There are already followers, and I sent it to my door...

Maybe this is also a kind of "growth"...


"You should think about it..."

"Being my "Servant" is not as easy as you think. "

"My future enemies are far more terrifying than you imagine."

"If you don't pay attention, you will die..."

Jiang Shang persuaded the girl in front of him.

Before signing the "Master-Slave Contract".

He didn't want Ushiwakamaru to make a decision that he would regret for life in a moment of enthusiasm.


Ushiwakamaru had already knelt down on one knee, and then changed to a sitting salute.

As a samurai, offer the highest courtesy to the lord in front of you!

"This is exactly what I exist for!"

"As long as you need something, Niu Ruo is willing to give you everything!".

224. Demon Sword Muramame Appears!Two options for the Goddess of Warcraft!

Ushiwakamaru's strength is not weak, and she has been promoted to a "riding servant", although she does not have a mount.

But the ultra-high mobility has far surpassed many second-rate followers!

Her combat power level is probably at the top of the second-rate, to the end of the first-rate.


Can get unlimited supply of mana...

Ushiwakamaru will surely rank among the "First Class Servants".

It's just that the strength of the "Noble Phantasm" limits her excellent mobility.

more importantly...

With her rare loyalty, she will never disobey the Master's order.

Just for this...

She has already overcome, too many followers...

Jiang Shang would never miss such an excellent follower.


After signing the master-slave contract...

"Get up..."

Jiang Shang got up from his seat and walked to Ushiwakamaru.

Gently helped the girl who was kneeling on the ground to stand up.

There was a look of approval on Jiang Shang's face, and he was about to praise Niu Wakamaru a few words.

The fishing rod he put down had a change!

There is a big fish hooked!

Before Jiang Shang noticed that 04 arrived, the big fish in the river was already dragging the fishing rod, trying to escape!

at this time!

Ushiwakamaru exerted strength on his calf and rushed towards the river without hesitation.

Regardless of how icy the river water was at night, she jumped straight away!

Falling into the river, she grabbed the fishing rod that had been broken off with her left hand and swung it vigorously!

A big fish weighing nearly ten catties was thrown out of the river by her!

Ushiwakamaru quickly swam over, grabbed the gills of the fish precisely, stepped on the walls on both sides of the river, and landed flexibly on the bank.


"Congratulations on catching a big fish!"

Niu Ruowan came to Jiang Shang excitedly carrying a ten-jin big fish.

Even though her thin body was already shivering in the cold wind, she didn't care.

And this loyalty...

It's what other followers can't do...


Jiang Shang sighed and said.

It's just that he doesn't know whether it's the fish that he's feeling emotionally, or the loyal dog girl in front of him.

He raised his hand, and a ball of Samadhi real fire floated on his palm.

The fire turned into a scorching heat wave, drying Ushiwakamaru's clothes.

In the cold night, it provided her with a rare warmth.

"Thank you..."

Ushiwakamaru said from the bottom of his heart.

She lowered her head happily, not daring to look at the lord's expression.

If there is a tail at this time, it must have been wagging happily.


Suspended in Jiang Shang's palm, the burning Samadhi True Fire emitted even more dazzling light!

Under the reflection of the light, the black energy transformed from "all the evils of this world" strikes from all directions!

In front of Ushiwakamaru, it condensed into a mass of materialized black mud!

Jiang Shang flipped his palm and flicked the "Sanmai True Fire" in the direction of the black mud!

A series of shrill screams resounded through the entire night sky instantly!

Forged by the real fire of samadhi, the violently wriggling black mud turned into an evil sword!

"This is...?"

Ushiwakamaru looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief.

at the same time...

She also experienced firsthand how terrifying this lord's strength is!

Jiang Shang smiled slightly...

Hold the demon sword suspended in the air, and throw it into Ushiwakamaru's arms.

"This is the blade of vengeance transformed from "the evil of this world". "

"It's a weapon gathered maliciously."

"The existence of resentment as strength."

"Any living creature that accidentally touches this will be cursed by it."

"Just a little wound."

"The curse from the "evil of this world" will erode the mind of the injured. "

"Let him suffer endless pain and despair until death."

"Send it to you!"

Jiang Shang spoke in a calm tone, words that made Ushiwakamaru's hair stand on end.

"This knife is so terrifying?"

"Is it really appropriate to give a second-rate follower like me?"

Ushiwakamaru said nervously.

Holding the demon sword in her arms, she raised her head blankly and looked at the Master in front of her.

she doesn't understand...

Why, my lord, you want to use such a dangerous weapon...

Give her such a newly recruited general!

"Think of it as a greeting."

"You are my general. If your strength cannot keep up, you will be laughed at."

Jiang Shang said indifferently.

This demon sword is made of "the evil of this world" and forged by the real fire of Samadhi!

It is a genuine "anti-human treasure"!

Although the forging was a bit hasty, it still has a terrifying grade of "A+"!

Cooperate with Ushiwakamaru's mobility!

It is enough for this girl to be promoted to the top of the first-class servants!

"Since you think highly of Niu Ruo so much..."

"Niu Ruo will never let you down..."

Ushiwakamaru said excitedly.

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