Amakusa Shiro, who was hiding in the dark, did not appear on the scene until the battle between the two sides was over.

"Welcome, Knight of the Sword..."

"I am Father Kotomine, and the leader of the "Red Camp". "

Amakusa Shiro said kindly.

And raised his arm, inviting Lancelot to go inside the church for a narration.

Lancelot did not refuse, showing a calm look.

When he walked into the church, the rest of the followers had already been waiting for a long time.

Karna stared straight at Lancelot, as if he wanted to see through him!

at the same time...

Amakusa Shiro asked abruptly.


"Your master, where are you now?"

"You might as well say: his location."

"I'll let Karna take him over to recuperate."

Amakusa Shiro smiled gently, with concern in his eyes.

If "Lion Robbery" can't be brought back for custody tonight.

Amakusa Shiro will never rest assured, this "Knight of the Sword" in front of him!


On the way here, Lancelot had already prepared...

"Master, he...was seriously injured."

"Even a slight movement can injure internal organs."

"In the next time, he will recover from his injuries through hibernation."

"Providing me with magic power is already the limit of what he can do."

Lancelot replied decisively without hesitation.


Amakusa Shiro did not intend to let him go.

"I am proficient in "healing" magic and can heal his injuries. "

"Not as good as..."

"I will also accompany Karna, let's go together. "

Amakusa Shiro said again hypocritically.

He longs for the allegiance of the "Knight of the Sword".

To this!

He must snatch the Command Seal of "Lion Tribulation"!



His words accidentally violated a taboo!

Lancelot's face suddenly became gloomy!

He looked down at the "hypocrite" with an angry expression.

"Father Yanfeng..."

"My master is a necromancer."

"Your healing magic, save it."

Lancelot reminded him with a bad expression, this guy who pushes his feet.

A healing technique that contains "sacred breath"!

For undead warlocks, it is no less than splashing pepper water on the wound!



A magnetic female laughter sounded in the room.


Atalanta, who had keen hearing, couldn't help laughing.

"Feel sorry..."

"I'm just... too worried about my companions..."

"Caring makes chaos... just to describe this moment..."

After realizing that he violated the taboo, Amakusa Shiro quickly apologized.



It belongs to two worlds...

What he said before is indeed a bit too much!


Lancelot, who had the upper hand, simply kept silent.

For a while, Amakusa Shiro didn't know how to press him.

But he knows very well...

That necromancer must be hiding in a cemetery somewhere.

Unless he destroys all the graves, or digs them one by one.


Wanting to find out the "lion robbery" is no less than finding a needle in a haystack.


Digging people's graves, that sort of thing...

As a priest, he is absolutely not allowed to act...

Unless Amakusa Shiro is crazy, he will issue an order through the command spell to let the servants go dig!


There is a great probability that the moment he gives the order, all the followers will be angered!

Let this group of heroes who value honor do such despicable deeds!

Even if he gave up his life, these followers would tear him into pieces!


He can only reluctantly choose to give up...

Let "Lion Jie" be active in the dark and become an unstable pawn! .

325. Amakusa Shiro's Viciousness!Thor's friends are here!

inside the church...

Lancelot stood there indifferently, like a statue!

He had no intention of establishing a good relationship with these servants present.


The commission he accepted...

Don't allow him to waste even a little bit of emotion on other things!


"If there is nothing else, I will retire first."

Lancelot said indifferently.

As soon as the voice fell, he turned into a particle and dissipated beside Amakusa Shiro.

Watching the disappearance of "Swordsman", Amakusa Shiro's smile slowly dissipated.


"Can you read his heart?"

Amakusa Shiro's face was gloomy, and he asked "Karna" who was present.

Karna possesses "the insight of the poor" and can see through the essence of the opponent.

Although it has not yet reached the level of "mind reading", it should not be underestimated!


Karna replied flatly.

In fact...

The moment Lancelot walked into the church.

He already knew the real name of "Lancelot" and the Noble Phantasm he held!

at the same time...

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