
"Get ready to cast the 'Noble Phantasm'! "

"Let seniors see our awareness!"

Gudazi turned around again, looked at Matthew who was holding a shield, and showed an encouraging look!


Ma Xiu stared at Gu Dazi, she just woke up at this time!

This is a trial!

Only by overcoming the immature past can she grow up!

Holding this shield, she can only resist the Noble Phantasm of "Goddess of Heaven" from the front!

Only then are you eligible, keep going!

Only qualified to save the world!

"I understand..."

Matthew clenched the shield in her hand, took a deep breath, and said solemnly.

at the same time...

At an altitude of several thousand meters, Ishtar also began to chant, the real name of the last treasure!

"This is all my strength!"

Ishtar sighed complicatedly, the moment she raised her palm.

Suspended behind her, the "Planet Projection" covering the sky emitted a fiery light!

"By the great day!"

"To the great land!"

The super giant sphere began to shrink rapidly, beside the unfolded "Tianzhou Ma Anna".

It turned into a spiral purple arrow!

Ishtar looked down with pity, raised Bai Jiu's palm, and pointed at "Quetzal" who was being restrained in midair.

at this moment...

Saying the final release spell...

"Crush it——!"

"Mountain Shock · Star Salary!" Beg.

163. Unfolding the Noble Phantasm: The Far-away Ideal City!

Above the sky!

Under the control of "Ishtar".

The purple spiral arrow is making a final high-speed maneuver!


It turned into a purple meteor and fell towards the ground below!

Turn the concept of "Venus" into an arrow that shoots out!

Even in the case of "mimic servants".

The power is enough to evaporate a radius of [-] kilometers in an instant, turning it into a bottomless hole!

Even after more than 4000 years, the "nuclear weapons" sleeping in silos are incomparable!

This is the strongest Noble Phantasm of "Goddess of Heaven - Ishtar"!

at this time...

Quetzal is being bound by the "Sky Lock" and "Immortal Rope".

Looking at the purple arrow falling from the sky, he stopped struggling for a while.

"so beautiful..."

Quetzal said in admiration, just as she had closed her eyes and was about to welcome her exit.

A pink-haired girl holding a shield suddenly broke into the scene "two four three"!

at the same time!

Gudazi not far away, the Command Seal in his hand flashed a dazzling red light!


"I order it with a curse!"

"Unfold the treasure and protect everyone present!"

Gu Dazi said with a solemn expression.

A dreamy light of azure shines from the armor of "Mash Kyrielight"!

The girl's magic power reserve at this time has reached an unprecedented peak!

"This is what heals all wounds!"

"My homeland of all grudges!"

Mash held up the shield with both hands, and thrust it into the ground in front of him!

"Show me!"

"The ideal city that is already far away!"

The girl's passionate call contains strength beyond despair!

Brilliant light particles rise from the earth!

In just a moment, it has turned into a majestic and magnificent holy city!

A translucent purple barrier appeared from the shield!

Cover the land with a radius of ten kilometers!

The people who were retreating stopped at the same time.

They stared at the "Holy City - Camelot" that appeared out of thin air, showing expressions of amazement.

As the "Knights of the Round Table", Mordred opened his mouth even more sluggishly.

She turned around slowly and looked at the girl holding the shield.

as if...

I saw the figure of "that knight"...


The arrows falling from the sky hit the barrier mercilessly!

The aftermath that splashed all around shattered the ground beyond the barrier!

The shattered dust, mixed with the fire that burned everything, turned into a giant mushroom cloud!

From this plain, soar into the sky!

In an instant!

The earth with a radius of hundreds of kilometers was shaking violently!

at this time!

Located in the center of the "explosion"!


Matthew wailed in pain, and the shield in her hand was trembling!

Feeling this terrifying power like "heaven and earth falling apart"!

Her faith has been tested like never before!

The powerful enemy she faced at this time reminded her of the "Lion King"!


Like the sound of "eggshells" breaking, it emerged from the barrier above!

The "ideal city" embodied by Matthew is also rapidly collapsing!

I can't stand it!

The current Matthew is still too immature after all!

In front of Ishtar's "Noble Phantasm", her faith is being brutally crushed!

Just when Matthew was about to lose his hold!

A powerful palm suddenly appeared!

Help the girl to re-support the shield that is about to fall!

Matthew turned her head in doubt, and looked at Mordred who rushed to her side at the first time.

"This shield you're holding..."

"The Knights of the Round Table entrusted with "King Arthur", a wish that could not be fulfilled throughout his life. "

"And... this rising ideal city!"

"But everyone in that era, the holy city that their hearts yearn for!"


"It must not collapse!"

Mordred said solemnly, she poured her magic power into the shield in front of her without reservation!

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