The location of the negotiation was selected as: a wilderness far away from the city.

Negotiation time, selected as: dusk alternate day and night.

The number of people negotiating, the two sides must not exceed, four ~ followers!

That is to say...

Amakusa Shiro, must bring four-servants...

long silence...

Amakusa Shiro let out a weary sigh...

at this time...

The servants gathered under his command are...


Knight of the Gun: Karna.

Son of the sun god Surya, hero of charity.

It has golden armor that shines like the sun, and a long spear that can destroy gods.

On the same level as "Gilgamesh", an invincible hero!


Knight of the Bow: Atalanta

A huntress known for her steed feet, a princess of Arcadia.

Hunt the Calydonian boar and join the voyage of the Argonaut.

In addition, there are many adventures.

Except for the Noble Phantasm "Book of Complaints and Arrows".

She also holds the "God's Punishment Boar", this other kind of treasure!

After entering the "Majin" form, her strength will be greatly improved!

Even a normal attack is equivalent to a blow from a Noble Phantasm!

In the original...

Even the top servant of "Defense Specialization" - Joan of Arc!

They all suffered a lot in the battle with her!


Cavalry: Achilles.

One of the few great heroes of mythology.

Known for his invincible strength and immortality!

As a demigod, he also holds many powerful treasures!

He is an extraordinary servant who is comparable to "Karna"!


Magician: Shakespeare.

To write magnificent stories, as a great writer of life purpose.

Although he is a magician, he can hardly use magic.

In terms of combat, support is the main focus.

He can: give concepts!

It's like "Make a Hero"!

Add a powerful function to someone or a certain item!

It can even make weapons comparable to "Noble Phantasms"!


Berserker: Spartacus.

Because of his identity as a "resistor", he hardly obeys orders!

There is no wish to be fulfilled, only the long-cherished wish to go to the battlefield!

He who cannot communicate normally is an unstable double-edged sword!

But his treasure is extremely terrifying!


Assassin: Hassan the Tranquil.

A "poison girl" with a pure and harmless appearance.

Body, hair, blood, sweat, everything is deadly toxin!

After becoming a heroic spirit, the ability is gained and further sublimated!

Even the legendary fantasy species can be killed!

Naturally, there is no need to say more about primate intelligent creatures!

Even Heroic Spirits...

There is no way, under her contact, she can continue to survive!


Knight of the Gun: Karna.

Knight of the Bow: Atalanta.

Cavalry: Achilles.

Magician: Shakespeare.

Assassin: Serenity Hassan.

Berserker: Spartacus.


In addition to the "Knight of the Sword", the six servants of the Red Camp!

Although they are all existences with extraordinary strength, they also have weaknesses!

And their personality is also a huge problem.


For the next negotiation, he can only go there in person.



Amakusa Shiro opened his mouth suddenly, calling out the name of "Rider Servant".


An uncomfortable voice sounded from the room.

A handsome man with green hair in light armor appeared in the church.

He folded his hands on his chest and leaned against the cold wall with a somewhat arrogant expression.

"Achilles, I hope tomorrow's negotiations..."

"You can stay in the church and be responsible for guarding here..."

Amakusa Shiro said solemnly, the words contained the tone of no rejection!


A hero who is a demigod...

How could Achilles, who was eager to fight, care about this?


"What stupid things are you talking about!"

"Have you lost your mind?"

"Since we have decided to negotiate, of course we must bring the strongest combat power!"

"With me and Karna, the mere black camp is vulnerable!"

Achilles looked at Amakusa Shiro with contempt, and said without shame.

He is a pure warrior!

The sole purpose of participating in the "Holy Grail War" is to fight against the strong!


This stupid contractor, but let him stay to guard the house?

Isn't this obvious, running counter to his wishes?

This made the proud Achilles, how could he get his wish!


Amakusa Shiro sighed helplessly.

"Achilles, I have always respected you."


"I don't want to use Command Seals unless it is absolutely necessary."

"There is only you who is as powerful as "Karna". "

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