"Despicable outlander..."

"You...actually... plot against me..."

Ishtar said sadly.

She's so silly, really!

She naively believed that humans from 5000 years later would really (aeed) offer sacrifices to her!

The lady goddess had only spoken half of her words before she rolled her eyes and passed out.

I don't know if it's spicy...

Still getting pissed off...


Ishtar was unconscious, but Jiang Shang looked at the package in his hand suspiciously.

Kotomine Kirei personally made the "Mapo Tofu Stuffed" mochi. Is the power really so terrifying?

So powerful that even the gods can't accept it?

"When we go back..."

"Let Qili do more..."

"Maybe someday in the future, it will still be useful..."

Jiang Shang smiled happily, as if activated, some kind of incredible switch!

The luxurious golden light flickered from his hands, turning into his strongest treasure "Fengshen Bang"!

Under his control, the "Feng Shen Bang" unfolded in front of the comatose Ishtar!

Jiang Shang carried the unconscious Ishtar, and showed her funny and distressed pretty face.

Ruthlessly pressed on the "Fengshen List"!

The golden light turned into four bright words!


The name of this goddess immediately appeared on the "Fengshen List".


Her fate begins from this moment...

Like "Gilgamesh", he will become a follower under Jiang Shang's command!

After putting away the "Fengshen Bang" and "Whip the God Whip".

Jiang Shang controlled the "immortal rope" to fly into the sky, hanging Ishtar in the air.

After doing all this...

Jiang Shangcai turned around gently and looked at the two girls before.

"Feel sorry..."

"Let you see a joke..."

Looking at the two honest and well-behaved girls, Jiang Shang spoke gently.

"Ishtar" who came out halfway ruined his previous good mood.

From the perspective of "senior", Jiang Shang wants to be in the hearts of Gu Dazi and Ma Xiu...

Leave behind a glorious image of "greatness, lightness and justice".

It is the kind of important person who is like a "spiritual pillar" who can encourage her to go all the way!

"We should apologize..."

"Senior Jiang Shang..."

"Sorry, we were negligent before!"

Realizing Jiang Shang's "true identity", the girl hurriedly bowed and apologized.


Gu Dazi, who was beside her, had bright eyes.

Holding his fists with flushed cheeks, he stared at Jiang Shang excitedly with his small face.

"So strong!"

"Brother, are you a Crowned Heroic Spirit like "Solomon"? "

Gudazi looked at Jiang Shang adoringly, and asked expectantly!

Although she is weak, she trusts her intuition!

She couldn't sense any hostility from Jiang Shang!


Gu Dazi believes it!

This super powerful and gentle big brother is a partner in the same camp as her!

It is the senior savior who has experienced more than her and has saved humanity time and time again!


"I am "Grand Position"..."

"This time, I am in this world as a "Crown Rider"..."

"Obviously the "crown rank" is the most suitable position for me..."

Jiang Shang sighed regretfully.

But his words shocked Gudazi and Mashu again!

The terrifying strong man in front of him actually has two "crown places"!

Crown Rider!

Crown Rank!

I am afraid...

The reason why he was not able to appear in the world with the "crown position" is because there is already someone in this position.


Since this big brother said it himself!

He wants the position of "Crown Rank" even more!

That is to say!

There is between the two: the same stake!

The more Gudazi thought about it, the more excited he became, he even clenched his fists and excitedly shouted beside him!

"Brother, our purpose is the same!"

"Why don't we cooperate!"

"Get rid of Solomon and take his bird position!"

Gudazi said excitedly.

And her words were also transmitted to Chaldea through the "Silver Bracelet"!

"Cough! Cough!"

Doctor "Romani" who was drinking water didn't collapse for a while, and was choked and coughing continuously!

"Such words are not good for the heart..."

"In the future, don't talk about it..."

The doctor complained bitterly in a low voice. To know his true identity, it was the...


"Girl Lixiang, she has too much heart..."

Leonardo, who was holding coffee, smiled helplessly at the side.

But at the same time...

The stone that had been hanging in her heart fell to the ground smoothly at this moment...

She is a rare genius in human beings, after all, she is the invincible "Da Vinci"!

After Jiang Shang rescued the two girls and their identities were exposed, they still looked "amiable".

Judging from these two points...

The heroic spirit named Jiang Shang should be the rescuer invited by "Suppression Force"!

The Crowned Heroic Spirit who came into existence to restore the "Seventh Singularity"!

after all...

This is the Age of Gods...

The ancient goddesses gather here...

Those who are strong enough and have the ability to discipline "them"...

Even if you read the entire "History of Humanity", you can't find a more suitable candidate than him....

136. The Call of the Holy Grail!The Eight Servants Who Arrive on the Battlefield!

After learning of Jiang Shang's identity as the "Crowned Hero", Matthew was in awe.

She believes that cases like "Solomon" are rare.

The real crowned hero should be a great hero like the "savior"!

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