Even if you bet your life!

She also wants to be here to defeat the enemy in front of her!


Because of being infected by Illya's courage...

The magic wand held in Illya's hand suddenly appeared a section of "Rune runes"!

At the same time, a taciturn "sapphire" suddenly spoke at this moment!

"The magic power collection rate has exceeded the specified value."

"The final seal is beginning to be lifted."

"Beyond the sky, go to the earth."

"It is a wedge of light standing at the "end of the world"! "

Sapphire suddenly began to chant, which made both Illya and Ruby feel at a loss.

But at the moment when the voice of "Sapphire" sounded.

The strings of runes gathered in front of the wand in a "circle" shape, shining brightly!

This is the rune that Morgan engraved on the body of "Sapphire" a long time ago.

It is also the "strongest attack magic" mastered by the Fairy Queen!

The vision that suddenly appeared in the sky also attracted the attention of "Gilgamesh" below!

"Don't try to succeed!"

Gilgamesh's face changed, and he increased the output of "Deviation Sword" again!

He wanted to completely destroy this disgusting girl before the opponent's attack was released!


It's this arrogance...

Will be doomed to lay the groundwork for Gilgamesh's downfall in advance!

"Holy Lance... Pull the anchor!"

"Sparkling in... the gun of the end!!!"

Sapphire's voice gradually became high, while her voice fell!

The sacred light turned into a golden holy spear in front of Illya!

Without giving an attack command, the Holy Lance began to spin rapidly!

The gorgeous golden glow turned into a terrifying giant spiral!

In just an instant, the power contained in the holy spear symbolizing the "Anchor of the Storm"!

With "Multiple Ensemble Saturated Bombardment" surpassing Ilya, it is comparable to the original sword that opened up the world!

The super-spinning sacred spiral dissipated the wind pressure gathered by the "Deviation Sword"!

And condensed into a materialized "Golden Holy Lance", mercilessly piercing Gilgamesh's breastplate!

"how is this possible..."

"How could I...be raped by mere..."

The severe pain made Gilgamesh vomit blood, and murmured with his eyes wide open.

The ground under his feet quickly collapsed...

This tyrant of the age of gods was nailed to the ground by the "Holy Lance of Ending" in an extremely humiliating way!

next moment...

The entire Fuyuki Civic Hall was engulfed by light!

Turn into a beam of bright light that connects the starry sky!

at the same time...

All the chains of the sky turned into golden particles and dissipated in front of everyone.

And the dissipation of the "Sky Lock" also seems to indicate that the tyrant has come to an end.

Arturia stared at the shocking beam of light in front of her.

"This is..."

"The Holy Spear of the End..."

Her pupils trembled slightly, and she muttered to herself in shock.

This was once a "Noble Phantasm" that belonged only to her.

But it seems that in this "Holy Grail War", everyone can use it!

It wasn't just her who was shocked...

Bagster, who put down the weapon in his hand, looked at the beam of light connecting the sky and the earth, and sighed complicatedly.

"As expected of His Majesty's magic..."

"The power of the Holy Lance, which can disperse the "disaster" with one blow, is the symbol of the miracle of Britain..."

While the two female knights were feeling...

Illya, who was stranded in the sky, smiled reassuringly after seeing the enemy defeated.


Because of the excessive consumption of mana, he closed his eyes tiredly, and fell towards the ground at an extremely fast speed...

119. My lord is kind, so here's a reunion for your family!

Almost at the moment Illya fell...

Jiang Shang held the "Spiritual Whip" in his hand, and the ribbon connected below, stretched quickly!

The elegant ribbon wrapped around the girl's seriously injured body, gradually slowing down her falling speed.

After making sure that she was safe, she landed in Jiang Shang's arms.

After the ribbon was removed, Jiang Shang immediately checked Illya's injuries.

A large area of ​​blood vessels ruptured, and internal organs were damaged...

Nervous system, etc. have also been severely damaged...

With the medical level of the old era, whether Illya can be preserved at this time is a question worth considering.


Ruby looked at Illya distressedly, and then angrily reprimanded her sister.

"Wouldn't it be better to use the Holy Spear from the beginning! "

Ruby flapped her little wings and patted Sapphire's head.


"The holy gun can only be used once..."

Sapphire explained aggrievedly that she needs to use it at the right time.


It can't play the previous effect at all.

"All right!"

"You two stop fighting."

"Healing this level of trauma is just a piece of cake for me."

Jiang Shang sighed and raised his hand to stop the "little sisters" who were fighting.


He decisively activated the power of the "Command Spell".

The "Command Spell" held by Jiang Shang is the miraculous power from the Holy Grail!

No matter what kind of injury the servants on your side suffer!

Just use the "Command Spell" to give the command.

It will heal quickly!

And this miraculous power is also the power possessed by the "Third Magic", which is a drop in the bucket!

"Use the "Command Spell" to order..."

"Heal all the injuries of the "Servant" in front of you..."

Jiang Shang didn't have any worries, and directly issued the most effective order through the command spell.

Bright red light enveloped Illya's body.

The girl's injury is being healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Maybe it's because I'm too tired...

Even if her injuries were completely healed, she still had no intention of waking up.

But the girl's well-proportioned breathing, and the upturned corners of her mouth, revealed a comfortable smile.

It proves that she is recovering well at this time.

"Anjelica, take her back to rest~々."

Jiang Shang carefully entrusted the sleeping Ilya to Angelika.

"As ordered."

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