"But I will never forgive her..."

"This Holy Grail War, I must make her look good!"

Morgan's mood fluctuated quite a bit.


It was Jiang Shang's illusion...

Under this anger and disgust, he also heard a trace of joy.

I am afraid...

The complicated feelings between this pair of sisters can't be summed up by just hating each other and killing each other.

After leaving some harsh words, the crack in space closed again to its original appearance.

The terrifying aura of the fairy queen also dissipated with the wind at this time.


Joan's face was full of shock.

Although the materialized magic power obscured Morgan's figure, Joan of Arc as the "Judger"!

She still saw through the identity of the fairy queen through the special ability of "real name recognition"!

Witch of Britain!


"Master Jiang Shang! What's going on here?"

Joan clenched her fists angrily, threatening Jiang Shang, wanting to ask for an explanation!


A brain collapsed, but it hit her forehead first.

The pain brought tears to her face, she covered her forehead, and stared at Jiang Shang in embarrassment.

"As early as a year ago, I explained it to you."

"Obviously you misunderstood the identity of "her". "

Jiang Shang preemptively threw the blame on Joan of Arc.

Jeanne froze...

In her mind, that unforgettable afternoon for her resurfaced again.

Realized that it was me, the wrong person...

Joan of Arc covered her flushed pretty face, turned into a spirit body again, and disappeared in front of Jiang Shang.

Watching Joan of Arc leave, Jiang Shang heaved a sigh of relief.


The seven servants who participated in the Holy Grail have all appeared in this world!


Sword Rank Servant: King of Knights—Artoria!

Archer Servant: King of Heroes—Gilgamesh!

Spear Rank Servant: Legendary Hero - Diarmuid!

Cavalry Servant: King of Conquerors - Iskandar!

Sorcerer Servant: Magical Girl—Illya!

Killer Servant: Baimao—Hassan!

as well as...

Crazy Servant: Queen of the Lost Belt—Morgan!

With such a luxurious lineup, almost every servant who participated in the battle has housekeeping skills!

Thinking of meeting so many heroic spirits in this world, Jiang Shang felt sincerely excited!

"I always feel that something interesting will happen tonight..."

Jiang Shang opened his eyes and looked up at the stars at night, with a deep smile on his lips.

"The stars are shining, but only Zi Wei is dim."

"This is not... a good sign..."

"I don't know which king will fall in this Holy Grail War..."

Jiang Shang muttered to himself with emotion.

Then he picked up his bags, activated the Five Elements Escape Technique, disappeared at Matou's house, and appeared at the pier dozens of kilometers away.


at this time...

In the house of the Tohsaka family...

"Your Majesty, I welcome your arrival."

"I, Tohsaka Tokiomi, am honored to assist you in capturing the Holy Grail as a "subject". "

Tohsaka Tokiomi bent down gracefully without losing dignity, and offered the courtesy of a magus to the King of Heroes he had summoned.


"All the treasures in this world belong to this king alone!"

"The so-called holy grail is naturally an insignificant part of this king's infinite treasure!"

"Tokiomi, sorry that this is your first time, this king will show mercy and forgive your ignorance."

"If you dare to have a next time, please give me death to apologize!"

The arrogant King of Heroes squinted at the Master who summoned him, and scolded his ignorance contemptuously.

The invisible coercion swept through the entire magic workshop!

The oppressed Tohsaka Tokiomi bent his knees and knelt on the ground in humiliation.

"As ordered..."

Tohsaka Tokiomi replied with a pale face.

That look of humility that is obviously unwilling but can only pretend to be obedient is like a clown in a funny way!


Gilgamesh turned contemptuously, turned into a golden glow, and disappeared into the magic workshop.

As for his whereabouts, even the Master Tosaka Tokiomi did not dare to have too many doubts.

It wasn't until long after Gilgamesh left that the coercion in the room was quietly dissipated.

Tohsaka Tokiomi got up from the ground, his face was so ugly that he was about to cry.

Because of lack of ability, he summoned an uncle who refused to obey orders!


Unlike the refined and easy-going Jiang Shang...

This "small mouth and honey" uncle doesn't seem to be very easy to get along with....

35. Encounter at night!Conqueror: Iskandar!

Into the night

Fuyuki's pier was unusually quiet.

Jiang Shang leaned leisurely on the folding chair, skillfully flung out the bait, and quietly waited for the fish to take the bait.

The passage of time every minute and every second...

In the eyes of laymen, this kind of thing may be a bit boring, but it has been his hobby since before time travel!

even though...

He has no talent in fishing.

I don't know how long time passed, but no fish took the bait...


Jiang Shang seemed to have noticed something, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's so late, still shaking in the street..."

"Can't you sleep, boy..."

Jiang Shang turned his face lazily to the side, looking at the middle-aged man with red hair and a strong red cloak who was standing behind him.

Conqueror - Iskandar!

as well as...

His pale-faced rookie Master...

It is clear...

The King of Conquerors after the present world did not follow the orders of the "Master".

Instead, I made my own claim and proposed without authorization: I want to see a modern city with my own eyes.

From night, still maintain a noisy urban area.

Then to the bridge across the sea, and the bustling port.

These great achievements that were almost impossible to achieve in his era made him look forward to modern civilization!


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