That's not the breath of "Morgan"!


Another unknown strongman...

This mysterious powerhouse is not inferior to "Enkidu" in its heyday!

Her identity is not even human!

It is an existence older than all known creatures, even gods!


"This guy..."


"In the did it happen..."

Gilgamesh sighed in bewilderment, even he found this incident strange.

Why would a creature like this, which existed billions of years ago, be willing to play the role of a gatekeeper!


Emotions are emotions...

He was more worried about Jiang Shang's safety...

It's too risky to hunt "Raheem" ​​alone!


Mutation happened!

From outside the temple, panicked exclamations suddenly sounded!

Gilgamesh frowned, just as he was about to get up from the throne.

A thin guard rushed into the temple in a panic!

"Oh no!"

"King Gilgamesh!"

"Raheem! The overwhelming Raheem!"

"The group of terrifying monsters invaded Uruk again!"

The guard reported loudly in panic. (aeed)

His face was full of anxiety and despair from the bottom of his heart!


"Absolutely impossible!"

"There are "Nezha" and "Ishtar" stationed on the periphery! "

"And that dragon maid from "Another World"! "

"How could they let this group of monsters break through the outer defenses!"

Gilgamesh yelled angrily.

The patrol team formed by them is the strongest air defense force in Uruk!


up until now!

He didn't even hear the sound of battle!

Could it be that they who were in charge of the "patrol" had all rebelled?

The indignant Gilgamesh quickly got up from the throne and walked towards the window.


He watched in astonishment...

A burly Raheem flew past his eyes.

And on the back of this "Raheem", Jiang Shang was sitting cross-legged on it.

And with a smile on his face, and Gilgamesh with a shocked face, he waved hello.

And in Jiang Shang's sky, there are densely packed Lahemu!

These monsters exude a powerful aura, like chess pieces, arranged neatly!

So many!

Let alone more than ten thousand!

But these Raheems all have one characteristic!

That is the neck, tied with a silver chain!

There was only one section of the chain, more like a shameful collar!

These chains exude a familiar atmosphere!

That was his best friend, the breath that belonged to Enkidu!

Heaven's Lock!


"You guy..."

"It actually... really did it..."

Gilgamesh looked at Jiang Shang outside the window, and he lost his voice in disbelief.

Jiang Shang smiled lightly.

"As long as it is an intelligent creature, there must be weaknesses."

"And I happen to be a careful person, and I can always find the "weakness". "

"Even Rahm, I can domesticate them into docile pets."

Jiang Shang explained gently.

After the words fell, he waved his arms in the direction of "Vanity's Sky Garden".

Issue new orders to the "Rahems" in the sky.

Vanity Sky Garden...

The magnificent royal city on the upper level is used to live in people.

The circular tower on the lower floor is used to store monsters!

The space inside is very narrow, it is not suitable for people at all!

There are no entertainment facilities, only neatly arranged rows!

There are as many as [-] "biological cabins" on standby!

The magic power from the "Holy Grail" will be transformed into nutrients and continuously supplied to the biological cabin.

Keep the creatures inside alive and stimulate them to evolve!

And these biological cabins are the pet dormitory prepared by Jiang Shang for the "Raheem"!


After ordering...

The Raheems lined up neatly, forming a strange landscape in the sky.

Under the watchful eyes of the soldiers, they entered the circular tower below the "Sky Fortress" one by one!

Gilgamesh's complexion began to become more and more ugly.

Raheem, who was originally a straggler, was already very difficult to deal with!


These guys know how to line up!

Under Jiang Shang's command, he can even skillfully switch battle formations!

This monster army consists of [-] "Rahelm"!

God knows what they can do!


It was not "Gorgon" who launched the attack but Jiang Shang's words.

I am afraid...

It only takes one day to level all the cities on this plain!

after all...

Whether it's competing for wisdom or the quality of monsters.

Jiang Shang has won steadily, and Gorgon has a head!


There is no comparison between the two...


"You guy..."

"Even this king is starting to rejoice that he is not your enemy anymore."

Gilgamesh sighed complicatedly, and he shook his head helplessly.


Emotions are emotions...

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