Skadi looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction.

This is only the first step of the "Jiang Shang" plan, and more Valkyries will be born in the future.

Jiang Shang's enemies are not local gods!

It's a alien god from outside the sky, or a powerful enemy from other worlds!


He needs more...

In order to realize the master's wish, Skadi is willing to contribute.

For future work...

She even installed a magic lamp on the dark and oppressive circular tower!

The shining light dispels all darkness.

Let here (aeed) be daylight all the time.

Not only that...

There are also "Einzbern" maids who are in charge of daily cleaning.

For "Skaha Skadi"...

Only such a clean and tidy environment can barely be used as a cradle for hatching "Valkyrie".


"It's finally over..."

Jin Gu stretched lazily, wearing a black and white maid skirt, showing amazing curves.

During this time, she has been staying here, assisting Skadi.


"But they need a team leader..."

"I'm going to talk to the Master, I want to summon the spirit foundation of "Valkyrie". "

"Let those girls take care of them and lead the "Valkyrie Legion" to fight. "

Skadi revealed his next plan.

She wanted to inform Jiang Shang through "Jin Gu".

after all...

This kind of thing should be approved by the Master.

"Is that so..."

"You can decide for yourself."

"You don't need the master's consent, just do it."

"Our Master is a very gentle and good man."

In Jin Gu's mind, the figure of Jiang Shang emerged, and there were many longings and burning passions in her eyes.

She answered Skadi's concerns in a firm tone.


Scotty tilted his head suspiciously.

In the past few days, she has also had a lot of contact with other followers.

From their conversation, she already knew Jiang Shang's character to some extent.


Treat the enemy with extreme cruelty.

Treat subordinates like family members.

Even the vile "Gilgamesh" was given a high evaluation.



"Master, he is currently studying the "Second Magic". "

"In "Ms. Morgan's" palace. "

"The "time flow" there is even faster than here. "

"It is said..."

"Ms. Morgan, you also have some skills..."

"She has built a teleportation crystal named "Ether" in the main city. "

"Just touch the crystal and master the "teleportation" magic. "

"No matter where it is, it can be teleported back to the "Holy City Camelot". "

"It's incredible..."

Jin Gu said with a look of yearning, her eyes contained excitement and excitement.

The fairies living in the "Holy City of Camelot" are the children of their mothers.

Also her "brother and sister"...

It is different from those "Raheem" ​​who have no conscience and take pleasure in killing.

They are in line with the characteristics of "new human beings"!

As the "sister", Jin Gu has long been eager to see through!

She wants to move there to live and take care of her younger siblings!

"Second Magic..."

Skadi showed a surprised expression. As the last main god of Northern Europe, how could she not understand the horror called magic?


They obviously don't know...

While they were talking, Jiang Shang had already finished his training.


Even his "stand-in: easy to do evil" has undergone some significant changes...

302. The New Ability of Stand!Unsolvable parallel world cut!

in the bedroom...

Jiang Shang slowly opened his eyes...

Through Gem Weng's memory, Jiang Shang found a way to connect to the "root".

With the help of "Alaya", Jiang Shang has another new magic circuit in his body!

The second so far, the magic circuit connected to the "root"!

The moment he mastered the "Second Magic", there was a broken sound in his mind.

Evil is easy to do!

at this time...

The body, which is prone to evil deeds, is undergoing an indescribable collapse!


Its body is being annihilated, ushering in a new rebirth!

Just like "Phoenix Nirvana", seeking miracles in destruction!

This process was not as long as imagined.


The body, which is prone to evil deeds, has undergone tremendous changes!

The head stretches out, the blue wavy long hair, and the long erect ears become softer.

The broken mask reveals the beautiful upper half of her face.

The crimson pupils resembled the eyes of a rabbit.

Unfortunately, the lower half of his face was still covered by a mask.

The shattered alloy armor, the breastplate, was obviously filled.

The exposed body shape has also become more slender and sexy, which is obviously more feminine.

bunny girl...

Because of the strengthening of the "Second Magic"...

The appearance, which is easy to do evil, is changing towards the preferences of the "main body"!

have to say...

This is simply a big "bad taste"...



Compared with the changes in appearance, Jiang Shang cares more about the new ability of "Easy to Do Evil"!

Parallel world cutting!

In the blink of an eye, cut an "object" into countless parts and send it to the parallel world at the same time!

It's like...

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