There is a not-so-good "something" that is now attached to this saint!

She is independent!

And deliberately concealing his existence!

If it weren't for the connection of the "master-slave oath"!

Jiang Shang can hardly notice the existence of "her"!


She is the "Ninth Servant" who disappeared inexplicably!

At the same time, it is also an anti-heroic spirit who lives in the world as the "Ninth Class - Avenger"!

It can be described as the worst existence!

And the reason why "she" will appear in this world is probably because of it!

Jiang Shang shouldered "all the evils of this world" and killed the original Avenger!


"Holy Grail Summoning" by him!

The "Anti-Heroic Spirit" will definitely be summoned!

The existence of this "Ninth Servant" is the best example!


After the mystery was revealed...

"I see..."

"Let me see what you want to do."

Jiang Shang showed a deep smile and murmured to himself.

He became playful for a while, and didn't tell Jeanne about it.

But with the mentality of "watching the fun"...

I want to see what the "Ninth Servant" wants to do.

If she threatened Joan's safety, it would not be too late to stop her.

"Jane is right, let's hurry up~々."

"If you're lucky, you might even have an exotic meal."

Jiang Shang motioned for everyone to set off on their way, and waved to Gu Dazi and the others.

He signaled them to follow along.


Ma Xiu looked at Gu Dazi in frustration, she suddenly felt that she was a little redundant.

"Let's go..."

Gu Dazi patted Ma Xiu on the back, and then happily ran towards Jiang Shang.

With a "crown hero" like Jiang Shang making the move, all she needs to do is cheer from the sidelines!

that's it...

Jiang Shang and his party walked together mightily.

The comatose "Ishtar" was still suspended in mid-air, looking like a salted fish.

She hasn't woken up until now.

There is a "Nezha" in the sky who is responsible for patrolling.

There are "Mordred" and "Bagster" on the ground responsible for the frontal charge.

There are also "Natalia" and "Habey", responsible for long-range artillery strikes!

As well as "Tamamo-mae" and "Jane of Arc", the mentioned increase, and range protection!

Apart from the relatively weak "Two Ceremonies", this team has almost no flaws!

On the way to "Uruk City".

Gu Dazi and Ma Xiu, as long as they protect themselves well and don't hold back.

As people go further and further away...

Until it disappears into the ruins...

From an inconspicuous ruined house, came out a beautiful woman in a white robe with long green hair.

He has a face that even a woman would be jealous of.

It's just that her expression is a little too fierce, giving people a feeling of being difficult to get along with.

"This nasty guy..."

"What's the reason? Even "Ishtar" has been subdued..."

"It's okay to make the Holy Grail with bare hands, but you can even summon eight servants..."

The green-haired beauty in a white robe frowned gloomyly.

His real name is: Jin Gu!

Its true identity is the child created by "Tiamat".

Based on the body of "Enkidu", the upgraded god-made armament!

More cruel than Enkidu, with more despicable methods and more cunning character!

It can be regarded as the successor model of "Enkidu"!

In fact...

As soon as the "guest from Chaldea" arrived, he detected an energy response.

Just as he was about to show up, as "Enkidu", he made a good relationship with the two.


Deceive this "the last master of mankind" and her shield-wielding servants in the direction of Mother!


That terrifying man appeared on the stage before him!

Not only rescued the girls, but even captured: the impotent goddess—Ishtar!

Jin Guben planned to take this opportunity to sell the sneak attack!


This mysterious man named "Jiang Shang" made it with his bare hands: the Holy Grail!

Eight "Servants" have been summoned directly!

It is different from the group of ordinary servants in "Uruk"!

These eight living servants are almost monsters among monsters!


Even Jin Gu is afraid of it...

If she showed up rashly, she might end up being beaten to death by everyone!


He could only hide his breath and observe quietly in the dark.

"` ~If this guy is allowed to live on..."

"It will definitely threaten "Mother"..."

A killing intent flashed in Jin Gu's eyes.

For the chance of "mother", that dangerous man is the one he must eradicate!


"I can't let him reach "Uruk City" alive! "

With killing intent flashing in Jin Gu's eyes, he spoke with a sinister expression.

Through his thoughts, he controlled the monsters scattered around, forming a wave of small beasts.

Controlling this wave of beasts, launch a death raid in the direction of Jiang Shang and others! (excellent)

And he showed a sinister sneer, obviously already thought of a countermeasure!

He wants to use this wave of beasts to gain the trust of Jiang Shang and others!


Looking for an opportunity to approach the man...

It must be very difficult to bear the huge energy consumption of "eight servants" at the same time.

As long as he can get within one meter, Jin Gu is confident that he can cut off Jiang Shang's head in an instant!

As long as that man dies, the eight servants who lost their master will leave the stage of their own accord!


As long as he captures the "Chaldea" people, he can easily achieve his goal!

With this genius idea, even Jin Gu had a confident smile on his face.

This appearance of "Enkidu" is his best disguise!

Unless he is an "all-knowing and omnipotent" god handsome!

Or have the ability to "predict the future"!


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