"Nezha" who is patrolling the sky has already seen the group of monsters approaching in the distance!

"Master, do you want to fight?"

Nezha looked down at Jiang Shang, and asked softly.

This "small beast tide" can be easily wiped out by herself!


Jiang Shang smiled and shook his head...

"Do not..."

"Let them go and fight them, and someone will help us get rid of them."

Jiang Shang showed a deep smile, and a playful look flashed in his eyes.

During this long journey, he did not use the "five elements escape technique".

They didn't even summon the "four different images" to ease the fatigue of the journey.

It's not stupid...


Jiang Shang intends to use "Gudazi" as bait!

Draw out the big fish that is hiding in the dark and waiting for an opportunity!

The last master of mankind!

The savior who fixed the "six singularities"!

No matter which identity it is, it is a threat that must be eradicated for that big fish!

From directly behind the crowd, a wave of beasts appeared strangely.

Obviously someone did it on purpose...

That big fish has already taken the bait...

141. Mordred goes to battle!A rebellious knight who controls Red Thunder!

3000 meters away...

The monsters temporarily summoned by Jin Gu are rushing across the land!



As time goes by...

These hundreds of monsters are getting closer and closer to the position of Jiang Shang and his party~!

A fierce gust of wind, mixed with a sandstorm that covered the sky and the sun, hit everyone-!

Those lion-like monsters, their eyes glowing with blood, have entered a state of madness!

Just when they entered the range of 200 meters, Jiang Shang nodded indifferently.

Indicate to the followers that you can start attacking.

The impatient Mordred is as violent as thunder!

A bloody thunder flashed in front of her!

Haven't waited for everyone to make a move!

She has already turned into a red thunder, crossing hundreds of meters of the battlefield!

"A mere beast! How courageous!"

Mordred showed a sarcastic smile, and quickly swung down the knight's sword in his hand!

The monster that rushed to the front, like tofu, was neatly cut into two by her!

Mordred was alone, standing in the beast tide, raised the corner of his mouth contemptuously!

The knight's great sword she held in her hand quickly unfolded and transformed!

This sword is called "Brilliant and Brilliant King Sword", and it is a weapon with the same name as the "Sword of the King's Choice"!

This sword was originally in King Arthur's treasury, symbolizing the sword of inheriting the throne!

More dazzling than any silver, it is the king's exclusive weapon.

It even has the ability to increase the "power of the king", which is comparable to cheating in fierce battles!

even though...

In the hands of "Mordred", this sword still possesses terrifying power!


Mordred raised the knight's greatsword in the air.

The violent blood-colored thunder surged out from the sharp blade, exuding violent magic power!

next moment!

The tumbling dark clouds obscured the sun's rays, and the sky became dim!

A bloody thunder flashed through the dark clouds!

Amidst a violent roar, streaks of red thunder fell from the sky!

The red thunder bombarded Mordred, right on the battlefield!

The monsters who had no time to dodge were under the bombardment of Scarlet Thunder!

With a shrill cry, his body fell to the ground in pitch black!

But in the blink of an eye, more than [-] monsters died tragically under the thunder!

And Mordred still maintains a contemptuous smile!

Enemies of this magnitude...

For her, it's not even a warm-up...

She appeared as a "sword rank servant", and she herself occupies the best rank panel!

The one who provides her with magic power is the third magician with "endless energy"!

Her face at this time is so terrifying that even she herself feels a little bit numb!

The magic power in her body seems to be inexhaustible!

No matter how much she consumes, she will return to a saturated state in a short time!

Mordred has never seen such a rich supply of magic power in his life!


Even she herself was a little ashamed, asking whether a rebellious knight like her was worthy of such a powerful master.


The father she has been looking for is probably more suitable for this responsibility of "saving the world" than her.

Mordred's excited mood suddenly became depressed because of that "Knight King".

She shook her head vigorously, trying to get rid of the king's figure from her mind!

Right now!

A magical beast that escaped the "Thunderbolt" by chance, opened its bloody mouth, and bit at Mordred!


Mordred didn't even look at it, and quickly reached forward with his left hand!

Go through the throat of the monster and directly crush the heart of this beast!

No need for anyone else to...

Even without using the "Noble Phantasm"...

Mordred alone, facing hundreds of monsters, can still unilaterally slaughter them!

This is the real strength that a "first-rate follower" should possess!


"So strong..."

Mash, who was watching the battle among the crowd, murmured in astonishment.

At this time, Mordred's powerful combat power far exceeds the "fourth singularity"!


If the previous battle really happened...

Without deploying the "Noble Phantasm", facing Mordred at this time, Mash can only be beaten!

"Master, do you want my help?"

Bagster asked Jiang Shang, and with Mordred's strength, he could easily solve it by himself.

That's why she didn't make a move...

But considering the upcoming itinerary, she thinks that time should not be wasted in this kind of place.


Jiang Shang smiled and shook his head...

He has already sensed that there is a powerful wave of energy coming from afar!

"The fish is hooked..."

Jiang Shang murmured inscrutablely, and said words that made everyone at a loss.

But the moment his voice fell, all the people present raised their heads almost at the same time!

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