"I can give [-]% of the "King's Treasure" to you unconditionally. "

"Use it as the ammunition of the "Seal of Divine Power" for you to squander in the future. "

Gilgamesh's face turned pale.

In order to get Jiang Shang's assistance, he even gave away [-]% of his "King's Treasure"!

Jiang Shang smiled slightly...

He doesn't care how much the "King's Treasure" is, after all, he already has the authority to use it.

What he wants is sincerity!

The sincerity shown by Gilgamesh from this era!

"I have a young general under my command, and his name is: Nezha."

"She has a bit of an animosity with 'Jin Gu'. "

"If Jin Gu shows up again, she can stop him in an instant."

"But it can't be guaranteed. Subdue it, or repel it."

Jiang Shang sent another follower.

There are many more cards in his hand.

It depends on whether this "virtuous king" can come up with a reward.


"She should be the girl Merlin mentioned."

"Then what if..."

"How about adding "[-]%" authority to this king? "

Gilgamesh, when Merlin's description sounded, his eyes showed a hint of sternness.

Increase the opening authority of "The King's Treasure" to [-]%!


His throat had already begun to smell blood.

Considering the catastrophe that this era is facing.

He can only reluctantly give up!

Jiang Shang smiled with satisfaction.

He clapped his hands lightly, and a white light appeared from his right arm.

"Where is the enemy?"

"Where's the food?"

The yawning silver-haired girl looked listlessly around with her eyes downcast.

Jiang Shang forked a piece of yokan and stuffed it into the girl's mouth.

The girl's impatient and cute face immediately turned into a smile.

Jiang Shang hugged her fondly, picked up another milk cookie, and handed it to the holy sword girl.

"This is my "Third Noble Phantasm". "

"She is a "God's Weapon" forged by a god from another world. "

"Her body is a "sword", both in terms of performance and destructive power, it surpasses Enkidu. "

"She can help you get "Best Friend" back. "


Jiang Shang fondled the little head of the Holy Sword Girl.

She is also a "God's Weapon", the meaning of her existence is to kill!

She has a different concept from "Enkidu".

"Sword" is more aggressive than "Chain"!

Gilgamesh, shocked again!

But this virtuous king is not satisfied, he still wants to ask for more!

He stared at Jiang Shang in front of him, took a deep breath, and asked again.

"Besides 'treasure', do you have any other needs? "

"This king can satisfy you as much as possible!".

180. Siduri's Fate!Gilgamesh's Entrustment!

Inside the temple...

This deal is still going on...

Gilgamesh's questioning was completely within Jiang Shang's expectation.

For this virtuous king to travel thousands of miles to come here, what he wants is more than that!

Jiang Shang turned his head and looked at Ishtar who was leaning on the goal post.

And after seeing the appearance of the "Holy Sword Girl", Thor's face became ferocious, and his eyes were flaming.

As the maid selected by Jiang Shang...

Their performance is compared with real maids.

It cannot be said that the gap is too large, it can only be said that it is irrelevant.

"Ishtar, you're so unruly."

"Thor's cognition is biased."

"I want to find a priest, or a female priest, to be their mentor. Do you have a suitable candidate?"

Looking at the two wayward maids, Jiang Shang said with a headache.

The importance of this matter is related to Jiang Shang's future and whether he can live a stable life.



Gilgamesh, who was drinking tea, heard Jiang Shang's words.

He directly sprayed out the tea in his mouth!

The corners of the king's eyes were jumping non-stop at this moment!

Too much!

This request is too much!

Even if Ishtar is incompetent, she is also the goddess of "Uruk"!

The goddess she believed in was captured by the "savior" from the future and became a maid!

This kind of thing is simply unreasonable!


Gilgamesh is a "pleasure monster", and the alliance of the three goddesses is his enemy.

If I can educate "Ishtar" and let her change her ways.

The cruel sacrifices made by the people of Uruk during this period are not in vain!

"The head priest of Uruk used to be a pure person who served the goddess."

"It's perfect for her to be the etiquette instructor."

"When I return to "Uruk City", I will let her go to your place to stand by. "

Gilgamesh promised, pretending to be calm.

As a virtuous king, he has always been optimistic about the assistant officer "Siduri".

But she is not a warrior after all, and this "battle between man and god" is destined to be fatal.

As early as a few months ago, he already knew the ending of "Siduri".

Instead of...

Turn her into a "monster"...

It's better to let her follow Jiang Shang...

At least under the protection of that man, she will live happily.


Gilgamesh, just said those words.

Jiang Shang hasn't spoken yet, but "Ishtar" can't sit still!


"You arrogant bastard, don't you want to hear what stupid things you're talking about!"

"I am the goddess of Cthulhu! "

"You don't want to think about how to save me, but you are still here as a minion!"

"You...how can you!"

Ishtar's face turned red with anger, if she hadn't been restricted in her freedom!

With her willful and tyrannical character, Gilgamesh and this temple have been blasted to the ground long ago!


Jiang Shang nodded in satisfaction, he looked at Yuzao, and continued talking.

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