"You bastard, are you looking for faults!"

Ishtar looked at Thor, the "maid dress" of the same style as her, and his expression suddenly changed!

Compared to the more mature Thor, Ishtar is like a young middle school student!

There is more than a few grades of difference between the two of them!

Hearing Ishtar's voice, Thor's eyes flashed fiercely!

Her slender left hand mutated into a ferocious dragon claw!


"You seem weak..."

Thor, who almost died in the hands of the gods, hates these guys the most!

If the other party wants to fight, she doesn't suggest giving her a hard lesson!

Looking at the space between the two "maids", there is already a clear smell of gunpowder smoke!

Quetzal quickly stood up and stood between the two, playing the role of mediator.


"There are new companions joining, we should celebrate!"

Quetzal said with a smile on his face.


Ishtar and Thor snorted at the same time, and turned their heads away displeased with each other.

The uniform movements are like the virtual and real sides in a mirror.

"Come here..."

Jiang Shang sighed, took Thor's little hand, and walked aside.


Thor responded suspiciously, but she looked at "Quetzal" warily.

Do not know why...

The cheerful big sister in front of her gave her a very familiar feeling.

just like...

Where am I, have I seen similar monsters...


After Jiang Shang pulled Thor away from the crowd, he explained with a complicated expression 0. …

"Let's get down to business first..."

"The era we live in is facing a crisis of destruction..."

"I am the "Grand Heroic Spirit" who took this mission and came from the future world to save the world. "


"Be honest and obedient to me!"

"Don't hold me back, you know?"

Jiang Shang raised his hand and squeezed Thor's little face, warning this restless guy.

"Put it on me..."

Thor replied confidently.

Although she didn't know what happened here.

But the situation seems urgent, this human master needs her power!


With Thor's assurance, Jiang Shangcai pulled her back in front of everyone again.

After experiencing so many things in a short morning, everyone was a little tired at this time.


"You take them and go to rest first."

Jiang Shang said to Quezal.

This "Lord God" is the ruler of the city, and she is very familiar with everything.

Before going to the next location, let's take a short rest in "Eri City".

"Come with me, lovely sisters!"

"I will let the human beings here prepare rich food!"

Quetzal clapped his hands, like teasing a child, and motioned for everyone to follow her.

Jiang Shang also pulled Thor, who was out of gregarious, and went to the resting place with all the followers.


three hours later...

In front of the ruins of the "Ulu City"...

The virtuous king who came here was suspended at an altitude of several thousand meters under the power of the magic wand.

He looked down at the ruins below, his face became a little gloomy.

The magic power released cannot perceive any signs of life.

Except for the barren flat land at the core...

The dense jungle in the outer circle has turned into a bottomless hollow!

The huge pit with a radius of [-] kilometers is so dark that the real bottom cannot be seen clearly!

The weird scene is like a huge roaring mouth, roaring at these 4.3 virtuous kings!

"It's over!"


This is the masterpiece of "Ishtar"!

Only that moody and arrogant goddess can do this!

"Is that impotent goddess... crazy?"

"What the hell is going on here...?"

Gilgamesh murmured suspiciously, his "clairvoyance" could not see the past.

It is impossible to know what kind of terrible battle happened on this land!


A shiny bag below caught Gilgamesh's attention!

"That is?"

Gilgamesh showed a puzzled expression, he fell rapidly from the sky, and landed steadily on the ground.

He picked up the "potato chip bag" on the ground and looked at the eye-catching patterns and words he didn't recognize.

Gilgamesh, realize now!

This bag may be from the future!


"The "savior" from the future, has he ever been active here? "

He threw away the garbage in his hands, and looked at the "Eri City" further south.


That girl was right...

The goal of the "savior of the world" is obviously to go to the goddess! .

169. The Love of the Holy Maiden!A sneak attack that doesn't talk about martial arts?


Jiang Shang, who had just had dinner, was wandering around the city with Joan of Arc.

In a year of getting along, the two have already become close friends who talk about everything.

Even if they are so close: holding hands, there will be no strange sparks.

Joan looked at the surrounding houses with those dull, empty eyes.

My heart is filled with emotion...

Although Quetzal is a goddess, she doesn't understand people's hearts.

She only knows how to preserve the "kindling of humanity", but has never thought about how to maintain it.

In the prosperous city of the past, even a decent market can no longer be seen.

Everyone lives in despair.

All material needs seem unimportant in the face of the pressure of "death".


Just living until tomorrow is a luxury...


"Hey, this catastrophe..."

"When will it end..."

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