That's exactly why...


Jiang Shang smiled after hearing Skadi's answer.


"I don't know if the god's clay of "Tiamat" is qualified? "begging.

298. Fear of lack of firepower?Jiang Shang's Valkyrie Legion!

God's mud!

Even "Skaha Skadi", the last god of Norse mythology!

When they heard "God's Clay", they couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

"God's Mud..."

"It is more than enough to make a "mass-produced model". "

"If the quality is good, it can be made into a container to hold the spirit base of the "Valkyrie". "

Skadi spoke truthfully.

What is the concept of God's Mud?

The material to make "Enkidu" is the clay of God!

For Skadi, "God's Mud" is the best material!


"Is that so..."

"So what do you think of 'this'? "

Jiang Shang smiled deeply, and suddenly snapped his fingers!

A gray space crack unfolded in front of him and Skadi.

A humanoid "Raheem" ​​crawled out from the inside using both hands and feet!

This terrifying monster with the "Sky Lock" tied around its neck squatted on the ground like a hound.

On the deformed black "[-]" bag, there is only a big vertically split mouth.

The purple-black tongue hangs disgustingly in front of the body, like a "licker"!

The moment this "Raheem" ​​appeared on the stage, Skadi frowned in disgust.

She raised her purple high-heeled shoes and stepped on the ground irritably.

Lavender transparent icicles brutally spread forward from under her feet!

But in the blink of an eye, the "Raheem" ​​was frozen in place!


Raheem's deformed body, just inside the icicle, dissolved into a puddle of liquid black mud!



"Are you pissing me off?"

"This kind of useless failure is a waste of such good material."

"Go back and remake it, that's its proper destiny."

Scotty said angrily.

The master's behavior is simply burning money like firewood in front of ordinary people!


Apart from this word, Scati couldn't think of a better adjective!


Hearing Skadi's answer, Jiang Shang waved his hands with a complicated expression.

"You misunderstood me..."

"This is a randomly generated life form from Tiamat. "

"I just caught 'a few'. "

"You feel ugly, and I feel disgusting."

Jiang Shang hastily distanced himself from "Rahemu" and put the cauldron on Tiamat's head.


"It seems that something very interesting has happened in this world."

Skadi murmured curiously.


She raised the "magic wand" in her hand and flicked across the void.

A string of mysterious "Rune Runes" burst into dazzling light.

The frozen "God's Mud" inside the icicle is like boiling water, burning away the impurities in the body!

After a few minutes...

The "God's Mud" that burnt away impurities turned into flawless white!

Skadi waved his wand again and wrote a second string of "Rune Runes" in the air.

The "God's Mud" inside the icicle, like soft plasticine, was divided into three parts by Skadi.

The largest material, turned into a pretty girl with a height of less than 1.6 meters and a delicate figure!

The second material, attached to the girl's body, turned into tough white armor.

The final material turned into a golden round shield, attached to the girl's arm.

The wand in Skadi's hand waved again.

The "icicle" that trapped the girl shattered instantly!

At the moment of contact with the outside world, the sleeping Valkyrie slowly opened her eyes.

In the golden pupils, a sacred halo lit up.

The divine radiance turned into gorgeous wings of light behind the girl.

"Valkyrie, activate."

"Master, please order."

The cold girl's voice was devoid of any emotion.

She is just a weapon of war without emotion!

No fear, no mercy.

Not afraid of life and death, absolutely loyal!

Absorbed the foundation of "Raheem", so that she has the ability to fight when she is born!

Even if you don't unlock the "Noble Phantasm", you still have the terrifying combat power of a second-rate follower!



Jiang Shang looked at the Valkyrie in front of him and admired him from the bottom of his heart.

A "beautiful" and "deadly" Valkyrie like this is in line with his aesthetics!


This "Valkyrie Legion"!

Even if it is unscrupulous, Jiang Shang will get it!


Jiang Shang's admiration, and the satisfaction and excitement written on his face.

Let Skadi raise her head proudly, showing a proud look like a queen.


"Of course..."

"Valkyrie, as daughters of the Great God, they are the bravest warriors. "

Scotty said proudly.

for a while...

Even the "vanilla cone" in my hand has become more delicious.

"How many 'Valkyries' like this can you make? "

Jiang Shang asked again.

Judging from the previous performance of "Skadi", one can be built in 10 minutes.

Only one hour can make: six.

Only one day: 140 four.

Want to reach the scale in Jiang Shang's heart!

Even without sleep, without eating or drinking, it will take three months!


"It takes the same amount of time to make one as to make ten."

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