Jiang Shang covered his mouth and turned his head aside tactfully.

"I'm going to use the materials to create a brand new body for you."

"When things here are over, you can go back with us."

"19 years old, just the age to go to school."

Jiang Shang extended an invitation to Joan of Arc in a gentle tone.

"go to school...?"

Black Joan showed a dazed expression, which was something she couldn't even imagine.


"Stop being an 'Avenger'..."

"You are a free individual, you shouldn't be Joan's shadow 0...."

"You should pursue your own life and do what you want to do."

"Although the world in the future will be full of material desires and people's hearts will be cold."

"But if you search carefully, you can still find something more meaningful than candy."

Jiang Shang felt complicated.

He thought of Joan of Arc, a life full of tragedies.

So I want to point out a path to happiness for the confused Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc was stunned...

In her eyes, there was an unbelievable...

Because of the gift of these "candies", she is ready to dedicate her life to the Master!


Jiang Shang not only recognized her...

And for a witch like her, she guided a path to happiness!


"go to school?"

"What school do you study?"

"What are you kidding about!"

"A sinner like me has no value at all other than fighting!"

Joan of Arc, who had broken her defense, pretended to be angry.

She couldn't bear to ridicule the Master who treats a sinner like her so tenderly.


She can only use "self-deprecation" to dispel this crazy idea from the Master!


Jiang Shang's next words completely destroyed her disguise!

"The crime you committed will be borne by me."

"As the "all the evils of this world", I have already shouldered the sins of 70 billion human beings, not bad for you. "

"Since you don't understand anything, you can't know anything, then learn!"

"You are my servant in 4.3, and it is my duty as the Master to be responsible to you to the end!"

Jiang Shang dismissed Hei Joan's self-mockery in a reasonable tone.


Under Jiang Shang's offensive...

Joan of Arc, who took off her disguise, shed clear tears.

She wiped it in a panic, but the tears couldn't stop flowing.

From the day she was born, she has never been treated so tenderly!

Jiang Shang took her hand and gently hugged the crying girl in his arms.

"Cry if you want to cry..."

"When you get used to this world..."

"I want to cry but I can't cry, there will be more in the future."

Jiang Shang comforted the girl in his arms in a joking way.


He didn't know about his actions.

Let a lonely soul feel loved for the first time.

Joan of Arc...

It has completely fallen....

204. First lap pillow?A little happiness that belongs to Hei Zhen!

Jiang Shang comforted the sad girl.

"Maybe your birth didn't start with happiness."

"But it can't decide your future life."

"What do you want to become, because you decide for yourself."

Jiang Shang gently patted the girl's back, helping her adjust her choked breathing.

Hei Joan, who burst into tears like a dike, poured out all her grievances at this moment.

She cried for more than an hour, and Jiang Shang's arms were soaked with tears.

And this scene...

But "Bai Jean Arc" all saw it...

Black Joan's performance is not even as good as hers...

With just a few words, she was completely captured.


Seeing Black Joan, she cried so sadly.

Joan of Arc softened her heart for a moment and did not stop her.


Joan of Arc, whose eyes were red, gradually stabilized before she spoke out helplessly.


"Is this you, the so-called easy take?"

"The one who seems to be captured is you, right?"

Bai Zhende had complicated emotions.


Joan of Arc did not respond...

The arrogant witch in the past has turned into soft fingers.

The hardest part of the body is only the lips.

"Lend me your knee, I want to sleep for a while..."

"I understand..."

"For such an excellent master like you, one day he will leave my side."

"But until that day comes, stay here..."

Black Joan said in a tone of "If you dare to refuse me, I will kill you".

With an arrogant personality, she has exhausted all her courage to say these words.

"Go to sleep..."

"Hope you have a sweet dream..."

Jiang Shang was gentle and intimate, he gently held Joan of Arc's cheek and placed it on his lap.


With a soft voice, he hummed a lullaby.

As the "third magician", Jiang Shang, even the songs he hums have the effect of reassuring the soul.

The singing soothed Joan of Arc's heart, making the girl smile happily and falling asleep soon.

at this time...

Outside Joan's room...

Semiramis, listen to the lullaby coming from the room.

A complicated smile appeared on her face.

"What a "unfathomable" Master..."


"I'm looking forward to it more and more..."

"A man like you put his heart and soul into the "sky garden". "

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