"take it..."

"I will treat you as a senior. I will give you a gift before I leave."

Jiang Shang said softly dotingly.

As the "Third Magician", rubbing the Holy Grail is not difficult for him.

Gudazi took the Holy Grail in surprise, she could clearly perceive it.

The energy of this "Holy Grail" should be more stable and gentle!

If you make a wish to it, as long as it's not too outrageous!

Should be easy to do...

Gu Dazi held the holy grail, and his eyes immediately became rosy.

She embraced Jiang Shang's neck from behind excitedly, like a wayward girl.

"Senior! I don't want to be separated from you..."

"Or, you can come home with me..."

Gudazi said with tears in his eyes, his lovely big eyes were looking at Jiang Shang expectantly.

"Silly goose..."

"The future of mankind will not end because of this turmoil."

"As long as human beings are reasonable, it will continue..."

"One day, we will meet again in a certain world."

Jiang Shang, who was being strangled, did not blame the girl for her rudeness.

Instead, he fondled Gudazi's short orange hair.

His voice was as gentle as ever, full of expectation and encouragement.


"When we see you next time..."

"I will let my seniors see my growth!"

After Gu Dazi let go of his arm, he clenched his fist firmly.

This is the agreement between the two!

When we meet again next time, she will definitely become a qualified hero!

As reliable as this predecessor!


"Lixiang, Matthew..."

"The teleportation device is ready..."

Gu Dazi wore the bracelet on his wrist, and the doctor's voice sounded.


When it is confirmed that "Tiamat" has been defeated.

Everyone in Chaldea is already preparing for the "spirit transfer".

The time for parting has come...

It's time to say goodbye to everyone and start a new journey...


The doctor's voice reminded Jiang Shang of something difficult to calm down.


"Cough cough..."

"Doctor Romani, when the "final battle" comes, I will go there in person. "

"I hope you don't do anything stupid before I arrive."

Jiang Shang warned seriously, almost pronouncing the doctor's real name.

Gu Dazi showed a confused expression. At this time, the girl still didn't understand what Jiang Shang was talking about.

The direction of Chaldea also fell into a brief silence at this time.

1 minute later...

The doctor's gentle voice sounded again.

"Your guarantee is really reassuring..."

"I'll keep an eye out..."

"in addition..."


There are too many emotions in the doctor's words.


Only Jiang Shang can understand the true meaning contained in it.


"Before leaving, remember to say hello to that king."

"If there are no accidents, he should have prepared gifts for you, too."

Jiang Shang smiled gently and said his final farewell.

He has already seen the picture of the future through "clairvoyance".

Shortly after...

They will meet again...


The girls from "Chaldea" left reluctantly.

Jiang Shangcai turned his gaze to everyone present.

"Semiramis, you are in charge of the "second stage" of the Sky Garden. "

Jiang Shang looked at the "Empress of Assyria" and gave the latest instructions.

0····Ask for flowers·······

"Please rest assured and leave it to me..."


"Master, I have a request..."

"Can I also include my name in the "Fengshen List"? "

Semiramis asked sincerely.


Still a little nervous...

As the "Empress of Assyria", she is not without desires.

She can respond to the call of the "Holy Grail" in order to realize her ambition!

Eternal life!

Domination forever!

Like many emperors in human history, she is pursuing eternity!


The Master's "Conferred God List" is a kind of shackle and a restriction for that group of gods.



For an "ordinary follower" like her, it means: Immortality!

Even with mortal wounds!

Even if the "Spiritual Foundation" collapses!

As long as the "real name" is recorded in the list, it can be resurrected again!

at this point...

The "Mayan Lord God" has personally tested it!


Semiramis would urgently make such a request!


"You should think about it..."

"It's a blessing and a curse..."

"Before making a decision, you should think again."

Jiang Shang smiled playfully.

He made a random move, and the gorgeous brilliance, right on his right hand, turned into the main body of the "Fengshen Bang".

Semiramis was the first one to join the "God Ranking" on his own initiative.

"I'm not a child."

"It's not just a moment of brain fever."

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