
Lion Jie murmured in astonishment, and looked at the "Judger" in front of him in disbelief.

"That's right..."

"Before you, there are two choices."


"Say it now, what you want to achieve."

"As long as it's not too much, I can achieve it."


"Continue to participate in this "Holy Grail War". "

"Defeat all participants until the "Great Holy Grail" is won. "

Jiang Shang lazily picked up the tea, took a sip, and moistened his throat.

And gave the man in front of him two choices.

and this...

But let the lion rob, his head is beating steadily...

"Master Judge, can I ask you a question?"

Lion Jie asked respectfully with a solemn expression.


Jiang Shang smiled lightly and granted the man's request.

"Is there any difference between the wish fulfilled by you and the "Great Holy Grail"? "

Lion Jie didn't hesitate for a moment, and asked the question he was most concerned about.

"This is..."

"It's up to you to understand..."

Jiang Shang showed a playful smile and gave an ambiguous answer.

Lion Jie opened his mouth, rolled his throat a few times, but made no sound.


The choice now will determine his fate...

The girl once said that the identity of this "judgment" master is: the third magician!

And one of the three royal families who created the "Holy Grail Ceremony" is: the third magician!

Is there a possibility...

The Lord Judge in front of me can rub the Holy Grail with his hands...

This ridiculous idea filled Lion Jie's brain...

He clenched his fists hard, and his slightly trembling breathing proved his mood swings at this time.

After a while...

The lion Jie Jieli made a decision...

"Master Judge, I choose to believe in you."

"My wish is: to lift the curse of the family."

"I hope that through your mighty power, I can realize this wish for me."

Lion Jie said solemnly.


At the moment when the voice came out, he didn't feel any reality.

An unspeakable regret, and a breath of regret, filled his heart.

Two lines of clear hot and moist tears actually slid down his vicissitudes-ridden cheeks.

Judging from his appearance, this man who didn't look like he could cry at all, actually shed tears!

about this point...

Even "Lancelot" showed a surprised expression...


Jiang Shang's voice sounded like "judgment", but it focused everyone's attention on him alone!

"The lion robs the world..."

"If so, this is your wish."

"Then...as you wish..."

When Jiang Shang's voice sounded, a white light rose from his palm.

This is a blank soul, and it is also one of the "magic materials" he often uses.

0····Ask for flowers·······

The swaying white light turned into tentacles thousands of times thinner than a hair!

Fly towards the lion robbery!

These tentacles of light are even only nanometer in size!

With Lion Jie's astonished expression, he drilled into his pores and his seven orifices!

This indescribable scene made even "Lancelot" feel chills down his spine!


Lion Jie sensed the changes in his body, but showed a shocked expression!

The toxin contained in his magic engraving is being lifted bit by bit!

Even his magic circuit has undergone a very obvious change!

The speed of magic power circulation has become faster!

Even the magic power in the body is more abundant!

no doubt!

Under the strengthening of "Light Tentacle", his strength has also become stronger!

The surprise waiting for Lion Jie Jieli is far from over at this moment!

"The lion robs the world..."


"Let me do one last thing for you..."

Jiang Shang stood up with a gentle expression, raised his slender left arm, and raised it above his head.

next moment!

A terrifying and terrifying aura suddenly emerged from Jiang Shang's back without a sound!

Under the influence of "Second Magic".

The grown-up "evil deeds are easy to do" appeared behind Jiang Shang!

The projections of "miniature planets" are like rosary beads!

Floating in the "evil deeds are easy to do", placed in both hands on the chest.

Each planet represents the corresponding "parallel world"!

At this time, "evil deeds are easy to do"!

It can pull people from the "parallel world" with just a command from Jiang Shang!

"In infinite parallel worlds, there will always be unexpected situations."


"In a certain parallel world, when you transferred the "Magic Seal". "

"It wasn't your adopted daughter who died, but you in the "transfer imprint". "


"What kind of fate will a girl who has no one to take care of her face..."

With a deep smile, Jiang Shang asked the lion to question his soul.

When the voice fell.

His left arm pointed to the sky, and quickly moved forward.

The blue light and shadow, like cutting through the water, opened up a channel of dimensional cracks in front of Jiang Shang.

A choked cry sounded from the passage...

at this time...

In the space crack, the scene being displayed...

A young girl with apricot hair was holding the cold body of her adoptive father, sobbing sadly.

And the girl's dead adoptive father, except for the scar on his face, is exactly the same as Shishi Jie!

"Lion robbery..."

"At this time, how would you choose..." Beg.

343. The Savior of the Wicked!A bloodless windfall!

Like many "magician families"...

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