Gilgamesh, jump up from the spot!

Dodged Illya's multiple slashes again!


The ground under his feet, like tofu, was instantly cut off by the flying blade!

Even with a few "chains of the sky", they were not spared!

Such amazing power!

Even Gilgamesh must be treated with care!

Normally, he wouldn't even glance at an attack of this level!

But now the situation is different!

He has been dragged into an unfavorable battle situation, and must face the frontal raid of the "three servants" at the same time!

In this case, the surprise attack from "Illya" who doesn't talk about martial arts has become his death talisman!

If he didn't do something, he might die at the hands of a ten-year-old brat!


"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Gilgamesh roared with a ferocious expression.

His "King's Treasure House" has been sealed, and the sky locks must be gathered to fight against the enemies below!

Now he is unarmed!

If you want to kill the mosquitoes in the sky, you can only take out his strongest "treasure"!begging.

117. The Deviant Sword Appears!Multivariate Ensemble Saturated Bombardment!

on the battlefield...

Gilgamesh retreated, his face became uglier than before!


As the king of the age of gods, he was actually repulsed by a ten-year-old girl in modern times!

That ridiculous dress, and her crappy magic tricks!

"You bastard!"

Gilgamesh's face was flushed with anger, and he finally couldn't hold back when he entered the red temperature state!

He originally planned to save the strongest hole card for the contest with Jiang Shang!

but never thought...

That man just sent out his followers to force him into this predicament!

He can only fight with all his strength!

Brilliant golden ripples appeared on the palm of "Gilgamesh".

A strange treasure in the shape of a "key" was held in his hand.


Wang Lvjian!

During the Age of Gods, the areas suitable for human survival were restricted by the gods.

In order to preserve human civilization, "[-]" can be continued.

A king collected all the treasures of the earth and built a treasury to hold them!

These treasures include: all kinds of treasures born in later generations, the original prototype!

This is a symbol of human wisdom and evidence of the existence of civilization!

to this day...

The catalog of treasures is still increasing!

But only the king can hold the key to activate the treasure house!


Gilgamesh, who had been cornered, turned the handle angrily!

Countless crimson rays of light, along the top of the key, multiplied without limit!

Almost instantly, the entire night sky was covered!


"What the hell is that..."

Witnessing such a terrifying scene with her own eyes, Illya let out bursts of exclamation.

The girl was suspended in the air, forgetting the importance of "interrupting spellcasting" for a moment!

While she was in a daze...

The magnificent scene covering the night sky began to shrink rapidly!

It turned into a ball of rose-red light, suspended in front of Gilgamesh.

A monstrous and luxurious treasure slowly emerged from the ball of light!

The moment Gilgamesh held this weapon.

A deadly threat made Illya's heart tremble!


"That level of attack, if you are a little careless, you will die!"

"Not as good as..."

"How about... let's retreat..."

"Leave the battle to the adults, let's go back to the theater. "

"The lord will not blame you, at most he will give you a "Chestnut". "

Ruby's voice rang in Illya's ears.

Let the girl's mind regain consciousness again.

Ilya clenched her wand tightly, but there was a look of hesitation in her eyes!

She thought of herself in the parallel world, and Emiya Kiritsugu who was imprisoned.

Right now!

It is the stage for her to show her strength!

If she is strong enough, she can defeat the powerful enemy in front of her!

You must be able to prove your worth!

That seemingly stern, but actually gentle Master!

Presumably, for her sake, I will give "Illya" in this world a better treatment!

After a short thought...

The girl's pure blood-colored pupils left only a strong and determined expression!

"For Illya of this world!"

"I absolutely can't lose!"

Illya said firmly, and raised the fusion wand in her hand!

She will sacrifice everything she has for the next strongest blow!

"Muscular system..."

"nervous system..."

"The vascular system..."

"lymphatic system..."

"Like a magic circuit, the transformation is complete!"

Sapphire's voice tells the girl's "physical condition" at this time!

By simulating the muscular system, nervous system, vascular system, and lymphatic system into a magic circuit.

Burning life physically, as a cruel price, in exchange for huge magic power, and releasing a blow of sacrifice!

Using the five circuits in the whole body, there will be a torrent of tragic magic power!

This miraculous power has a destructive power comparable to starlight!

This is... Illya's awakening!

It is also the strongest Noble Phantasm held by Illya, who is a magical girl!

Blood is boiling!

Every part of the body is exuding severe pain!

Blood flowed out from the corner of the girl's mouth and scattered in the sky wantonly, but she was still making the final charge!

at the same time...

Gilgamesh, who was standing in the distance, also noticed something strange about the girl.

"What a fool..."

"Seeing the original majesty that opened up the world, do you still intend to continue to be an enemy of this king?"

"The fantasy you have blessed, under the "Deviation Sword" of this king, let it be shattered in despair! "

But Gilgamesh laughed contemptuously at the girl's life-sacrificing attack.

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