
After half an hour...

The girls gathered around the campfire and enjoyed their camp meal tonight.

Crushed dry food, boiled salty jerky.

It is really a blessing to be able to drink such a bowl of porridge on a cold night.

"Miss Ibaraki, is the person lying on the flatbed a sick person?"

Matthew looked in the direction of the flatbed, because it was covered with straw mats.


She subconsciously thought...

"a ha ha ha!"

Ibaraki Doji couldn't help laughing out loud when she heard Mash's words.

"It's not a dead person!"

"That guy is Gilgamesh!"

"Inexplicably, he vomited blood and fell into a coma!"

"The main task of our "Dajiangshan Thieves Group" is to protect this guy! "

Ibaraki-douji burst into tears from laughing.

Gilgamesh, the virtuous king, is someone she hates!


Ibaraki Doji came up with this method to trick him!


With the culture of this era...

I don't even know what this kind of thing means.


Hearing Ibaraki Doji's words, Gudazi and the others showed expressions as if they had seen a ghost!

Maybe it was the voices of the girls, some were too noisy.

"Gilgamesh", who had been in a coma for a long time, finally woke up under the stimulation of the outside world.

The Dajiangshan Bandit Group, which was in charge of taking care of him, noticed it immediately!

"The king is awake!"

"King Gilgamesh!"

People said in surprise, and kindly helped him lift the straw mat covering his head.

A simple man stepped forward, supported Gilgamesh's back, and helped the weak and virtuous king sit up.

Two women poured a bowl of water and handed it to the king.

"here is..."

Gilgamesh drank the sweet spring water and looked around suspiciously.

"We don't know either."

"But go back in that direction, and you will be back in Uruk tomorrow morning."

0····Ask for flowers·······

Gudazi looked at the awakened Gilgamesh, raised his finger and pointed behind him.

"Where's Jiang Shang's group?"

Gilgamesh looked at the starry sky above his head, and he had a vague premonition.

He must have been in a coma for a long time!

During his coma period, God knows what that dangerous person will do!

"Senior, go back early..."

"We also obeyed his orders and came to eliminate the lonely monsters."

"What a coincidence!"

"It's here to meet you."

Gudazi responded with a grin.

Hearing Gudazi's answer, Gilgamesh's expression became even uglier!

"Mount Abif..."

Gilgamesh turned around and looked at the endless mountains behind him.

... 0th

Just when he was about to launch his "Clairvoyance" to investigate.

Some natural googling, yet another critical hit!

"King Gilgamesh, did you know that!"

"While you were unconscious, Senior launched another space transfer!"

"According to the energy fluctuation detected by "Chaldea", the area that was transferred this time! "

"More than five hundred square kilometers!" "

Gudazi opened his hand excitedly, and spoke excitedly with his small face.


The clay bowl in Gilgamesh's hand suddenly fell to the ground.

After hearing this horrifying data!

The virtuous king rolled his eyes on the spot and passed out again!


"The king fainted again!"

"Where is the doctor! Come and save me!"

Everyone in the Dajiangshan bandit group was in a mess again, anxious like monkeys on a hot kang.

Gu Dazi blinked blankly, and asked his companions to look at each other suspiciously...

The girls who don't know why, obviously haven't realized...

The horrible news...

What a horror for Gilgamesh, the wise king...


at this time...

Inside Uruk...

Jiang Shang, who was sitting by the river and fishing, seemed to have noticed something.

The upturned corner of his mouth reveals a schadenfreude smile.


What could make him happier than a fish taking the bait.

Seeing Gilgamesh deflated, it can barely be regarded as one of them... Beg.

223. Ushiwakamaru's Loyalty!The opinion of a loyal dog follower?

By the river...

Jiang Shang, who was in a good mood, continued to wait for the fish to take the bait.


The crisp sound of clogs sounded from behind...

Jiang Shang didn't turn around, but he knew who it was from the voice.

The opponent's movements are very light, and the gender of the person can be determined from the softness of the footsteps.

Equipped with a weapon hung on the waist, it makes a crisp sound when running.

It is enough to see that she is a swordsman...

As the distance got closer, the girl's breathing visibly trembled.

Judging by her voice, she's not too old.


In "Cthulhu City", candidates who meet this characteristic...

Only "her" is left...


A servant who lives in the world as "Class: Cavalry".

If Jiang Shang's guess is right, she should be in charge of patrolling tonight.

at this time...

"[-]" can meet here...

It can be regarded as a "fate"...


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