. "

"As long as you personally participate in the battle, and control the loss within your acceptable range."

"Isn't it possible to maintain your original life to the maximum extent?"

"at the same time..."

"As the "Second Personality", Ori can also live a life that has never been experienced through fusion. "

"What do you think?"

Jiang Shang expressed his suggestion.

The name of the Liangyi family contains the meaning of Taiji.

But the two personalities that symbolize "yin and yang" cannot be achieved, there is me in you, and you in me.

As long as the "temporary fusion" method is used, the symbiosis of yin and yang can be achieved.

Then all conflicts can be resolved peacefully.

The girl froze...

Jiang Shang's answer, to her, was a bit whimsical!

Does the secret technique of "personality fusion" like this really exist in the modern age when the mystery has faded away?

"Is this kind of thing really possible?"

The two sighed in a complicated manner.

Jiang Shang's suggestion is really exciting.

But is this kind of thing that sounds absurd, really achievable?

Under the girl's shocked gaze, Jiang Shang pointed his finger on the girl's forehead.

Under the girl's sluggish gaze, Jiang Shang said softly.

"If you can't even do this little thing."

"What qualifications do I have to be your nobleman?"

The moment the voice fell...

The golden light poured from Jiang Shang's fingertips into the girl's eyebrows!

Daigo empowerment!

Just like he once engraved the "Eight Stone Soldiers Formation" in Weber's memory.

He did the same for the two ceremonies at this time!

Soul Fusion!

In a short period of time, two independent souls can be temporarily fused into a more powerful soul!

If it is a "dual personality" with one heart and one mind, then the effect after fusion will be maximized!


at the same time...

The virtual screen of the system also appeared in front of Jiang Shang.


"Congratulations on triggering: hide option!"

"Congratulations on obtaining: Consciousness-Only Magic Eye of Immediate Death!".

111. The Oath Under the Snow!Consciousness-Only Demonic Eye of Death!


Consciousness-Only Demonic Eye of Death!

Maximum activation: Devil's Eye of Death.

Completely cut off the enemy's "thread of death" ~.

Even if it is the ultimate life form with a lifespan of hundreds of millions of years.

Even backtracking in time and space, the ability to go back to the past.

Or "tens of millions" of life reserves.

The "concept of death" possessed by its body is still invisible in the sight of the magic eye of death!

In this state...

Even ordinary attacks can be given to the opponent, ignoring the fatal damage of the "undead characteristic"!

In the face of death, all living beings are equal!


Hide Rewards...

The last time it was "Guardian Summoning Authority", this time it was "Consciousness-Only Demonic Eye of Death".

The "Evil Eye of Immediate Death" stretched to the maximum can probably see even God's "Thread of Death".

Coupled with Jiang Shang's own strength, and the "Magic Whip" he currently holds!

It's really verified, that classic line!

"As long as it is alive, even if it is a god, I will kill it for you!"

This is no joke!

The current Jiang Shang fully possesses the ability to "kill gods"!

just don't know...

One day in the future, which cutie will be the first!


It's obvious that you've already won the award...

What Jiang Shang saw was still the same as before, without any difference!

It's as if "this reward" hasn't arrived yet!

"Could it be..."

"It's like the on-off key of a mobile phone. You need to press the on-off key to activate it?"

With this in mind, Jiang Shang said silently in his heart.

"The magic eye of death, activate!"

Jiang Shang's consciousness, after issuing the command.


The steel-like gray pupils quickly lit up with a bright iridescent color!

In the state of "magic eye open", everything in the world becomes dim!

A dense line of death covered all objects!

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