Just wanted to make sure.


If the master has already decided to kill, but he can't bear to do it.

Then she will act tonight and kill Gorgon before everyone reacts!

By then...

Even if the master blames it, she will be alone and bear all the scolding.

after all...

Her class is "Berserker"...

If you don't behave rebelliously, how can you be worthy of this profession?

Just when the two sighed...

A rambling voice suddenly sounded from...

"I do have an idea..."

"It's just that it will be difficult to implement..."

A lazy girl's voice suddenly sounded beside Jiang Shang.


Jiang Shang's arms sank...

The silver-haired holy sword girl was already lying in Jiang Shang's arms, showing a lazy and comfortable smile.


"I'd like to hear it..."

Jiang Shang showed an expectant look and asked the lazy girl in his arms.

Thor showed a disgusted expression, and his neat white teeth were grinding.

"I've heard Jingu talk about the goddess called "Gorgon". "

"She's a 'composite divinity' fusion goddess, isn't she. "

"And the concept of the sword is to "cut". "

"That is to say..."

"Just cut her compound godhead into three parts again."

"As long as the godhead is broken, Gorgon will cease to exist."

"As for the shattered godhead, it has been transformed into three independent individuals."

"As long as they are hidden before being discovered, wouldn't it be fine?"

"In this case..."

"In the eyes of outsiders, you are the savior who killed "Gorgon". "

"The redeemed girls will also thank you!"

"Wouldn't it be beautiful to kill two birds with one stone?"

The holy sword girl said with a smile, raised her delicate little hand, and made a "yeah" gesture.


When he heard the old friend's nonsense, Thor reprimanded him angrily.

"What you said is absolutely impossible!"

"How could the fused godhead be cut apart!"

"What you said is not realistic at all!"

"Get out!"

While retorting, Thor crossed his hands and made a big "X" to refute the bad idea of ​​the holy sword girl.


The holy sword girl gave Thor a blank look...

"'~Ordinary people definitely can't do it."

"But if it's the Master who has the "Devil's Eye of Immediate Death", it's another matter. "

"As long as you avoid the "thread of death" and cut off the compound godhead, wouldn't it be enough? "

"Of course!"

"This mission belongs to me!"

The holy sword girl said proudly, and at the same time she showed a sly smile.

When Jiang Shang heard the explanation of the holy sword girl, he couldn't help laughing.

"You're right..."

"Although it's a bit troublesome, it's still a good idea..."


"You are too sharp, I am worried that when I use you to attack, it will be shredded together with the divine core."

"My "Magic Whip" is extremely domineering, Gorgon can't hold it against the gods and monsters. "

"How to seriously injure Gorgon without damaging the godhead?"

When Jiang Shang said these words, he looked at Thor beside him (good).


Regarding this point, the holy sword girl has already had countermeasures.


"The "sword scabbard" in your stomach is a very powerful treasure! "

"The scabbard is so strong, the matching sword will not be weak."

"As long as you can get that holy sword, won't you be able to break through the defense of "Gorgon"? "

"By the time..."

"Let the "Lock of the Sky" fix it. "

"Isn't she just a piece of fish on the chopping board, let you slaughter her?"

The holy sword girl proposed excitedly.

Jiang Shang nodded in approval, this suggestion is really worth a try.

"Sword of sworn victory?"

"I'm going to discuss it with "Artoria"..."

"By the way..."

"Tell her about Mordred as well, young man. "

"I'm starting to look forward to..."

"I don't know what kind of expression she will show when she hears "Mordred"? ".

226. The Sword of Promised Victory!Artoria is going to cry? !

After finalizing his idea, Jiang Shang set his sights on the "Sword of Promised Victory".

To be honest, he has been coveting this legendary "Holy Sword of the Stars" for a long time.

from long ago...

Jiang Shang wanted to come over and play with it for a while...

Just considering the serious character of "Artoria".

There is no suitable "reason"...


The opportunity was right in front of him, how could he not cherish it?


"Thor, help me clean up."

Jiang Shang put down the fishing rod in his hand and motioned to Maid Dragon beside him to help him clean up the scene.

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Thor patted his chest and assured Jiangkou.

After getting up from the seat, Jiang Shang stretched lazily and opened the dimensional passage leading to the "imaginary number space".


Holding the little hand of the holy sword girl, she disappeared in front of Thor.

imaginary space...

It's late at night...

After a busy day, "Artoria" did not forget to learn new characters.


She sensed the abnormal fluctuations in the space, and raised her tired pretty face in doubt.

With the opening of the dimensional channel, Jiang Shang's figure appeared in this room.


Artoria looked at the familiar face and asked in doubt.

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