
That evening...

After several hours of migration, the city of Uruk at this time has become deserted.

The soldiers who chose to stay and defend have now been assigned to the command of "Olenida".

Divided into three shifts in the morning, middle and evening, they were deployed on the city wall of Uruk to serve as guards.

When Jiang Shang returned, he happened to see "Olenida" commanding the soldiers to protect the city wall for the second time.

For this follower, Jiang Shang still has a good image.


Brave King of Sparta!

Fight against the Persian army of 300 with [-] men at risk!

The "Battle of Hot Spring Pass" that was recorded in the annals of history has been talked about even thousands of years later.

have to say...

Gilgamesh, who summoned this fierce man who is good at defense, was indeed prescient.


The enemy that everyone has to face is no longer a monster.

It is the more dangerous, cruel, and intelligent "Raheem".

But it's really reassuring to see how busy everyone is...

Jiang Shang, who was wandering in the street, suddenly heard the sound of giggling laughter in a brightly lit room.

With curiosity in mind, Jiang Shang walked into the house suspiciously.

I just realized that there are a lot of acquaintances here...

Gudazi, Ushiwakamaru, Tamamomae, and other servants...


Tonight is their special show...

It was a well-regarded tavern before the townspeople retreated...

but now...

The owner of the shop has gone to 323 to take refuge with his family.

The drinks left behind were simply donated generously to the soldiers on the front line because they could not be taken away.

at this time...

Everyone is already drunk...

Even Gu Dazi who drank "wheat juice" had a big tongue.

"You really dare to drink..."

After Jiang Shang walked into the house, he complained about this group of guys who didn't forget to have fun in time.

"calm down..."

"I... am very strong..."

"Senior... watch me perform a...back...backflip for you!"


Gudazi said vaguely, just as she stood up unsteadily, about to do a "backflip".

Matthew quickly stepped forward to stop it!

"Master! You are drunk!"

Mash burst into tears, and looked at the direction of "Tamazao Mae" resentfully.

It is this thousand-year-old vixen who coaxed Gu Dazi to drink the "wheat juice"!


Tamamo-mae made an incredible sound, enjoying the wine comfortably.

The corners of her happy mouth raised a comfortable smile, she has become a useless fox!


Even Jiang Shang took out his notebook and drew another black bean, but he didn't notice it.


As long as you are accumulating two!

This big monster who is as good as a god can only be seen in the "Fengshen Bang"! .

250. The rotten crumb fox!The empress of civil engineering department recommended herself!

Inside the tavern...

Jiang Shang, who put away his notebook, coughed a few times behind Yu Zaoqian.

Remind this drunk guy to pay attention to the crisis he is facing at this time.


Under the stimulation of alcohol, Tamamo-mae, who was a little drunk, felt a little swayed...


"You come to drink too..."

"Drink with me~~..."

This charming fox, smiling sweetly, pulled Jiang Shang to sit beside him.

Don't wait for Jiang Shang Jiang Shang to speak.

A small celadon cup was placed in front of Jiang Shang.

That perfect fine craftsmanship is obviously not a work of art that can be forged in this era!

It is clear...

It was this "crumb fox" who was bored, who used fox fire and fired it secretly!

Just when Jiang Shang's attention was attracted by this exquisite cup.

The clear and mellow wine has already filled the entire wine glass.

"Uruk's land is fertile and flat, and all kinds of crops are harvested."

"This era has already appeared, and the prototype of wine brewed with rice."

"It only takes a little distillation to get the best sake."

The front half of Yuzao's body was already leaning against the Master.

The slightly drunken delicate face began to blush.

At this time, she interpreted the term "vixen" vividly.

A bold one, she launched a fierce offensive with a bit of alcohol!


The current situation has reached the most severe moment!

Jiang Shang must stay awake and think about the next solution!


Yu Zaoqian's actions just hit the gunpoint!

"You crumb fox!"

"Get serious with me!"

Jiang Shang, who was in the atmosphere, used his fist to drill the small face in front of Yuzao.

The crumb fox was in so much pain that it exploded on the spot!

"Ah, hurts, hurts—!"

"Stop it, stop it!"

Yuzao was so painful that tears overflowed, so she had to beg for mercy again and again.


Jiang Shang sighed helplessly, then looked at the other people on the wine table.

Under Jiang Shang's inspection, almost everyone averted their eyes.

As for Gudazi...

She drank "wheat juice" for the first time, and fell asleep sweetly in Matthew's arms.


Yuzao looked at Gudazi, covered her small mouth lightly, and let out a schadenfreude smirk.

As a great demon, she is an extraordinary existence that tramples on the law.

She is too lazy to care about human rules, as long as she is happy.

"Hey, you're big!"

Jiang Shang lightly knocked Yuzao on the head, and complained angrily.

Before eating the painful jade algae, he shrank his head and continued to enjoy the appetite brought by the food in the cup.

Jiang Shang's eyes turned to Ai Lei who was sitting in the corner.

Unlike other people's wanton indulgence, as a goddess, she drank fruit juice.

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