
Ibaraki Doji's aura was evil and demonic.

When she moves at night, her breath is far better than during the day.

This also leads to...

When Ibaraki Doji led the team to the ruins of the city.

Immediately aroused, Anna's alert!

Anna hid vigilantly in the ruins, and locked on Ibaraki Doji with unkind eyes.


As a monster, Ibaraki's breath perception is far better than ordinary followers!

Ibaraki sensed "Ibaraki Doji" almost before Anna found her!


"Little guy over there, I've already noticed you..."

"If you don't want to be eaten by ghosts, you should retreat obediently as soon as possible!"

Ibaraki Doji arrogantly raised his head, facing Anna's position, showing a provocative smile.

After hearing the other party's provocation, Anna also emerged from the darkness.

"You monster, you are also a follower."

"Who is your master?"

"What's your name?"

"What is your purpose here?"

Anna asked a series of three questions, questioning Ibaraki Doji on the opposite side.


Ibaraki Doji was stunned...


"I forgot to ask the name of the "Master"..."

Ibaraki Doji looked naturally dumbfounded, scratching his head in doubt, and muttering in a low voice.

That's right...

As a subdued monster follower, she doesn't even know the name of the master.


Ibaraki Doji's behavior was different in Anna's eyes.

Monsters are a group of cunning monsters!

Like Warcraft, they are all monsters that devour humans!


No matter what they say, they must verify it again and again before deciding whether to believe it!

"Do you think..."

"Will I believe this nonsense!"

"Since you refuse to answer honestly, then disappear for me!"

Anna's expression suddenly became fierce!

She sprang from the ruins, brandishing her crooked gray scythe!

Cut off towards Ibaraki Doji's head!


Ibaraki Doji has long noticed the hostility from this little girl!

She showed a ferocious smile, and waved the 310 bone knife in her hand vigorously!

Anna, who launched the surprise attack, was ruthlessly knocked ten meters away!

Anna groaned in pain, and she fell to the ground hastily.

The little hands that were numb from the tremendous force could no longer even hold the weapon steadily!

The opponent's strength is a bit scary!

Competing with such a monster in terms of strength is undoubtedly bringing shame on oneself!

"a ha ha ha!"

"Although I can't beat the master, it's more than enough to bully a little girl like you!"

Ibaraki Doji laughed wildly, she was carrying a hideous bone knife.

Leisurely walked towards Anna's direction!

Right now!

The sound of hurried footsteps sounded from a distance!

Mash, carrying a shield, appeared on the battlefield together with Gudazi!

"Miss Anna!"

Matthew looked at Anna who had fallen to the ground, and rushed up immediately.

She erected a huge shield to protect Anna, who had suffered a dark loss, behind her.

"You are here..."

"I didn't expect her to be so thin and small, but her strength is so amazing..."

"Matthew, I will leave the defense to you."

"As for the attack, just leave it to me!"

Anna frowned tightly, and said out loudly.

"give it to me!"

Matthew showed a serious expression, staring straight ahead seriously.

"Another helper..."

Ibaraki Doji smiled arrogantly, and snapped his fingers belligerently.

Sensing the aura on Matthew's body, she laughed contemptuously.

"Second-rate is second-rate..."

"No matter how many people come, the result is the same!"

"Waiting for your final outcome is to be beaten to the ground by me!".

220. Crushing battle!My Master, number one in the world!

Ibaraki Doji's arrogant laughter immediately aroused Anna's dissatisfaction.

"Stop being complacent!"

"The previous attack was only deceived by your appearance!"

Anna said angrily, she stood up from the ground again, and looked at Matthew.


Matthew understood what Anna meant, she raised the shield in her hand, and charged at Ibaraki Doji!

Frontal containment by "Mashu"!

Anna, who is in charge of the main attack, is looking for an opportunity to make a move!

This is the tactic chosen by the two!


But they far underestimated the strength of their opponents!

"The blood is starting to boil..."

"Fun... so much fun!"

Ibaraki-douji took off the package behind her, and she moved her body loosely after unloading the burden.

He didn't take his opponent seriously at all!


Seeing the distance getting closer, Matthew let out a passionate battle cry!

She waved her shield and slapped Ibaraki Doji!


Ibaraki Doji's speed is astonishingly fast!

She dodged back easily, and after dodging the attack, she quickly bent down!

Her slender leg passed through the gap between the shield and the ground, and kicked Matthew's ankle!


The severe pain made Matthew groan!

Uncontrollably, he rose from the ground and fell to the ground in embarrassment from mid-air!


When Anna saw Matthew fell, she immediately slashed at Ibaraki Doji!

The gray sickle draws a silver arc under the night sky!

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