"Is it really possible?"

"My friends, can you really move here?"

Thor clenched his fists excitedly, tentatively confirming again.

Because of her excitement, even a little blush appeared on her pretty face!

In the world she lived in, the conflicts among the various races had reached an irreconcilable level!

Human Dragon War!

Dragon War!


A war between dragons!

In tens of thousands of years of life, Thor has experienced too many tragedies!

If you can...

Perhaps it is also a good choice to "migrate the whole family" and live in another world!

Although in the "Chaos faction" she belongs to, there must be some militant guys who will strongly oppose it!


There will always be dragons who are tired of war and yearn for a new life.

Not just ""Three Two Three" Chaos Faction"!

And the "conciliatory" guys!

For them, there should be more people willing to come and live!

It is precisely because of this that she is so excited!

This Lord Master gave her a possibility to quell the war!

"My world is quite big, and all your friends can come."

"But help to participate in the construction..."

"As their best friend, why don't you go and have a look first."

Jiang Shang showed a deep smile, and he looked down at the densely packed crowd.

With a free and easy wave of his arm, he took each "priestess" as the coordinate.

Beside them, a passage to the "imaginary space" is opened!

The flashing gray "dimension channel" appeared in every street in the city at almost the same time.

The tunnel is nearly four meters high and five meters wide, and can accommodate several people to pass through together!

"This is exactly the miracle of the savior!"

"The Gate to Paradise! "


"My lord, the savior, is standing on top of the temple and looking at us!"

Seeing this "miraculous" scene, the priestesses clasped their hands together excitedly.

The crowd gathered here were also shocked beyond words by the scene in front of them.

Hearing the voices of the female priests, tens of thousands of citizens gathered in various streets.

They all knelt down on the ground in awe and reverence.

There are tens of thousands of people scattered in every street of the city.

Maybe it's a coincidence...

This temple is the core building located in "Uruk City"!

It happened to be in the very center where everyone bowed down.

Standing at the highest point of the temple, Jiang Shang, he could see nearly ten thousand people kneeling down at the same time.

He looked down at the crowd below with a gentle smile on his face.

Such a spectacular scene...

Or for the first time in his life...

He is not someone who admires vanity, but he deserves the great gift in front of him!

For these ordinary people, he is the only salvation!

He is "Suppressing Power", the crowned Heroic Spirit who was personally invited!

His mission is not to defeat the "Second Beast: Tiamat"!

There is also the continuation of human principles, this matter of duty!


"There will be someone to receive you, and there will be good wine and delicious refreshments."

"Have the stable life you want and want."

Jiang Shang gently waved his palm towards the crowd below.

His voice is very soft, revealing the great love called "compassion".


The citizens of Uruk who were kneeling below did not get up for a long time.

They put their hands on their chests, raised their heads with tears in their eyes, and stared at the top of the temple.

They are just ordinary people, without the clairvoyance of "followers".

Even from such a long distance, they couldn't see Jiang Shang's face clearly.

Even from beginning to end...

The citizens of Uruk have never seen the "savior of the world" predicted by the king.

His existence is illusory...

However today...

Jiang Shang just showed his supernatural power a little bit, and everyone realized it.

Why is the king so sure, why is the king so excited!

Why did Wang, who had been frowning all this time, suddenly burst into laughter!

This situation...

It is the "answer" that Wang Wei never explained...


at the same time...

From the temple below, there was another heroic laughter!


"Uruk, will not perish!"

"As long as you are alive, Uruk will exist forever!"

"This king will stay on this land and watch you leave!"

"The next step is the final decisive battle. I don't have time to deal with your chores!"


Gilgamesh's heroic laughter resounded from the temple.

He is using his own way to make a final farewell to his people.

As the "King of Uruk", he is one of the oldest heroes in human history.

He will be with this "city of Uruk"!

even though...


He also wants to defend, the last glory of this era...

This is: the day of the farewell of the Age of Gods!


Gilgamesh's laughter made the people of Uruk who were kneeling on the ground look shocked.  …


They have already planned to abandon the king...


Not only did Wang not hold any resentment, but he readily agreed...

Wang's voice is very natural, without any affectation, as if he already knew it!


This amazing migration of...

It is the countermeasure that this wise king and that loving savior discussed together.

Many men in their prime of life looked at the weapons thrown on the ground.

They recalled what they had experienced in the past few months.

Before the savior appeared, the king was alone, bearing everything.

"I...will stay..."

A soldier with tears in his eyes grabbed the spear under his feet and got up from the kneeling crowd.

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