With the fastest speed, cut off this monster, the "thread of death" on the thigh!

Raheem's two legs were broken because of the "thread of death"!

It exploded into a pool of black mud, and fell towards the ground in embarrassment!

The two rituals who succeeded in one blow, while turning around to dodge, threw out the dagger in their hands!

Accurately pierced through the nape of "Raheem"!

And the "line of death" there is the largest and most conspicuous one!

next moment...

That Raheem's body suddenly exploded!

A large piece of black mud was splashed on the ground!


"It's not a bad thing to have a value worthy of being killed."

The two men looked at the black mud on the ground, and their clear voices revealed a sense of ridicule.

Just when she turned around and was about to pick up the dagger!

Another black afterimage suddenly flashed by!

Behind Jiang Shang, it turned into another monster!


Liang Ri looked at the monster and hurriedly opened his mouth to remind him!


Jiang Shang ignored the monster behind him and asked a strange question.


"New weapon, what kind do you want?"

Jiang Shang asked gently, his plain white palm waved towards the back!

It's easy to penetrate, that Raheem's body!

The monster whose chest was pierced stood there sluggishly.

dare not move...

Because this man's palm is holding its heart!

Just a little bit of force can crush this "heart" into pieces!



The two ceremonies squinted their eyes, and after a short thought, they spoke softly in an uncertain tone.

At this moment, the girl was somewhat confused.

I don't understand why my nobleman would ask such an off-line question on the battlefield.


"Then I'll satisfy you..."

After hearing the needs of the two ceremonies, Jiang Shang smiled slightly.

He held the heart of "Raheem", and suddenly squeezed it hard!

The monster made of "God's Mud" collapsed towards the inside strangely!

It's like a crushed "pop can"!

Under the astonished gaze of the two rituals, it was forcibly compressed into the shape of a sword!

The blood-colored scabbard is the color of blood tempered!

The black handle is the crystallization of the body after repeated compressions!

In front of the two ceremonies, Jiang Shang pulled out the sword.

The black blade is seventy centimeters long.

Come to the door and use ancient characters to imprint the nine-character mantra!

"Soldiers who are fighting, all march forward!"

"The name of this knife is: Nine Character Kanesada."

"Send it to you!"

Jiang Shang's voice fell.The blade was sheathed again.

He casually threw this "A+ rank" Anti-Person Noble Phantasm at the two rituals.


Holding the weapon, Liang Ri didn't know what to say for a while.

Turn monsters into weapons as gifts for girls...

No matter how you think about it, something is wrong...

277. The Wrath of Tiamat!What is this: Magical Girl?

Ryoji carefully held the Taidao in his arms, and then picked up the dagger from the ground

This "mysterious break" is the favorite of "Zhi".

If it is not put away properly, the child will complain.

The girl returned to Jiang Shang's side again, looking at the battlefield helplessly.

at this time...

The situation at the scene can only be described as "cruel"!

The Eleven Sons of Tiamat...

Sounds pretty convincing...


What they have to face is the real elite~sharp!

Young Jill!

The virtuous king flashes!


They opened the "King's Treasure House", and thousands of peerless soldiers, like anti-aircraft guns, flew across the air densely!

Bombed Raheem, running around!

There is no more prestige before!

As for...

As the "Sky Locker", Jin Gu can be regarded as his younger brother considering these guys.

The strength of her hand is relatively gentle.

That is to say, after "cutting off the limbs", they were bound into rice dumplings with the lock of the sky and hung upside down in the air.


Even Gudazi and Ilya have performed "Dream Summoning"!

Gudazi becomes "Avenger Hercules"!

Illya transforms into "Berserker Hercules"!

The magical girls who inherit the power of this "big hero"!

I am using the most brutal way to crush the enemies who don't know what to do!

That poor Raheem is under the siege of justice by the magical girls!

He curled up on the ground, covered his head with his beaten hands, and howled bitterly!

"This is..."

"Magical girls... the fighting style..."

Ishtar, who was suspended in the air and had been watching the battle, complained with black lines all over his head.


Quetzal raised his hands excitedly, cheering for the girls!

If Thor hadn't stopped him!

She jumped down a long time ago and pointed out these two "Magic Girls"!


Hero Maker: EX!

The military division's long-cherished wish: EX!

In the state of "Double Strengthening", even ordinary people can confront followers head-on!

not to mention...

The target of reinforcement is the "Servant"?

The duration of the battle only lasted for a few minutes!


Only three "Rahemu" managed to survive under the restraint of Jin Gu.

These disgusting monsters are only imitating humans after all!

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