"Where did you come from "Fat Tiger"..."

"Use this king's treasure to buy this king, thank you so much!"

The young Gilgamesh couldn't help but complain.

He quickly got dressed and followed Jiang Shang.

He was forcibly "turned an enemy into a friend", but now he wants to see it with his own eyes.

Master, what is your plan next.

After putting away "Fengshen Bang"...

Jiang Shangcai looked forward indifferently, the dilapidated scene like hell.

When he confronted "Angola Mainyu".

The black mud pouring out from the "Inside of the Great Holy Grail" poured out from the Fuyuki Civic Hall at the fastest speed.

In just a few minutes, it spread to an area with a radius of two kilometers.


The previous battle shattered the shield of the "Destroyer Barrier".

The light that illuminated the entire city almost attracted the attention of half of the citizens!

This also leads to...

A lot of ordinary people who watched the excitement rushed towards this side regardless of everything.

Hassan Baimao's "Human Driving Barrier" has not yet been completed, but a large number of ordinary people have already broken into this area!

Two kilometers in radius...

In just a few minutes, a tragic disaster occurred.

At least thousands of ordinary people who came here were swallowed by the black mud!

in the periphery...

The twisted and scorched corpses stretched out their arms in pain, like withered bushes!

"It's spectacular, isn't it..."

"Master Savior, aren't you going to say something?"

Gilgamesh's sarcasm sounded from behind Jiang Shang.

The young man put his hands behind his head and raised his pretty face.

Watching the expression of the "Master" in front of him, he smiled brightly.

In his opinion...

Everything Jiang Shang did was to avoid this "disaster".

Unfortunately, unsatisfactory.

The partners of justice still failed after all.

From the standpoint of "the savior", what Jiang Shang did was not perfect!

When you think about it...

The venomous Gilgamesh, of course, would not let go of the opportunity to sarcasm.


The first to respond to him was an iron fist that fell from the sky!


Gilgamesh gritted his teeth in pain, covered the big bump on his head, and squatted on the ground aggrieved.

"What does that nonsense have to do with me?"

"Obviously you are the culprit."

"Thousands of people died, but I hindered the disaster and continued to spread."

Jiang Shang responded flatly.

There was no guilt, or sadness in his voice.


"Why do you all regard me as the "savior"? "

Jiang Shang felt complicated.

Obviously he is a pure human being who only cares about his own interests.

Unscrupulous, cold-blooded and greedy.

Never thought of it until now, become a hero!


Be it Joan of Arc, or anyone else...

Even Gilgamesh misunderstood him...


Hearing Jiang Shang's emotion, Gilgamesh also explained helplessly.

"One person bears the crimes of "70 billion human beings"..."

"Stopped the "world-ending catastrophe" that distorted the world..."

"If you achieve this step, you still don't deserve to be called the "savior". "

0····Ask for flowers·······

"How many people in the world do you think can deserve this title?"

Gilgamesh, spreading his small hands in remorse, complained about the Master who had no self-knowledge in front of him.

He is unscrupulous, mean and ruthless.

But there's no denying what he did.

Putting aside the unhappiness between the two, Gilgamesh actually recognized Jiang Shang.

If their relationship is not an enemy.

We must be able to drink and talk happily and become friends.

"whispering sound..."

Jiang Shang sneered contemptuously.

Obviously, he didn't take Gilgamesh's words to heart.


He raised his palm, pressed Gilgamesh's little head, and activated the Five Elements Escape Technique.


at this time...

On the edge of the battlefield...

A thin layer of mist gradually rises...


With the fastest speed, Hassan Baimao arranged the "Human-Repelling Barrier", but it was still a step too late.

"Is this... the true face of the Holy Grail..."

Diarmuid clenched his magic gun angrily, his face full of grief and indignation.

His eyes were red, even bloodshot.

They were originally heroes who left their own legends in the history of mankind, but now they have become accomplices!

It's a shame!

An insult to all servants who participated in the Holy Grail War!


"It's so sad..."

"What I once dreamed of is actually this kind of thing."

Even Arturia felt disappointed.

The last fantasy in her heart was also shattered at this time.

Feeling the depressed mood of the two, Joan couldn't bear to explain.

"Master Jiang Shang has long anticipated this catastrophe."

"Until the last moment, he was trying to stop the havoc."

"It is precisely to stop the "Holy Grail Ceremony" that Mr. Jiang Shang brought us together. "

"If it wasn't for that lord, I'm afraid more people would have died tragically in this catastrophe."

Joan explained complicatedly.

She is a straightforward woman, even a little too ideal!

In her eyes...

Even "Jiang Shang"'s unscrupulous behavior style can be understood as: for the sake of righteousness, he will not hesitate to get his hands dirty!

After hearing Joan's explanation...

The many followers gathered at the scene suddenly realized.

Everything Jiang Shang did seems to have an answer!

Jiang Shang held a detached position in the hearts of all the followers.

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