
Goddess of Warcraft, repulsed...

The joyous citizens of Uruk are preparing a banquet with the permission of the virtuous king.

The joyful and peaceful atmosphere dispelled the long-standing depression and despair.

Jiang Shang, who had been busy all day, stretched tiredly, ready to go to his bedroom and take a short rest.


When he came to the bedroom on the second floor, he saw a girl with blond hair and a shawl, tying a bath towel.

Suddenly someone opened the door and walked into the room majestically.

A trace of anger appeared on the girl's face.


When she saw the man who came in, it turned out to be her Master Queen.

She shrank her head a little guilty, like a child who did something wrong.

for a while...

The atmosphere at the scene has become extremely awkward...

"Why did you come to my bedroom?"

Jiang Shang frowned suspiciously, and questioned the girl with flushed cheeks in front of him.

"Because this is the only bedroom with its own bathroom."

"And there is magic blessing, as long as a little magic power is injected, hot water can be released."

"I just came back from the front line, and I'm covered in blood, please be considerate of me."

The girl rolled her eyes at her Master.

In order to maintain the majesty of the "knight".

She put her hands on her waist, trying to appear more mature.

But the more she did this, the more she looked like an immature child.


"You really worked hard today..."

Jiang Shang walked up to the girl and rubbed her freshly washed hair.

"Don't treat me like a child!"

"I am a rebellious knight!"

Mordred clenched his fists angrily, reminding his master not to forget his identity.

Since her previous life, she has been particularly disgusted by being treated like a child!


She is the son of "King Arthur"!

Her mother told her that she was the king's heir!

She has to be the best, stronger than anyone else!


Jiang Shang is too lazy to care about these...

From the perspective of "seniority", Mordred is a child who lacks love in his eyes!

As the husband of "Morgan"...

As the master of "Arthur"...

Jiang Shang will make up for the responsibilities they have not fulfilled!

"follow me..."

Jiang Shang took Mordred's palm and led her to the table.


"I haven't worn..."

Mordred said angrily, although she hated others, she treated her like a woman.

But this still can't change the fact that she is a girl!

The current atmosphere, no matter how you look at it, is a bit strange!

"` ~Be obedient to me!"

"Take it as a reward for you."

Jiang Shang pressed Mordred's pink shoulders, and forced the unwilling kitten onto the seat!

Mordred raised his head vigilantly, looking at the Master behind him.


"I have always respected you."

"If you want to do that kind of thing, the shaving fox is more suitable..."

Mordred's voice sounded a little flustered.

Do not know why...

She was suddenly a little scared...


What Jiang Shang did next dispelled her worries...

Jiang Shang's palm brushed across the space in front of him.

A "mirror" formed by magic power appeared in Mordred's gaze.

at this time...

Mordred looked at himself in the mirror and fell into a daze for a moment.

This familiar face always reminded her of that painful memory.


Jiang Shang picked up the comb and scissors again...

Help this girl who doesn't know how to dress up (Liao Nuohao) cut her beautiful blonde hair.

Mordred was somewhat resistant, after all, she was a warrior and didn't care about her appearance at all.

But Jiang Shang threatened in a dark way.

"Don't move around..."

"If it's bald, I'm not responsible."

Jiang Shang's malicious threat made Mordred bit his lip in shame and anger.

Sitting on the chair honestly, like a piece of wood.

Jiang Shang trimmed it one by one according to the hairstyle of "King Arthur", and braided Mordred's long hair.

15 minute later...

He coiled Mordred's long hair and fixed it with a princess braid.

He also turned the "Immortal Binding Rope" in his hand into a red hair band.As an ornament, tied in updo hair.

After doing all this...

He nodded in satisfaction, with a proud smile on his face.

at this time...

Mordred in the mirror is exactly the same as that "King Arthur"!


Even Mordred widened his eyes in shock, looking at himself in the mirror in disbelief...

"Father King...".

191. The Heart of the Rebel Knight!Upcoming father-son reunion?

Looking at the new image in the mirror, the memory of the past resurfaced in my mind...

Mordred is stunned...

She seemed to have returned to the "Battle of Camlan" and saw her father who admired and hated her.

Mordred's expression gradually became angry!

She suddenly raised her right hand, ready to scratch her long hair!

But Jiang Shang had expected it a long time ago, and quickly grabbed the girl's palm to stop her move!

"let me go!"

"I don't want to look at this face!"

There was a hint of anger in Mordred's voice.

She wanted to shake it off with all her strength, but her body couldn't do it.

She didn't know whether the Master did it on purpose or by accident.


This hairstyle made her very angry!

She can accept any grievances, but the only thing she can't tolerate is the current appearance!

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