Jiang Shang lightly jumped off Sixiang's back.

After standing firm, he gave the order to retreat to the many followers on the scene.

Everyone who has seen Jiang Shang's strength has absolute trust in this mysterious strong man!

Jiang Shang watched a famous follower leave.


Holding the "Magic Whip" in his hand, with a deep smile on his face, he walked towards the direction of the black mud.

"Master Jiang Shang, let me go with you."

Jeanne suddenly spoke.

The picture in front of her was almost exactly the same as the revelation she saw at the beginning!

As the "Judger", it is necessary for her to fight side by side with this savior at this time!

"no need..."

"The black mud in front of you is all the evil in this world!"

"This is the malice of all mankind, for you who are present as "servants". "

"There is an innate restraint effect."

"Even if it's just a little contaminated, the malice in your hearts will be magnified without limit."

"Even if you are a "Holy Maiden", you will turn black into a Vengeful Witch. "

Jiang Shang turned around and waved to Joan of Arc.

He knew very well that Joan of Arc at this time had already made up his mind to use the "Second Noble Phantasm".


This is not what Jiang Shang wants to see...

The reason why the current situation will become the worst result.

It's because Jiang Shang wanted to get something he had wanted for a long time!

All the evils of this world!

And... the third magic!

It was under his connivance that Gilgamesh could be so arrogant.


He really wants to be the "savior"...

As early as last night when "Consciousness-Only Demonic Eye" was awakened, Gilgamesh was already dead!

It is absolutely impossible for this holy grail ceremony to go on so smoothly!

Even if Gilgamesh was kept alive, it was just to attract firepower and throw the blame on him by the way.

Unlike these heroes who value "glory", Jiang Shang is a pure human being!

From the very beginning, he has decided everyone's fate and the final outcome.

But these...

Joan of Arc is straightforward, but she doesn't know...

Even in her heart...

At this time, Jiang Shang is still the "savior" in the heart of this saint!

He is a tragic hero who stands up in the face of disaster and writes the "Legend of Salvation" in this world!

"Master Jiang Shang..."

Joan looked at the man in front of her, her tear-filled eyes, and made some kind of decision.

"Joan ordered her with the "Command Spell"..."

"Give all the power of the Command Seal to the savior in front of you!"

Joan of Arc resolutely gave the order.

The blood-red wings of an archangel emerged from behind Joan of Arc.

Then it turned into rays of light, rushing towards Jiang Shang's left hand!


or more...

At this time, Jiang Shang no longer has the heart to count...

But under the oath of these "commanding spells", even Joan of Arc, who is the "arbiter".

Also this time, he became Jiang Shang's follower!

Until the last swipe of the command spell, it merged into the back of Jiang Shang's hand.

The previous pattern has become the wings of an archangel!

This is the command spell of the "Judger", and its power is far greater than that of the seven masters participating in the battle!

And it has a restrictive effect on all followers!

Joan stared at the man in front of her with a relieved smile on her face, she had wanted to do this for a long time.


"If you encounter threats, please call me immediately."

"The "Second Noble Phantasm" I hold has the confidence to resolve this disaster. "

Joan of Arc spoke resolutely.

Getting along for more than one (aeed) year made her convinced that the man in front of her had the ability to save the world!

Jiang Shang's expression was a bit complicated. He looked at the command spell on the back of his hand and smiled with exclamation.


"I'll be fine..."

The voice fell.

Jiang Shang turned around resolutely and looked at the big hole in the sky.

Five elements escape technique, start again!

With ripples in the space, Jiang Shang's figure disappeared from Joan's sight.

Watching the departure of the "savior of the world", Joan stood there blankly, unable to let go of it for a long time.


Inside the Great Grail...

Pale blood-colored sky, with black raindrops...

Under Jiang Shang's feet was a raging sea of ​​black mud...

Since the third "Holy Grail War", Einzbern illegally summoned the "Eighth Class - Avenger".

The "Holy Grail" that can fulfill all wishes in the past has turned into a merciless curse on the world.

All the evil in this world...

In the long 60 years, the malice of more than 70 billion people gathered here!

From the moment he descended into the "Inside of the Great Holy Grail", Jiang Shang's consciousness was strongly disturbed by the black mud!

"This planet has no future!"

"The end of the day is coming!"

"Human civilization will fall into darkness!"





Countless negative thoughts poured into Jiang Shang's brain...


The expression on Jiang Shang's face did not change at all...

Because his soul is originally black.

Even being affected by the "evil of this world" cannot change the true nature of the soul.

Jiang Shang gently tapped his sore shoulders with the magic whip, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

"Using human malice to try to influence humans?"

"This stupid act..."

"It's so ridiculous that I feel sad for you!"

Jiang Shang looked at the black mud not far away.

A "humanoid creature" with a black body, only a guy with white pupils, showing its body from the black mud.

"You are not a follower..."

"Are you human..."

"Hehehe...how stupid..."

"If it's a Servant, I might not be the opponent, but if it's a "human"..."

"Even if it's a hundred! I can easily kill them!"

In the arrogant playful voice, there was a bit of eagerness to try.

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