Around midnight, Jiang Shang, who had already entered a deep sleep, seemed to feel strange fluctuations in the space.


It seems that there are some mysterious creatures, sneaking into the bed quietly.

He seemed to be holding a piece of "cold steel" and fell asleep for more than ten minutes.

so that...

Since last night, he started to have a low-grade fever after catching a cold.

When he woke up in the morning, he asked Joan...

But the other party said that she didn't know about it. She fell asleep very early last night, and the night watchman was Bagster.

Jiang Shang found "Bagster" again, but this loyal female knight avoided her eyes.


Mixed with humiliating disgust...

Although Bagster didn't say who it was, Jiang Shang didn't punish her either.

But he vaguely...

We already know who the culprit who caused him to contract the cold is now!

Even Jiang Shang, who has seen the big wind and waves, has to sigh with emotion.

"Among the Fairy Knights of the Round Table, there is a thief..."


After drinking a cup of hot tea, Jiang Shang breathed out comfortably.

He cast a "healing technique" on himself.

Coupled with the healing effect of "Holy Cloth".

In just a moment, the abnormal state of the body was completely wiped out.


Although the wind and cold were cured, he still couldn't get up, and he was lazy and unmotivated.

Jiang Shang sat beside the two ceremonies, teasing this young lady who knows how to enjoy life.

"The mission of hunting demons has been completed, and you have found your nobleman. The purpose of your trip has been successfully completed."

"This ordinary small city will experience an earth-shattering catastrophe tonight."

"If you stay, you may be implicated."

"Just for your safety, let's leave as soon as possible."

"Heye has already bought a ticket, and the flight is about four hours away."

"Do you need me to take you there?"

Jiang Shang said bluntly.

According to the hexagrams he deduced, tonight is when the "Holy Grail" will appear.

When the Holy Grail appears, he will lead his followers to defeat the last tyrant!

The next battle will inevitably spread to the surrounding area!

With such deep considerations in mind, Jiang Shang did not want the two ceremonies to stay in the city.

"Is that so..."

The two men smiled intellectually, and she didn't feel angry or unwilling.

Because she can understand.

Jiang Shang did this for her safety.


The two ceremonies do not intend to leave...

"You bring the "servants" to fight, who will guard this place? "

The two ceremonies watched, and the children who were playing in the snow asked suspiciously.

Although her current strength is far inferior to that of a follower.


It should be stronger than those "children".

"I will send everyone in the Matou family to the "imaginary number space". "

"When it's all over, let them come back to live."

Jiang Shang expressed his plan.

He has already considered everything in it.

The two ceremonies do not belong here, so he persuaded her to leave Fuyuki City to avoid being affected.


The two ceremonies showed helpless expressions...

"I told you last night..."

"The next heir of the Liangyi family will follow you for life."

"If I leave at this time, won't my words count?"

"The imaginary number space is also fine, or other places..."

"Since even the children can readily accept it, let alone me?"

The two ceremonies expressed their plans with emotion.

she wants to stay...

Together with this destined "noble man", we will survive the next catastrophe.

"Are you sure..."

"You and "Zhi" don't belong here, there's no need to stay and advance together..."

Jiang Shang persuaded again that 0....

But the two ceremonies raised their warm little hands to cover Jiang Shang's mouth, preventing him from continuing.

"Didn't we agree last night..."

"Our relationship starts with "friends"..."

"If I choose to escape at this time, then the friendship between us is too fragile."

The two ceremonies spoke sincerely.

Let her withdrawn and tactful manner speak out such straightforward words.

If Jiang Shang denies her again, she and "Zhi" will really be angry!

Jiang Shang looked at the girl in front of him, and gently moved the girl's little hand away.

"In that case..."

"Just do it well and witness all the awakenings..."

Jiang Shang showed a mysterious smile, and betrayed a trick in a vicious way.

Tonight, he is required to use the evil of this world and the activated Holy Grail to write the creation myth again!

"I'll be looking forward to..."

The two ceremonies responded with gentle smiles.

She drank the hot tea in the cup, suddenly raised her head, and looked at the gray night sky.

There was an inexplicable sigh in her eyes.

If you can...

She also wanted to be Jiang Shang's combat power and participate in this final crusade.


As a "human", she is too weak.

Even with the "Mysterious Judgment", it can't compete with the servants...


She can gain stronger abilities...

Coupled with Jiang Shang's "Hero Creation" enhancement, he is qualified to fight with followers.

 4.3 ...

at the same time...

In the Fuyuki Civic Hall...

With a pale face, Irisviel, with the help of Maiya, struggled to write the last magic mark.

The "repelling enchantment" laid down by her has only been officially activated so far.

The white mist soon permeated the entire Fuyuki Hall.

The citizens who were playing suddenly stopped their previous actions when the fog appeared.

Their eyes dimmed, and they left the Fuyuki Hall as if they had made an appointment at the same time.

10 minute later...

The Fuyuki Civic Hall was completely emptied...

Irisviel let out a weak sigh of relief, this is the place she chose for the final battle!

She will summon the unfinished Lesser Holy Grail in advance at the cost of her own life!

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