
To describe this moment...

It is like the spring rain that nourishes all things, falling on the dry land!

With the support of endless magic power, the wound on Achilles' chest is healing at an incredible speed!

Not only that!

He was already a crippled body on his deathbed, but now he has returned to his peak!

Do not!


The current Achilles has surpassed the previous one!

With the support of this "endless" magic power!

How powerful is he, even he himself is a little confused!

"Is this... the energy of the Command Seal?" "

Achilles showed a joyful expression, and in the amber pupils, there was an excited fighting spirit!


"Let's have fun, the second round of the contest!"

Achilles moved his body, looked up at the demon orchid in the sky, and declared war without admitting defeat!


At the same time, he was far more than the only strengthened follower!

Just like...

Karna, whose defeat was already decided, suddenly and violently surged in breath!

He entered the state of "Magic Power Release·Flame" again, and a raging fire ignited beside him!

"What a powerful magic!"

"Even with the blessing of the previous "Command Spell"..."

"It can't be compared with now..."

"how so!"

Karna murmured in shock, his eyes subconsciously looked at Amakusa Shiro below.


He quickly frowned...

It is absolutely impossible for a man with mediocre qualifications to provide such terrifying magic power!

If not for him!

Then who will provide the magic power?

Karna is only deeply afraid of this unknown source of magic power!

Even if it was only for a moment, he seemed to have the illusion that he was connected to the Holy Grail!

That's right...

Only the Great Holy Grail, which symbolizes "miracles"...

Or 497's more "extraordinary" mysterious existence...

Only then can it be explained that what happened to him at this time is beyond common sense!


Karna's shock was seen by Yaolan, and he showed a smile.

"Have you felt it?"

"This is the magical power of "Master"! "

"With your abilities, even if you add them together, you can't be his opponent."

"Karna, the great hero in mythology, you are welcome to be one of us."

Yaolan, who stopped attacking, lifted the previous hostility.

And she opened her mouth in a considerate manner, telling the matter to compete!


"Your... Master?!"

"You guys! What did you do to my master!"

When Karna heard the enemy's words, the shocked expression on his face became more intense!

It can even be said that it is gloomy and terrible...

As a "big hero", Karna's first reaction was not that he lost his freedom!


Worried about his Master...


Shiro Amakusa, who had promised him...

As long as "Karna" is willing to work for him, after he passes the Holy Grail and fulfills his wish!

With the power of "this miracle", the first one will be healed, Master of Karna!


What's happening now...

Doubtless thinking he conveyed a terrible thing...

His master, very likely, has died...

345. All members defect collectively?Shakespeare's ruthless supplement!

On the plains at dusk...


Atalanta, with blushing cheeks, knelt down on the ground in shame.

Unable to get up, she clutched her lower abdomen and breathed heavily.

The sudden surge of magic power swept through her body like a tsunami!

Her limbs and bones seemed to be forcibly opened at this moment!

The infinitely rising magical power filled her empty body, bringing an unprecedented sense of satisfaction!



Atalanta's heartbeat continued to accelerate.

The trembling pupils couldn't even hit the spirit.

The developed potential brings amazing power!

And this increase in violence, the extreme happiness it brought, even made her unconscious!

Beginning to make Atalanta feel that this body that maintains this world no longer belongs to her!

A follower in this world is also a kind of familiar!

Feed on magic power to gain strength!

The purer the magic, the more happiness it can bring!


This is double satisfaction from body and soul!

It is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary magicians!


"not good..."

Atalanta suddenly let out an inconceivable girlish whisper.

She covered her face in shame, tears welling up in her eyes.


"It actually made me lose face so much..."

Atalanta gritted her teeth angrily, she was ashamed to face anyone!

Fortunately, she was lurking in the distance, and no one was around, so she noticed her gaffe at this moment!


at the same time...

The moment when the empty shell is filled with magic power...

Even a berserker who can't communicate and doesn't follow orders...

Eyes are restored...

Spartacus, who got rid of the "madness", gradually returned to normal with a ferocious smile on his face.

Now he can think rationally like other followers.

He used to fight for freedom.

Lead fellow slaves to form a resistance army.

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