Jiang Shang showed a puzzled expression. He has lived in Uruk for several days.

Why is the decoration in the living room still the same as when I left?

Jiang Shang raised his head suspiciously and looked at the clock in the living room.

It was only a few seconds before he left...

That is to say...

Traveling through different dimensional worlds, time is completely separated.

For him, the world is frozen.

The reason why the past few seconds...

It's because he opened the "dimension channel"...


After learning more...

"Tohsaka family, how are you doing now?"

Jiang Shang asked curiously.

Too many things have happened these days, if it wasn't for the story of "Ishtar"...

He even forgot about the "Tohsaka family" which was insignificant to him.

"They're in the room..."

"My lord... are you okay..."

He Ye asked with concern, why did this lord "lose his memory" when he had just left?

"What can I do..."

"Go on with your work..."

Jiang Shang replied perfunctorily.

He took Allie's hand and walked out of the house.


He thought of another thing...

"Heye, help me buy a house in the city."

"When I come back next time, I will bring you some special products."

When Jiang Shang was leaving the room, he suddenly asked.

"You are too kind..."

"That's what I'm supposed to do..."

Matou Heye replied respectfully without any hesitation.

The Matou Patriarch of the "Family of Demons".

The huge wealth he has mastered is nothing at all if he wants to buy a house.

After watching Jiang Shang leave, he dialed the real estate consultation number.

Asked if there is a house for sale recently.


He got good news...

A gentleman named "Fujimura" happens to have a big house and plans to sell it...


in the hallway...

Ai Lei was a little surprised, looking around...

The modern architectural style has a great impact on this 4000-year-old goddess.


The memory from Rin gave them all the common sense to survive in this world.

But even so...

When you experience it yourself, you will still feel a little surprised.

Ai Lei, with flushed cheeks, was obedient and silent.

Following behind Jiang Shang, he walked silently.

Although the appearance, pretending to be calm.

But in fact, Ai Lei's heart is already panicked!

The Tohsaka family...

When she was in the living room and heard the name...

She has already realized that this world is different from the girl's memory!

The fate of some people has been rewritten.

This includes "Rin"'s parents!

3 minute later...

In the dim corridor, the door at the end looked so oppressive.

The two who walked through the mansion finally arrived at the area where the "Tohsaka family" was guarded.

"Are you ready?"

Jiang Shang looked at Ai Lei who was beside him.

The door in front of them is the answer.


"I am not ready yet..."

Allie's face became a little flustered.

The emotions fused from "Rin" are now affecting her judgment.

she is afraid...

To be precise, Rin is afraid...

This unprecedented panic made her unable to maintain normal judgment.

Seeing Ai Lei's flustered expression, Jiang Shang sighed complicatedly.

Just when he was about to speak to persuade, the door opened from the inside.

The girl with twin ponytails sticks out her cute little head and looks around vigilantly.


She found Jiang Shang and Ai Lei who was hiding behind Jiang Shang.

"`~Big villain!"

"What are you doing again?"

The girl spoke vigilantly, frowning angrily.

"I'm here to see you..."

"What you said last time was something. How are you thinking?"

Jiang Shang walked over dotingly, raised his hand and stroked Rin's little head.

"what is the matter?"

Rin Tohsaka blinked blankly, the six-year-old girl in front of her had obviously forgotten.

"Be my disciple..."

"Your sister has left you far away now."

"If you don't live up to it, don't cry in the future."

Jiang Shang bewitched viciously.


"I don't want to!"

"The Tohsaka family's magic is very powerful!"

"When I inherit the "Magic Seal" in the future, you will know how powerful I am! "

The girl proudly raised her small face and replied proudly.

(nice) and at the same time...

She also noticed the blond woman hiding behind Jiang Shang.

"Who are you!"

"Sneaky, you can tell at a glance that you are not a good person!"

"You are the accomplice of the big villain, aren't you!"

The young Tohsaka Rin became more and more angry as he spoke, and with his hands on his hips angrily, he fired at Ai Lei.

Allie's face darkened in an instant.

"You vicious little idiot!"

"I didn't provoke you!"

Ai Lei jumped over Jiang Shang angrily, grabbed Tohsaka Rin's face, and squeezed it into a funny shape!

The young Tohsaka Rin grinned in pain.

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