"You have moved two cities, aren't you satisfied?"

"Even this king's "Uruk City", you don't plan to let it go? "

"Do you really think that this king is a doll that you can knead?"

Gilgamesh got really angry and questioned the man beside him.

But Jiang Shang shook his finger, reminding Gilgamesh not to talk nonsense.

"I did this only with their consent..."

"I didn't try to grab it."

"Including Uruk now, it's up to them to decide whether to leave or stay."

Jiang Shang explained with a smile.

Kick this heavy burden to Gilgamesh again.

As the king, he can completely order to prohibit all citizens of Uruk from leaving.

It is even possible to issue an order to expel Jiang Shang and his party.


Take the whole of Uruk to perish...


Acquiescing to Jiang Shang's behavior, watching his own people safely evacuate from the dangerous place.

Whether to continue to be a virtuous king or become a tyrant is all in his mind!


"Even a guy like you can become a savior."

"This is really a great irony."

Gilgamesh sneered angrily.

From the perspective of a "savior", Jiang Shang is completely unqualified!

The desire and greed of human nature are fully demonstrated in him!

Hearing the sarcasm of "Gilgamesh", Jiang Shang laughed out loud.

"What do you mean by evaluating the quality of the savior?"

"The noble quality of being humble?"

"The Heart of Our Lady of Mercy Lovers?"

"Generous self-sacrifice?"

"Do not make jokes!"

"The so-called savior refers to the person who can turn the tide and bring miracles and hope when catastrophe strikes!"

"In my hometown, there is a saying."

"It doesn't matter if the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it's a good cat."

"This is also very suitable to describe the "savior". "

Jiang Shang sarcastically said sharply.

He is full of contempt and disdain for the so-called "savior".

Because he himself is an atheist and a realist!

To get something, you have to give something.

This is "equivalent exchange", the absolute truth that exists in the world!


Jiang Shang's words made Gilgamesh speechless.

"Brilliant sophistry..."

"But if you want me to be your servant, I advise you to wash your face and wake up!"

After seeing through Jiang Shang's scheming, Gilgamesh refused without hesitation.


"That's a shame..."

Jiang Shang shrugged regretfully, got up from the armrest of the throne, and turned to leave.

But right now!

The "virtual screen" from the system is displayed in front of Jiang Shang!


"The master is detected, triggering the main plot!"

"Make a choice and get the corresponding reward!"

"Option [-]: Help Gilgamesh successfully defend Uruk, reward: the qualification to summon a servant of the gods!"

"Option [-]: Reject Gilgamesh, witness the destruction of Uruk, reward: qualification to summon demon servants!"


247. Human Evil·Collect!Beyond the gods, reproduce the myth!

The sudden reward caught Jiang Shang's attention.

But he didn't make a judgment immediately.

Instead, in a lazy tone, he made a final announcement to the virtuous king behind him.

"There are still two days of respite before the "Raheem" ​​makes a big attack. "

"During this period, the servants under my command will try their best to help you resist."

"As for what's next..."

"Ha ha..."

Jiang Shang let out a playful laugh, and when the words fell, he had passed the "five elements escape technique" and disappeared into the temple.

Watching Jiang Shang leave, Gilgamesh frowned.

Miracles and magic come at a price.

two days...

It was Jiang Shang who gave him the time to make a choice.


He alone, leading scattered human guards, faced the attack of [-] "Raheem".

Until then...

I am afraid that even the goddesses will not help.

The only thing that might be left...

Probably only those two innocent girls from "Chaldea".

不 ...

With Jiang Shang's character, he will never let them stay...

The destruction of Uruk has become inevitable.

And that man...

On the ruins of Uruk, there will be a final battle with the Creator Goddess!

"Jiang Shang..."

"You are the first guy who even feels headaches for this king..."

Gilgamesh sighed wearily, resting his cheek on the back of his hand, and looked out the window.

The "clairvoyance" of this virtuous king is in an open state.

He saw everything that was happening on the street.

"Jiang Shang, no matter how the future ends..."

"The people of this king..."

"Just please..."


Now on the street outside...

Because of Raheem's invasion, everyone hid at home in fear.

And those human warriors who tried to challenge "Rahem".

They were dragged into the air by this group of cruel monsters, torn apart and eaten.

Or deliberately fall to the ground below from a height of hundreds of meters!

Blooming flowers of blood stick to the streets.

This group of unfortunate people with miserable deaths is even the treasure in front of Yuzao.

It cannot be revived again.


The heroes appeared in time and defeated these strange monsters.

Let this city return to peace again...


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