Duck confit, roasted vegetables, beef stew in red wine, potatoes gratin...

Although for modern people, these dishes are not so rich.

But for Joan of Arc...

The Middle Ages she lived in, that chaotic era.

Such sumptuous food, even if it is a major celebration, has never been eaten a few times.

To her, it was the most delicious food imaginable.

"Let's eat together..."

Joan was a little embarrassed, so she could only invite Jiang Shang to sit down and enjoy it together.


"I just had dinner..."

Jiang Shang shook his head, he sat at the table, and motioned for Joan to come over quickly.

"Ah this..."

Although I am a little embarrassed, but the matter has developed to this point, Joan can only follow her heart!


She has nothing left to lose...

Joan of Arc sat at the table, enjoying the delicious food on the table, showing a happy smile.

She is not a picky eater, but the food she puts into her mouth with a fork is the most attractive beef stew in red wine.

Unlike Morgan, the elegance of being a queen.

Joan of Arc's appearance when eating is much more straightforward.

Even the tableware looks very uncomfortable.

Especially when cutting the oil-sealed duck legs, if she was not being watched by someone, she would probably use her hands directly.

Especially the small bread stuffed into his mouth, which made one cheek bulge slightly.

after all...

She was originally a country girl. Compared with the elegance of the royal family, this frankness and naturalness seemed more refined.

so that...

Getting along with her is not too much pressure.

Even gradually getting acquainted, you can play and play like friends.

You don't need to be under tremendous pressure like facing Morgan, and you have to consider the consequences of every move.

after all...

No matter how you look at it, Morgan's cold personality doesn't look like it could be joked about.


Jeanne's appearance while eating is also very cute...



"That servant of yours seems to have always been mysterious..."

"Even I haven't heard you say anything about her."

Joan of Arc was talking vaguely while eating baked potatoes.

This girl has been completely spoiled, and she doesn't even pretend to be. Maybe she also knows that with her cultural upbringing, she is destined not to eat like a lady.

In this case, it is better to let go and eat until you are full!

"About that..."

Jiang Shang scratched his face, and the expression of shame on his face became a little complicated.

Joan of Arc is a saint.

Morgan is a witch.

In the different countries where the two are located, a century-long war broke out.

If the two of them are allowed to meet, something bad will inevitably happen.

Because of this, Jiang Shang has not said much on this issue.


"I felt it when she was alive."

"Although what you summoned was a "Frenzied Servant", but the other party was a terrifying magician. "

"Her magic power can even block my perception, so until now, I don't know her real name."

Jeanne expressed her doubts.

As the Holy Grail War is getting closer, she thinks it is necessary for her to understand the power gathered by her side!

Now that Joan of Arc said so, Jiang Shang sighed with a complicated expression.

"She is not a heroic spirit in pan-human history, but a fairy in myths and legends."

"She is from Britain, and she has an indistinct relationship with the Eternal King."

"Her evaluation in the pan-human history is not very good, and even quite bad."

"So... I just..."

Jiang Shang's words were very vague, and he began to worry about how Joan of Arc would react if she knew Morgan's identity.

After hearing Jiang Shang's explanation, Joan tilted her head in doubt, chewing the beef while thinking with her head.


She seems to have guessed that the identity of that person is the same!

"Ah... I see!"

"So it is, so it is..."

"If that's the case, then it all makes sense."

"Hum hum..."

Joan showed a clear expression, she proudly picked up a piece of beef and pointed in Jiang Shang's direction.

And put on the appearance of a famous detective, Xiaolian said excitedly!

"Master Jiang Shang! I already know who the "crazy servant" you summoned is! "

"It's 'Melin', right? ".

30. The saint and the witch, the lingering monsters!

In Joan's bedroom

After hearing Joan's reasoning, Jiang Shang froze in place in astonishment, his brain entering shutdown mode.

He said it so bluntly...

Why is this frank and silly girl associated with "Merlin"!

Say it!

Gender is wrong!

Just when Jiang Shang was about to complain, Joan continued to speak with emotion while eating the beef.

"It's unbelievable..."

"The legendary sage is actually a woman..."

"Although her identity as a "Nightmare", for me who believes in God, she is an outlier among outliers. "

"But it's better than "Witch"..."

Jeanne sighed with a complex expression.

As a devout believer, as a national salvation hero guided by the Lord, participate in the war without hesitation!

never experienced love...

not enjoying life...

Not even a future...

At the age of 19, she was sent to the stake as a "witch" by enemies who feared her.

Scenes from the past emerged in Joan's mind.

She didn't have the slightest liking for the country called "Britain".

Although it is not the same era, the cruel war that has lasted for a hundred years has long been engraved in the soul of her generation.

A loathing that cannot be forgotten even as a Heroic Spirit.


Considering Jiang Shang's difficulties, as well as his own heavy mission...

She will fight side by side with each other!

But I will never become friends with her!



Big misunderstanding now...

But it looks interesting...

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