"Special Servant..."

Jiang Shang murmured thoughtfully, he has no special "holy relic" in his hand now.

If it is summoned directly, it is limited by the special effect of "All the Evils of This World".

The servants in this world must be "Avengers"!

We all know...

Avengers are "problem children"...

It's already tiring to have one staring at you...

If it is not necessary, wait for the new "Holy Relic" to appear.



From Gudazi's bracelet, came an annoyed cry!


"I was distracted just now, I forgot to ask for directions!"

Doctor Romani exclaimed eagerly.

If there is no one to guide, it must be impossible to reach Uruk as soon as possible!

To this...

Gu Dazi raised his head...

Looking at the "Incompetent Goddess" who was suspended in the air and fell into a coma.

The clever girl immediately spoke excitedly.

"If it's a guide..."

"Isn't there still one hanging in the sky..." Begging.

148. Great wisdom Ishtar!The most domineering list of gods!

Ishtar had a very frightening dream.

She dreamed that she was pushed into "Ma Po Tofu Mochi Hell" by Jiang Shang.

No matter how hard you struggle, you can't reach the other side of hope.

This desperate nightmare seems to never end.

Just when she was numb and ready to accept her fate.

suddenly feel...

There was a warm palm gently patting the cheek that she regarded as taboo.

"Don't make trouble..."

"I...can't eat anymore..."

The sleepy Ishtar was talking in his sleep in a daze.

She was hanging in the air by the "immortal rope", she didn't even bother to move.

The dazed and cute look in that suit is very much like a girl who stays in bed on Monday.

The corner of Jiang Shang's mouth twitched slightly.

Looking at the incompetent and lazy goddess in front of him, he decided to give her a blow!

Jiang Shang put his head close to Ishtar's ear, and spoke in a soft voice. "Two thirty"

"If you're playing dead..."

"I'm going to put "mochi" in your mouth and continue to eat "mochi". "

Jiang Shang's voice has not yet fallen!

Ishtar stared in horror, and suddenly woke up from his dream!

"Tell me..."

"Where are the other goddesses?"

Jiang Shang showed an expectant look, and asked directly without any cover.


"What are you talking about, how could I tell you this kind of thing!"


"Do you know who I am!"

"Let go of me soon!"

After Ishtar woke up, he reprimanded Jiang Shang angrily.

After struggling perfunctorily for a few times, she felt the tighter and tighter "immortal rope", her little face flushed with anger.


"If I let you go, will you tell the whereabouts of the other goddesses?"

Jiang Shang showed a playful smile, pretended to be excited, and asked Ishtardao.

"This is..."

"Look at your performance..."

Ishtar rolled his eyes excitedly, and gave an ambiguous answer.


Jiang Shang showed a relieved smile. He raised his hand and bound the "immortal rope" that bound Ishtar, and then flew back to his hand quickly.

The golden immortal rope shrinks rapidly in size.

Woven into a beautiful golden bracelet in the sky, tied on Jiang Shang Baijiu's wrist.


The moment the bondage was released, Ishtar changed his face.

Before everyone could recover, she jumped up from the ground!

Suspended at an altitude of tens of meters, a triumphant smile appeared on his face.

The flying Noble Phantasm held by Ishtar, "Tianshu Maanna", also appeared beside the master!

This is the "God's Ship" galloping the world!

It is also a portal connected to the "Star Orbit"!

Even in the present world as a "mimic servant", the teleportation ability is sealed.

But "Tianzhou Ma Anna" is still an incredible flying treasure!


"You are so naive!"

"Hahaha! It's so stupid that you really untied me!"

"This shame, this goddess will never forget!"

"You wait for me! I will definitely come back!"

Ishtar, who was suspended in the sky, sarcastically revealed his true colors, Jiang Shang and his party below!

As the goddess of more than 4000 years ago, she is going to teach this group of mortals a good lesson today!

"Don't trust strangers easily!"

The extremely proud Ishtar drives his beloved "Sky Boat".

As everyone looked up, it turned into a flickering beam of light and disappeared into the sky!

In order to avoid the sanction of "Bound Immortal Rope", she can be said to be flying at full speed!

Gu Dazi looked at the sky blankly, and looked at Jiang Shang with some grievances.


Gu Dazi only said two words, and the atmosphere at the scene became a little weird.

From the beginning to the end, Yuzao, who was extremely well-behaved, even quietly covered her mouth.

She was gloating, smiling so much that her eyes were narrowed.


Jiang Shang was unmoved...

"Where can you escape without my permission?"

"Ishtar, come back."

Jiang Shang put his hands behind his back, looked at the sky calmly, and ordered in a flat tone.

Back in Ishtar, when unconscious.

Jiang Shang has already included her in the list of gods.

Jiang Shang's words are equivalent to the restriction of the "Command Spell".

Even the Goddess of Heaven in ancient times is powerless to resist!


at the same time...

Ishtar, who was flying at full speed while driving the "Tianzhou Maanna", had already seen his own building.

Recalling the grievances she suffered along the way, tears of excitement shone in her eyes.

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