Not to mention her nails...

Anything touched by a girl, even if it's just stained with sweat.

This deadly poison can steal the life of the target without making a sound!

no doubt!

She is an absolute "monster"!

Even if you are her "Master", you must be careful with her!

From the moment you summon "her"!

Amakusa Shiro, who is the "contractor", maintained a high level of vigilance.

A girl who has mastered the class skill of "Independent Action: A" is sent to the outside world on a mission.

its purpose...

Just to prevent myself from accidentally being poisoned by "Quiet Hassan"!


Even if it is an arm contact, it is possible to die tragically in her hands!


The atmosphere at the scene seemed a little depressed at this moment.

The quiet Hassan reported with a blank expression.

"The spiritual base reaction was detected, it should be the last "Master" on the red side. "

"Do you want to contact him?"

"Should I arrange him like "other Masters"? "

The girl who was the "Assassin" asked indifferently.

In her mind...

The man in front of me is not worthy to be her master...

Amakusa Shiro, like other "clients", dare not touch her.

And regard her as "untouchable", always be on guard against her.

this man...

Just a "contractor".

It's just the "gold master" who entrusted the task.

For such a "contractor", she will not have any emotional fluctuations.

All she needs to do is formulate and carry out the tasks he gave her.



"He'll come by himself..."

Amakusa Shiro showed a deep smile, responding to the followers behind him.

The lion robbed the world from...

It is the last "Red Master", according to the ritual of this Holy Grail War.

At noon tomorrow at the most, that man will go to the church to discuss countermeasures with him.

By the time...

It's not too late to let "Quiet Hassan" make a move...



"Then I'll go back first..."

Tranquil Hassan spoke calmly, then turned into a petite figure in spirit form, and disappeared in place again.

until after she left...

Amakusa Shiro's face was still gloomy and terrifying, even his brows were tightly wrinkled...

"Who is it that is interfering with me?"

Amakusa Shiro murmured gloomyly.

In order to be able to fight in this battle, he summoned: the strongest servant!

Paid a lot of hard work that ordinary people can't imagine.

According to his original conception, and holy relic!

The servant who summons this world should be the "Empress of Assyria"!


The painstaking efforts he had put in were taken first by others!

Perhaps even the "Holy Grail" felt sorry for him!


Hassan named "Serenity"...

Only then will he accept the call and become his assistant...


This matter has passed for a long time.

But whenever he thinks about it, he feels very uncomfortable.

It was like a thorn was stuck in his throat.

Day and night, tormenting him all the time!


Even if he wants to break his head...

It is impossible to imagine...

It is precisely because of Jiang Shang's system that an unknown error occurred when issuing "system rewards".

That's why I snatched it from the "parallel world" for my master: Semiramis!

This has led to the current situation...


This also indirectly shows that...

His stupid idea must have been wrong from the beginning.



imaginary space...

Vanity Sky Garden upper level...

Inside the opera house with an area of ​​more than "[-] square meters"...

In the brightly lit concert hall.

The Royal Orchestra, composed of thirty lesbians, is playing a brilliant symphony.

The only listener at the scene was enjoying the feast of music.

This is classical music that was born in the "Misunderstanding Belt" and sung by fairies.

And in the movement, the "Savior Ash" sung is none other than Morgan!

Although this "Royal Symphony Orchestra", there are still some shortcomings.

But the audience was still mesmerized...

This audience is none other than Jiang Shang...

for a long time...

When the song ends...

Jiang Shang gave applause without hesitation...

It was just a complicated exclamation, but it sounded from behind Jiang Shang.


"Didn't you say yes, are you leaving?"

"Why are you still slacking off here?"

"After going to that world, what are you going to do?"

"Have you considered these questions carefully?"

The golden light particles turned into the figure of Joan of Arc behind Jiang Shang.

Joan of Arc walked to Jiang Shang's side, persuading him with a concerned expression.

As the "arbiter", she was very caring at this time.

after all...

She is very clear about the responsibilities of this class.

Jiang Shang looked at Joan peacefully, showing a lazy expression.

"Those who obey me will prosper, those who go against me will perish."

"Anyone who is my enemy..."

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