Each piece of magic weapon, showing its sharpness from the inside!

These Noble Phantasms, which are equivalent to "Servants", are equivalent to ordinary attacks to this king!

He looked down at Joan of Arc below, with a cold killing intent in his eyes!

"A mere village girl, you are so courageous..."

"Use your life to make up for this disrespectful crime!"

Gilgamesh sneered.

The voice fell!

Dozens of peerless divine weapons turned into brilliant golden rays of light and shot at the location of Joan of Arc together!


Just when these treasures were about to hit Joan!

A series of golden ripples suddenly appeared above Joan of Arc!

Put all the thrown weapons into the treasury!

Gilgamesh, the blow that he thought could kill the enemy was actually resolved in a funny way!

at the same time...

Angelica, who had no expression on her face, had already arrived at the battlefield through "replacement magic".

As Jiang Shang's follower, even she participated in this crusade!

She first saluted Jiang Shang respectfully, then turned to look at the tyrant with an ugly face.

"What a wicked king..."

"But my existence is destined to restrain your treasure..."

"Your fall is inevitable..."

Angelica said plainly, her eyes looked at the "King's Treasure House" in the sky.

The "treasure house gates" were suddenly forcibly closed under some unknown influence!

Gilgamesh turned around angrily, looking at the "treasure door" that was forcibly closed in the sky.

"You bastard!"

"How dare you steal, my king's treasure!"

"Who gave you the guts!"

Gilgamesh looked down at Angelica with an ugly face!

He tried to open the "King's Treasure House" again, but was surprised to find that...

The door to the treasure house can't be opened!

It's that woman!

That woman with the power of "him" forcibly interfered with the king's treasury!

At this time, Gilgamesh has lost the ability to open the treasure house!


The woman below who stole his treasure also lost all her combat power!


Unavailable: King's Vault...

This means that the strength of "Gilgamesh" has been severely weakened!

"`~You bastard!"

Gilgamesh, staring at bloody pupils, cursed angrily!

I can't wait to get this, the woman who stole his treasure!

cut off!minced!Cut it!

Up to [-] times is not enough!



Jiang Shang saw everything that happened...

He looked at it leisurely, and Gilgamesh, who was already out of breath, showed a playful smile.

"It's really embarrassing..."

"Now you are like an elementary school student who treats guests in a canteen and finds out that he has lost his wallet when paying. It's as funny as you are."

Jiang Shang sarcastically said mercilessly.

He has been hiding the trump card "Angelica" for tonight's crusade!

It is clear!

Gilgamesh suffered a dark loss!

The arrogant king had a slight change in his mentality, and he bared his teeth in annoyance!

"You guy..."

"Do you think that with a mere 'fake', you can make this king disarm and surrender! "


"Even without the support of "Treasure House", I am not alone. "

Gilgamesh said with a gloomy face.

One after another, the "Gate of the Treasure House" (Wang Zhao) filled the sky behind him again!

Dozens of silver chains protruded from the treasure house again, like spirit snakes, entrenched in the sky.

Heaven's Lock!

When his "king's treasury" was sealed by the enemy, only his former best friend still never left him!

The sky lock exudes a powerful coercion, waiting for Gilgamesh's attack command!

Even Angelica has nothing to do with the "Sky Lock" at this time.

Her authority is not enough!

Almost all treasures, she and Gilgamesh, have equal rights!

Only the "Sky Lock" and that treasure!

Gilgamesh holds absolute priority!


Gilgamesh smiled. He looked at Angelika's expression as if he was looking at another clown.

Obviously, he has figured out how much this woman who stole his treasure weighs!

The stars in the night sky are exuding dazzling brilliance!

Fate and the future are still firmly held in his hands!

"It's just heresy!"

"Don't take it out, it's embarrassing!"

"The heads on your necks will be beheaded one by one by this king tonight!".

115. Prey on the horn of the sun wheel!The collision of Noble Phantasms that shocked the audience!

"Meet this king's wrath!"

Gilgamesh, when the indifferent sentence falls!

The "Sky Lock" entrenched in the night sky broke out at a rapid speed and fell towards the enemy!

Under the effect of speed and mass, the sky lock flying to the ground is like a precision strike missile!

Just at this juncture!

Jiang Shang spoke the truth!


Jiang Shang used the body-fixing technique, and fixed dozens of "Sky Locks" flying in mid-air!

at the same time...

Riding on the "Four Different Images", he waved his sleeves boldly, setting off a gust of cold wind!

"The tyrant who wants to destroy the world is right in front of us!"


"Heroes gathered here!"

"The glory of mankind will be equal to you!"

Jiang Shang said boldly, he quickly activated the strengthening skills!

"The military's long-cherished wish: EX!"

A vast energy rises from every follower's body!

Even a magical girl like "Illya" has been significantly strengthened at this time!

"For the glory of the Master!"

"A mere tyrant in pan-human history, let's see the power of goblins!"

Bugster raised his hand vigorously and broke off the "Yaling's Horn" on his head!

The aura on her body suddenly became extremely violent!

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