No matter what kind of result it is, it will cause unstable factors to the next battle situation!

and so!

Even to kill!

It should also wait until the "Holy Grail War" begins, and Jiang Shang will do it himself!

As for...

Last option...

Mr. Jin, an enthusiastic citizen, has proved it with "practical results"!

This is a way to go!


His so-called guidance is in a bad direction, which is tantamount to pushing Kotomine Kirei into the abyss of hell.

Dye the gray soul into sinful black!


If it is guided in a good direction, what color will Kotomine Kirei's gray soul turn into? .

15. Albion!His Majesty Morgan broke the defense!

"Congratulations, you got: The Lost Dragon Skeleton!"

"The Lost Dragon's Skeleton: The last giant dragon in the Age of Gods Britannia tried to dig through the earth's crust and enter the sea of ​​stars, but died regretfully in the end..."



It is obviously the plan with the lowest "success rate", but it has become Jiang Shang's choice.

after all...

If you don't try it, how will you know the final answer?

Watch the rewards displayed in front of you on a virtual screen.

The Lost Dragon's Skeleton...

The first time he saw this "Dragon Skeleton", Jiang Shang already knew its name during his lifetime.

"'s you..."

Jiang Shang murmured reminiscently, even he himself felt incredible.

In this world, there are such coincidences.


Jiang Shang's actions aroused Joan's doubts.

"Master Jiang Shang..."

"What did you just say..."

Joan of Arc, who kept her spiritual body, asked with concern.


Jiang Shang shook his head complicatedly, but did not answer the question.

"Is that so..."

"Then I won't ask."

Joan replied understandingly, she didn't feel sad because of Jiang Shang's concealment.

Not only that, she also gently reminded Jiang Shang.

"Master Jiang Shang, I know you are under a lot of pressure."

" haven't rested all day, after breakfast, go get some sleep first."

"Although you have the strength of a heroic spirit, your body is still human."

"If this continues, even you will not be able to bear it."

Joan of Arc persuaded earnestly.

Although her mission is to assist the "savior of the world" to save humanity and prevent the world from being distorted!

But she is not, do not understand reasonable people.

Only when you get enough sleep can you work better.

She is still very clear about this shallow truth.



"I'll go to rest when I'm done with this."

Jiang Shang turned off the system screen in front of him with consciousness.

Rewards from the system, if he is not in a hurry to use them, will be stored in the "backpack".

Just like the "player's backpack" in online games, no matter how terrifying its size, it will only occupy one grid!

This is very convenient!


"Master Jiang Shang, what about Kotomine Kirei?"

Jeanne confirmed again.

"Observe for a while. If he is determined to become my enemy."

"Then I will personally act and erase him from the world."

Jiang Shang replied seriously.

Although he is not a ruthless person, but he is very clear about the fate of being kind to the enemy!


Before Kotomine Kirei showed hostility...

He will try to guide him to the right path...

"I understand."

"I'm going to check on that girl, so I won't disturb your breakfast."

After receiving Jiang Shang's assurance, Joan replied happily.


The aura emitted by Joan of Arc disappeared without a trace.


"The one who should really rest should be you silly girl."

"But the current situation can only be arranged in this way."

It was not until Joan of Arc left that Jiang Shang complained helplessly.


This situation will end soon...


As long as "Matou Kariya" returns!

Jiang Shang will use "Sakura" as a bargaining chip to control Kariya Matou and help him obtain the qualification of master!

No matter what class of servant he summoned!

They can take the place of "Jeanne d'Arc" and take charge of the defense of the Matou family.

To prevent such despicable enemies as "Emiya Kiritsugu" from appearing, launch a surprise attack on the Matou family!


"Let's go to the "imaginary number space" first..."

"I don't know what kind of expression Morgan will show when he sees this "Dragon Skeleton"..."

"I'm already looking forward to it..."

Jiang Shang talked to himself excitedly.

Picking up one at random, with a steamed pork bun, getting up from the seat...

He lazily stretched his waist, yawned long, and disappeared into the kitchen of Matou's house.


imaginary space...

The crimson sky is at dusk...

The giant Tower of Ending stands on the vast and open plain.

After a night of work by Morgan, the rough prototype of the world has been created.

The raging waves had already subsided at this time.

The original earth has risen from the water!

The dissipated clouds in the sky made day and night clearly divided!

The harmonious breeze sent the first batch of pollen to the farther shore.

In the hands of Her Majesty the Queen, everything in the imaginary space is developing in a beautiful direction!

"Morgan, go on!"

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