The blood-colored cloud pattern on the robe turned into noble gold.

A brand new magic circuit appeared in Jiang Shang's body.

It is connected to the "root" that countless magicians have longed to reach all their lives!

The information about the "Third Magic" came to Jiang Shang's mind after being systematically repaired and perfected.

The Einzbern family has worked hard for generations and wants to achieve the goal!

Four "Holy Grail Wars" were carried out, exhausting countless manpower and resources, but in the end an outsider was cheap!

I have to say, this is really ironic...


Cracks appeared on the light cocoon, and the transformed Jiang Shang has become the ultimate life form!

The materialized soul has been transformed into a perpetual motion machine, providing him with energy all the time!

In just one thought, everything can be transformed into everything!

You can transform into a giant of light, or a dragon that destroys the world!


"I gradually understood everything..."

Jiang Shang murmured to himself, with a happy and excited look on his face.

The long pure white hair turned into black short hair covering the ears again.

Even the white robe on his body has changed to the previous black.

After all, white is easy to get dirty, and he prefers deep black.

Master the complete "third magic".

At the same time, he bears the "evil of this world".

Jiang Shang now possesses the supreme authority to "create life"!

So far...

The interior of the Great Holy Grail has become an empty shell.

Even the twisted hole leading to the outside world showed signs of closing.

The trip went very smoothly, and Jiang Shang got what he wanted!

It's time to return to the outside world and reunite with Jeanne and the others.

Jiang Shang stepped forward, and the Five Elements escape technique was activated again!

When he disappeared into the inner space, everything returned to nothingness...


at this time...

The black mud has receded...

But the area swept by the black mud, the Fuyuki Civic Hall, within a radius of two kilometers, was all reduced to ruins.

"Gilgamesh", who was supposed to leave the scene, opened his eyes weakly.

He raised his immature hands and rubbed his drowsy head.

Standing up with some difficulty, he looked around blankly.

The doomsday-like scene made him (De Nuozhao) laugh mockingly.

The man who tried to save the world failed after all.


The tyrant's laughter stopped abruptly...

He widened his eyes in astonishment, covered his mouth dully, and looked at his immature Baijiu little hand.

"` ~My king's body..."

"My king's voice..."

The young and handsome boy murmured angrily.

He got a new body and can survive in this world!

But because of the previous consumption, he became a child!

"Damn Jiang Shang..."

"Sooner or later, this king will make you pay the price!"

The handsome young man spoke viciously.

Just as he was about to leave the battlefield, a piece of "steel whip" fell gently on his slender shoulders.


Let the tyrant's joking words sounded from behind him.

"It's so late, still wandering outside..."

"Young man, are you lost..."

125. Jin Glitter Breaks Defense!No reason to refuse!

In the ruins under the night...

The young boy stayed in place stiffly...

His trembling pink pupils looked at the steel whip on his shoulders.

He knows the weapon...

Just a few days ago, this "steel whip" almost broke his skull!


At this time, the place where the steel whip was placed...

It happened to be where the shoulder was injured during that battle!

I don't know if it was a hallucination, but the young man's shoulders began to ache again.

Although a bit humiliating...

But at this time, "Gilgamesh" can never be the opponent of this monster!

His first things to think about!

How to survive Jiang Shang's clutches smoothly!


It's because of being a teenager...

Even the previous arrogant character was greatly affected at this time.

"Big...big brother..."

"I'm just an enthusiastic Sanhao citizen..."

The pale-faced beautiful young man clumsily lied with a harmless and immature voice.


 197 His gnashing of teeth sounded ridiculous even to himself.


Jiang Shang couldn't help it even more, and laughed out loud on the spot.


The smile on his face disappeared slowly, he bent down jokingly, and whispered in the young man's ear.

"It's not your style to run away in despair."


Jiang Shang's joking words made the young man's face instantly dark and frightening!


"Since you discovered it, I have nothing to say."

"If you want to kill or slash, please listen and respect!"

The young man responded with a sneer, and raised his face arrogantly, as if he was going to die generously!


He far underestimated, the enemy in front of him...

"Your "Omniscient and Almighty Star" should still be usable. "

"Do you want to predict the future and see what will happen next? What interesting things?"

Jiang Shang bewitched jokingly.

Wisps of black breath exhaled from his mouth and penetrated into Gil(aeed) Gamesh's ear.


The boy who activated the "Omniscient and Almighty Star" saw the future picture again.


With a snap of the fingers, a burst of energetic music sounded.

It's like an old song...

It was a well-known piece of music by a certain foreign band many years ago.

Right at this moment...

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