This memory is like a dream.

But it is a miracle that even the Holy Grail cannot achieve!

Even her already dead heart was shedding hot tears at this moment.

Her biggest "difficulty in calming down" was resolved by this master.

Gorgon, who didn't care to wipe his tears, supported his huge body and slowly got up from the ground.

She looked down at the Master below...

at this time...

She has let go, all hostility...

"You're such a . . . good-for-nothing..."

"Even an ugly monster like me won't give up...?"

"In that case..."

"From today, let me serve by your side as an "Avenger"..."

Gorgon, with tears in his eyes, bowed deeply, and spoke softly.

She pressed her hands to her chest, feeling the beating heart.

Her "god core" has disappeared...

Instead, it was the holy grail wrapped in black mud, transformed into a heart!

And the person who gave her this heart was the Master in front of her.


"Can you get smaller?"

Jiang Shang looked up at the giant Gorgon and smiled wryly.

It's the same angle again...

For humans, Gorgon's size is really too much!


Gorgon nodded slightly, and after she closed her eyes, she used the skill of "Demon of Transformation".

She turned into a strange purple light, and under Jiang Shang's gaze, she quickly shrunk in size.


Transformed into a human figure with a height of "1.7 meters [-]".

The transformed Gorgon still retains a strong and slender snake tail.

She was wearing a black dress, but the scales on her legs were as dazzling as stockings.

Not only that...

The scales on her arms also looked like dress gloves.

I can tell...

This is the result of her deliberate attempt to distinguish herself from humans!

Except for Jiang Shang...

She still has great malice towards humans!


"It looks so much more pleasing to the eye..."

Jiang Shang looked at Gorgon in front of him, showing a satisfied smile.

"So what..."

"Are you planning to summon me as a combat force?"

Gorgon raised his slender fingers and pointed to the "Banquet of Gods" in Jiang Shang's hand.

The man in front of her pulled her out of the abyss of despair.

As a "monster", she has nothing to repay at this time.

I can only offer all my loyalty to the Master.


"I have carried all your sins so far."

"You should be prepared to "serve to death" for me. "

Jiang Shang smiled wryly and threw out the list of gods in his hand.

The list of gods surrounded the body of "Gorgon", unfolding a blank picture scroll.

"Just use me well..."

"Who will greet the end first, is it worth watching?"

Gorgon responded stiffly.


She bit her finger and wrote her name on the blank scroll with her blood.


A golden light flashed, recording her identity at this time.

Not Medusa...

It is the aggregate of the resentment of the "Three Sisters"...

It is the Gorgon who seeks revenge on the Heroic Spirits of the past!

Jiang Shang raised his hand, and the "Fengshen Bang" rolled up in the air fell into his hands again.

Jiang Shang raised his head and looked at the three goddesses in the sky.

He looked at the "Gorgon" next to him, and asked enthusiastically.

"Although they are still sleeping."

"But do you want to go and see them?".

237. System Rewards Released!The Magic Eye and the Second Summoning Ticket!

"just forget it..."

"I just need to be in charge of the battle."

"Master, you don't need to consider my feelings."

Gorgon hesitated...

Even if she gave up her life, she wanted to take revenge like a human being!

But at this time, a little flinched...


She has committed a crime that will never be forgiven...

Just living shamelessly is already a kind of grace to her.

See you again sisters...

Such a perfect ending...

Is it really a luxury that a monster like her can have?


She has become like this, are the sisters really willing to accept-her?


Jiang Shang looked at the hesitant Gorgon, he smiled and stretched out his hand.


Jiang Shang spoke gently, and extended a friendly invitation to Gorgon.

Gorgon's cheeks showed two blushes.

Although she was very flustered in her heart.

But the body reacted on its own, instinctively.

She walked in front of the Master, and stretched out her cold palm covered in scales.


Let this master, hold her palm, and walk towards the unknown space tunnel.

When she comes back to herself...

The scenery in front of me has changed from a barren plain to a luxurious white palace!

The "artificial man" wearing a white maid skirt is standing in the hall at this time...

When they saw Jiang Shang coming, they bent down in unison, exercising the etiquette of a maid.

They are the legacy of the "Einzbern" family.

Now under the transformation of "Angelica", she has become a maid loyal to Jiang Shang.

Usually responsible for cleaning the royal city, and trimming the garden and many other things.

Jiang Shang waved his hand, signaling the maids to leave first.

He took Gorgon through the wide and long corridor, and stopped in front of a bedroom.

He gently opened the door, and the warm sunlight shone into the room.

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