"A dangerous guy like this who has a clear purpose and is not restricted by the command spell is not worth trusting!"

"Qi Li, you are still too young..."

Tohsaka Tokiomi rejected his disciple's suggestion, taking advantage of his seniority, he even started to preach.

"You... said exactly..."

After the suggestion was rejected, Kotomine Kirei stopped talking.

Just when he was about to retreat, Tosaka Tokiomi's voice sounded again.

"Qi Li..."

"Since someone has already summoned in advance, you should also summon the servant in advance..."

"I'm worried that the Matou family will use disdainful means to violate the established rules of the game."

"So... we also need to rely on the power of "Servants". "

"Although it's a bit rushed..."

"But after all, your task is to assist me in the dark to obtain the Holy Grail..."

Tohsaka Tokiomi smiled deeply, the tone of his words was almost commanding.

Perhaps in his view, all of this is as it should be.

In the dim light...

Kotomine Kirei stood in the shadows, with that dull face, as usual, without any sadness or joy.

"I understand..."

"The summoning ceremony will be carried out as soon as possible..."

Kotomine Kirei didn't even think about it, he obediently agreed.

As his teacher said...

His only role in this Holy Grail War is to play a supporting role and support the aura of the teacher!

Kotomine Kirei's respectful performance made the teacher Tohsaka Tokiomi very satisfied.

"Qi Li..."

"At noon today, stay for dinner..."

"I just bought a batch of famous wine, and there is nothing more appropriate than to celebrate it."

Seeing that his disciple was so obedient, Tohsaka Tokiomi extended an invitation to his disciple.


Kotomine Kirei's answer made him a little stunned...

"No need..."

"Before I came, I had already eaten..."

"If nothing happens, I'll leave first."

Kotomine Kirei declined the invitation.

After getting permission from Tohsaka Tokiomi, he turned and left the magic studio.

Do not know why...

In Kotomine Kirei's mind, the figure of "Jiang Shang" emerged.

He actually compared the identities of "Tokiomi Tohsaka" and "Jiang Shang"!

Finally came to an absurd conclusion!


If his teacher is "that Heroic Spirit", how will it change?


Before performing the "Summoning Heroic Spirit" ceremony...

It is necessary for him to go to Matou's house, visit that heroic spirit again, and listen to his advice...

17. Jiang Shang accepts disciples, Sakura's imaginary number magic!

After leaving the "imaginary number space"

Jiang Shang went to the second floor, ready to visit Matou Ying.

This child of the Matou family, who was adopted by his biological father, is the second magician besides Jiang Shang to possess the "imaginary number attribute"!

不 ...

It may not be appropriate to call her a "magician" now.

after all...

As the second daughter of the family, although she knows about the existence of magic, she has never touched it!

Compared to my sister who has the omnipotent attribute of "five elements".

With special attributes, she is not suitable to inherit the magic of the "Tohsaka family".

This is also...

As a father, Tohsaka Tokiomi, the fundamental reason why she would give up on her...

Girl's bedroom...

Just as Jiang Shang walked to the door of the girl's room, he heard a slight movement from inside.

Girl, I'm awake...

After a moment of hesitation, Jiang Shang still opened the door.

at this time...

The girl who had just woken up was rubbing her eyes with her small hands, her dazed and cute appearance looked like a little angel descended to earth.

Because of the effect of "Requiem".

She forgot what happened last night, and just pretended that she slept until dawn.

"Wake up?"

Jiang Shang walked into the bedroom and looked at the girl dotingly.


The girl said softly, clutching the thick quilt with her small hands shyly.

She doesn't know Jiang Shang...

I don't know how I should call this elder.

Her introverted and cowardly character is vividly displayed through these subtle movements.

after all...

The current Sakura is only six years old.

I just separated from my parents and adopted into a strange family.

It's normal to feel scared.


"Sakura... From today onwards, you will be part of the Matou family."

"Your name is now: Sakura Matou."

"Your Uncle Kariya will be back soon, and he will take care of you then."

"You won't be so lonely anymore..."

Jiang Shang came to the girl's side, and he sat gently on the edge of the bed, pampering Ying's little head.


Hearing this familiar name, the depressed girl was like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw on the river bank!

"Not only that..."

"From now on, I will be your magic teacher."

"I will teach you "imaginary number magic" and train you to be an excellent magician. "

The gentle Jiang Shang, in order to cheer up the girl.

Under the gaze of the girl, he opened his empty right hand.

In the space above the palm, ripples appeared like circles of water.

A bronzing ancient book slipped from the ripples and landed precisely on Jiang Shang's right hand.

"This is a meeting gift from my teacher... to you."

Jiang Shang handed the "Fengshen Yanyi" in his hand to the girl.

"so amazing!"

"Teacher! How did you do it!"

The girl's eyes widened in amazement. Such a miraculous scene was like using an unknown space as her own warehouse!

Space to store!

This level of magic, even her biological father, has never shown it!

"This is "imaginary number magic"..."

"A magician with the "imaginary number attribute" is an existence that can stretch his hand into the gap between dimensions. "

"If you can find an independent dimension that suits you, even opening up the world is not impossible."

Jiang Shang answered the girl's doubts.

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