"How should I put it..."

"If it were me..."

"Under the master's guidance, maybe it can be done."

"By the way, the energy core of the "Sky Garden". "

"It's the Master, the "Great Holy Grail" that he personally made. "

Castor raised his hand in admiration, pointing to the roof above.

Without hesitation, he praised the Master who has always taken care of her.


Lion Jie and Lancelot were shocked again!

Hand rub the Great Grail!


What kind of monster is this Master of "Miss Custer"!


"It seems..."

"Miss Custer's Master..."

"Should be an amazing magician..."

Lion Jie complimented with a full face of amazement, he remembered the mysterious man before.

The terrifying and destructive power of the "Magic Eye of Distortion" still terrifies him!


The girl shook her head again in denial...

"Master, he is not a "magician"! "

The girl showed a stubborn expression, and refuted Shishi Jie.

"Not...the magician..."

"Jiang Shang..."

"Could it be... is he a "Heroic Spirit" in this world? "

Lion Jie asked in surprise, he suddenly had a bad premonition 0  …

Custer raised his face proudly, clenched his fists and nodded his head.


"The master is not only a heroic spirit!"

"It's also the "Third Magician"! "

Castor explained excitedly.

Whether it's the "Unusual Belt", or a parallel world!

The word "magic" has a special meaning!


"The third... magician?!"

Lion Jie's eyes widened in shock, his heart was already full of turbulent waves!

Because the facial expressions are too exaggerated, even the sunglasses are off!


Lancelot also gasped, his pupils trembling slightly.


"Master is the kindest person I have ever met!"

"He's happy to grant wishes for other people!"

"If you help me, the Master will also give you favor."

"As long as the wish is not too outrageous, it must be possible."

Castor said sincerely.

At this time, she finally showed her fox tail.

Draw a pie...

This is "Tamamo-mae", a little coup to teach her.

Advocate the strength of the master first, and then draw a big cake for them after the other party is convinced.

No follower, or master, can resist this set of "smooth combos"!


And "crumb fox" just get along, for a short period of time.


Like picking a lock, learning to be bad is easy!


"A magician...4.3."

"If that's the case, it's a very different situation!"

"Miss Custer, if you need anything, please just say it!"

Lion Jie put on his sunglasses again, and the smile on his face was more real than before.

The "City in the Sky" over [-] square kilometers is the most credible evidence!

no doubt!

That "Judger" is an existence comparable to a god!

The favor of a "magician"!

How could he not be moved by it!


If you are still hesitating about the Lion Tribulation before!

So now, he has made up his mind!

Even if he pays a "painful price", he will assist the girl to complete this task!

after all...

He has a family curse that can only be removed through a "miracle"...

If it was the "Third Magician", it would definitely be possible...

319. Karna!come!The first meeting between the strongest!

at this time...

Everyone in the black camp has already checked into the best hotel.

Under Danic's decades of layout, he has already mastered the entire city!


Even if the castle of "Tree of Thousand Realms" is destroyed...

The wealth left in this city can still support his comeback!

After fleeing all the way, the exhausted people were already exhausted.

When everyone returned to their respective rooms and lay down to rest.

In the spacious suite...

Only Vlad III was left with a depressed expression on his face.

Danik stood aside respectfully, his mood had stabilized at this moment.

Suffering such shame and humiliation, he has already thought of the means of revenge!


Form an alliance with the "Red Faction"!

Gather the strength of more than a dozen servants from both sides, and crusade against the arbiter!


To achieve this goal, he must first persuade the king in front of him.

Vlad III...


"My lord, I have an unfeeling request from 04..."

Danik bowed respectfully, with a sincere and extremely humble attitude.

"Tell me..."

Vlad III, sitting on the comfortable sofa, said in a low voice.

He is also thinking now, what method should he use to get the Great Holy Grail!


"The most important thing at the moment is how to solve the "Judger". "

"I suggest temporarily forming an alliance with the "Red Faction" to fight against powerful enemies together. "

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