And the terrifying power displayed by "Vanity's Hanging Garden"!

The "Eleven Sons of Tiamat", which should have been the trump card, can no longer sit still!

Their purpose is very simple!

Through the "single soldier surprise attack", break into this sky garden!

Slaughter all the life inside in the shortest time!

But obviously...

They underestimated the defensive power of this "Heavenly Fortress"!


The death of a companion did not bring about any changes.


As long as there is enough time, there will be new ones of the same kind that cannot fill the vacancies of the "Eleven Sons".

rational enough...

It has even surpassed sensibility, cold-blooded and outrageous.

I am afraid...

This is also one of the reasons why they cannot coexist with humans.

The remaining ten "Raheem" ​​were still looking down at the courtyard below.

They have the protection of "God Tiamat"!

The strength far exceeds that of "First Class Servants"!

If you don't consider the "Noble Phantasm"!

These Raheems have reached the level of "Top Servants"!

Even if "Jean of Arc" fights against them, they might suffer a loss!

Just when many servants in the courtyard began to think about countermeasures.

Jiang Shang showed a deep smile, and gave orders to the followers.

"There are still 15 minutes before reaching the best gathering place~々."

"In 15 minutes, you must end this fight."

"Can it be done?"

Jiang Shang spoke loudly, in order to encourage everyone at the scene.

With a wave of his palm, he decisively activated the enhanced skill!

"A military adviser's long-cherished wish: EX!"

"Hero Creation: EX!"

Under Jiang Shang's strengthening skills, powerful magic power emerged from the bodies of all the followers present!


"Endless power!"

"I am now, I will never lose!"

Mordred, dressed in ordinary clothes, felt the soaring value panel.

She clenched her fists excitedly, and her eyes shone with excitement!

The humiliation she suffered just now, now she has to repay a hundredfold!

"You should wake up too..."

Jiang Shang spoke to the chain on his hand in a teasing tone.

When his voice fell...

The "Sky Lock" worn on his wrist turned into a dazzling golden flash!

Under the gaze of everyone, he transformed into "Jin Gu" again.

After sleeping for a long time, she was awakened again!

Jin Gu, who was floating in the sky, slowly opened his eyes, looking down at the distant scenery.

She saw the awakened "Tiamat" in the distance.


Jin Gu whispered excitedly.

At this time, she could feel that her mother was very unhappy!

He actually came towards everyone with anger!

Jin Gu looked down blankly, and looked at Jiang Shang with some confusion.

Her intuition as a "divine weapon" made her decide almost immediately.

The guy who made mother angry must be the Master below!

When she secretly sighed, the gazes of the ten Raheems had locked on her!

"Jin Gu...?"

"You 'failure'..."

"The guy who disappointed my mother, let me die!"

An irritable Raheem suddenly increased his speed, while yelling at Jin Gu, he attacked her!

The rotating left arm turned into a pitch-black spiral spear!

Prepare to use the explosive force of the charge to pierce the betrayer's chest!


The young Jill below has already seen the opponent's purpose through the "Omniscient and Almighty Star"!

Dozens of "Treasure House Gates" quickly unfolded from behind him!

A pair of peerless divine weapons shot out from within!

Swords and sticks!

Axe, hook and fork!

The prototypes of "Noble Phantasms" displayed terrifying power at this time!

The "Raheem" ​​that attacked Jin Gu saw dozens of weapons attacking from below!

It can only adjust its flight trajectory hastily in the air to avoid the attacks of those weapons!


Through the "omniscient and omnipotent star", Gilgamesh through the way of predicting the future.

Judging this monster in advance, the next dodge trajectory!

That "Rahelm" just flew to the right!

A spiral long sword pierced its throat!

"how is this possible!"

"A mere human being can actually..."

The shocked Raheem stopped abruptly before he finished speaking!

Because the Tianhua halberd that followed it pierced through its head!

Dozens of divine soldiers that came later tore its body apart in the air!

It turned into pieces of black flesh oozing blood and fell from the sky to the ground.


"Accidentally let this "brake species" stain the ground. "

Young Jill turned around in a daze, raised her smug little face, and showed a cute and innocent smile.


This black-bellied little bastard did it on purpose.

Jiang Shang smiled indifferently.

But he has already decided, when the battle is over, to clean the garden.

Leave it to Gilgamesh to do it.

Children have to be raised from an early age, even "Gilgamesh" is no exception!


Two companions in a row fell under the enemy's attack.

The remaining "nine sons" are also a little anxious.

"Go together!"

The remaining nine "Rahemu" fanned out in the sky!

They are respectively attacking different targets below!

What a coincidence!

One of the Raheems, the chosen target!

It is Gu Da (good Li Zhao) who has transformed into a "magic girl"!

"Master! Be careful!"

Matthew held up the shield eagerly in front of Gudazi.

Raheem's inflated left hand was like an inflated Giant's Fist!

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