
"There is something I must confess to you."

Jiang Shang pressed Joan of Arc's shoulder, forcing the girl to turn around and look at him.


Joan of Arc's red face did not dare to look at Jiang Shang at all, and even her tone of voice stammered a bit.

"That's right..."

"When calling you to the world, there was a little error in the ceremony."

"Servant number 9, the anti-heroic spirit with the rank of "Avenger", has possessed you. "

Jiang Shang explained straightforwardly.

Judging from Joan's recent series of weird actions, she must have noticed it a long time ago.

"It turns out that this is the matter..."

"I noticed it not long ago."

Joan of Arc's face looked a little disappointed, but more reassuring.

Although she did not have any outstanding performance in this operation.

But this Master has always been paying attention to her.

Everything that will happen is in the eyes.

From this alone...

It is enough to prove that this master has her in his heart.

"I want to separate you, but this process requires her to cooperate with me."


"Can I talk to her?"

Jiang Shang asked gently, he looked into Joan's eyes without any strange emotion.

"it is good..."

"I'll just let her 'come out'..."

Joan of Arc, who had already developed a shrinking mentality, closed her eyes decisively.

She relinquishes control of her body.

Pulled out "Black Joan" who was hiding in the dark and enjoying this good show from the depths of his consciousness!


Joan's blue eyes turned into dark gold.

Even the waist-length golden hair turned into a pale golden color.


The "Black Joan of Arc" who was suddenly pulled out showed a bewildered expression.

She blinked in a daze, then looked at the Master in front of her blankly.

Counting from the moment she appeared in this world.


This is her first time communicating with the Master in front of her.

"We're meeting for the first time, why don't you introduce yourself?"

"If it was you, you should be able to say a very cool line."

Jiang Shang smiled expectantly, and he raised his hand to touch Joan's head.

But by Black Joan, she dodged in embarrassment!

"Don't! Don't push yourself too far!"

"How can there be a master like you!"

"We just met, but you want to touch my head!"

"Even if you are the leader of the "Avengers", pay attention! "

Black Joan complained in embarrassment.

And raised his hand vigilantly, protecting his front vigilantly.

Because she was too nervous, even her body was trembling slightly.


She has been hiding in the dark, playing all kinds of tricks, and has been fighting the fire.

It's very similar to "Knowing the King of the Internet", but when confronting Jiang Shang...

Her appearance is not even as good as that of "Jeanne d'Arc"...

"All right..."

"Since you don't like it, forget it..."

"Hei Zhen, let's talk about business..."

Jiang Shang looked at the Hei Joan who was tough on the outside and soft on the inside, showing a kind smile.


"What do you want..."

"Just like "exorcism", drive me back to hell from this body! "

Black Joan's expression looked a little flustered.

Even her blushing little face showed an expression of grievance.

0····Ask for flowers·······


Jiang Shang immediately retorted...

"What are you talking about?"

"You are my servant now!"

"It's too late for me to hurt you, so how can I bully you?"

Jiang Shang sighed with a complex expression.


Compared with the dignified saint, and the noble knight king, this type of heroic spirit.

Joan of Arc, Mordred...

Such a decisive and powerful anti-heroic spirit is more in line with his expectations!



Black Joan watched expectantly, the Lord Master in front of him.

The master's eyes are very clear, with a gentleness that makes her not disgusted.

Not the kind of "pity" eyes!

No condescending mercy!

Rather closeness and an excited sense of identity!

More like a lone walker walking in the dark, the excitement of discovering the same kind!



That's right...

Human beings call this kind of "goodwill" as hugging for warmth, or sympathy!


She can vividly remember everything that happened along the way.

The strength of this master is so strong that Joan Hei remembers it deeply!

Even powerful gods, this master can subdue them, and there are more than four of them!

He easily transferred two cities with a radius of tens of kilometers!

His unscrupulous behavior style, cold-blooded and ruthless is outrageous!

But he is so gentle when he treats his own people.


The more you get to know him, the more "Jeanne d'Arc" appreciates this master!

Evil than anyone!

Gentler than anyone!

Smarter than anyone!

Stronger than anyone!


There is no "Jean of Arc"...

Then she and this Master will definitely get along very well!


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