It felt like there was a terrifying aura, and it was advancing at hundreds of times the speed of sound from more than ten kilometers away!

But in the blink of an eye!

A 60-meter-long dragon with black dragon wings stretched out to cover the sky and the sun.

In Ibaraki Doji's astonished eyes, he landed on the battlefield from an altitude of several thousand meters.

Those tyrannical dragon eyes looked down at Ibaraki Doji coldly below.

Wisps of fiery dragon's breath flames poured out from the gap at the corner of his mouth to the outside world.

Unstable distortions appeared in the burning surrounding space.


The bone knife in Ibaraki Doji's hand fell to the ground.

She raised her head numbly and looked up at the dragon that suddenly appeared.

Both lips and body began to tremble non-stop.

As a follower, no matter how strong she is.

It is absolutely impossible, it is the opponent of this giant dragon!

at this time...

Ibaraki Doji also misses.. young.

Shouted to the night sky: Master save me! ! ! .

221. Thor's Pressure!Ibaraki Doji, panicked!

The atmosphere at the scene...

All of a sudden it gets weird...

Because of the appearance of "Thor", the party that was originally at a disadvantage gained an overwhelming advantage!


Anna looked at the giant dragon suspended in the sky, with a shocked expression on the cute little face under the cloak.


"She's a senior's servant!"

Gudazi nodded proudly, the upturned corners of his mouth revealing an indescribable look of pride.

As early as they left, the seniors worried about their safety.

The dragon maid "Thor" was specially dispatched to protect them!

Of course...

Thor as a "nanny"...

I won't shoot casually...

Only when the girls' lives are in danger can they help them!

In order for this trial to proceed smoothly...

Thor did not go with the girls, but observed the current situation through "clairvoyance" more than ten kilometers away.


When Gudazi asked for help, she was able to rush to the scene as soon as possible.



The king at the top of the biological chain.

It is the strongest creature in fantasy!

Invincible power, eternal life!

The Creator's most perfect work of art!

Just the coercion released outside is enough to shock other lives!

Even the leader of the 310 Great Rivers and Mountains is just a bug in the eyes of the dragon!

In this day and age, it's something that can make her look high.

Probably only the "God's body".

The tyrannical dragon with a length of 60 meters turned into a dazzling twisted light!

In front of Matthew and Anna...

Transformed into a charming dragon girl in a maid outfit with golden waist-length double ponytails.

Thor looked at Matthew, his injured leg trembling.

She raised her hand casually, and a green magic circle floated in front of her palm.

A streak of green glare flew out of the magic circle and merged into Mash's injured leg.

The originally fractured ankle is returning to its original appearance at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Who did it?"

Thor asked with a gloomy face.

"It's her!"

Gu Dazi walked forward quickly, pointing at Ibaraki Doji who was sweating profusely.


"So it's you..."

Thor moved his fingers and walked towards Ibaraki Doji step by step.

Ibaraki Doji stood there blankly, she didn't dare to move!

His eyes were narrowed because of fear, and he was even prepared to be beaten.

Thor leaned down slightly, clutching Ibaraki Doji's collar.

This monster Luo Li, who is only "1.4 meters seven", is easily carried in mid-air.

"Tell me..."

"You are the choice, burned to ashes by the flames..."

"I still choose to be my supper..."

Thor smiled gently, and asked Ibaraki Doji who was carried in the air.

She was in a good mood today, so she generously handed over the choice to this monster girl.


"My master is very powerful!"

"If you kill me, that adult will not let you go!"

Ibaraki Doji, who was brutally threatened, said aggrievedly, the classic lines of the villain.


See Thor's ferocious expression, and the tyrannical dragon's might from within!

Ibaraki Doji, who is a monster, was so frightened that he covered his face with his hands and obediently kept silent.


It is the mercy of the goddess of fate...

Before enjoying supper, Thor habitually sniffed the smell of "food".


Thor gave a strange look...

"and many more..."

"Why is the "magic breath" on your body so familiar? "

"This seems to be the magical power of the "Master"..."

Thor murmured with some doubts...

In order to confirm the identity of the monster girl, she sniffed it carefully.

at this time...

She reluctantly made a decision.


"You bastard, you are not an enemy..."

Thor sighed regretfully, and put the food in the air back on the ground again.

In order to show her concern as a "senior", she also helped Ibaraki tidy up his clothes.

Make her look, look decent.

Thor's words...

But the people at the scene were stunned in place.

Even the doctor in "Chaldea" and Da Vinci were stunned (aeed)!




"I didn't offend anyone..."

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