Jiang Shang asked with a faint smile.

His inquiry made the followers of the "Black Camp" fall into deep thought.

for a long time...

Chiron, who is the "Hero Sage", was the first to reply.

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't protect the Master..."

"When her safety is confirmed, I will leave..."

Chiron smiled slightly and took the lead in expressing his plan.

Even if he stayed, it would not be of much use.

He is a "teacher-type" talent, and he is more suitable for cultivating talents than fighting.

Achilles, Hercules...

Jason, Asclepius...

Castor, Pollux...

Etc., etc...

Although their ages are vastly different...

But these heroes who left their own legends in the myths are all Chiron's disciples!

He has his own unique insights in cultivating heroes, and this is his value!

How could Jiang Shang let a talent like him go?



"Your wish to participate in the Holy Grail War..."

"Is it to regain the "undead characteristic"..."

Jiang Shang asked with a faint smile, the noble golden light fell from the sky!

On his left hand, it turned into the appearance of the strongest treasure "Fengshen Bang"!

When the "Fengshen Bang" appeared in the world, a terrifying coercion immediately swept the audience!


The most astonishing one belongs to "Lukoya"!

This drunken "Jiu Mengzi" regained his sobriety in an instant!

I don't know why, but this volume of Conferred Gods List made her feel very uncomfortable!

There is even a...

One's own vitals, the illusion of being completely manipulated by others...


"That kind of supreme artifact is no joke."

The corners of Lukoya's mouth twitched, making complaints with a little shame.

at this time...

Thor beside her showed a wicked smile.

Thor, who knew everything, covered his open mouth and let out a gloating laugh.


357. The Horror of the Conferred God List!Enemy of fate, buy one get one free?

in fact

Even Jiang Shang didn't notice it at this time...

Produced as a "system": Fengshen Bang...

There is a, very scary loophole...


That is after "signing the contract"...

Even other dimensional worlds have the same name and the same mythology...

Or on a basic basis, the characters evolved will be affected...


It's mandatory...

As long as these "otherworldly gods" appear in front of Jiang ~ Shang.

They will be captured by the "Fengshen Bang" and sign a master-slave contract-!

That's why...

When we first met...

Lukya would feel that there is a reason for fate for one dragon and one human being!

Feathered Serpent...


Same name, same myth, even same prototype!

That is to say...

The moment "Lukya" appeared in front of Jiang Shang, the contract had already been signed!

About this...

At this time, Lukya has already felt...

But unfortunately...

Jiang has not yet realized that the loopholes in the system...


With his character, he will definitely set off a bloodbath and prepare even more terrible plots!


on site...

Jiang Shang held the "Fengshen Bang" in his hand, with a confident smile on his face.

"The name of this thing is: Fengshen Bang."

"The person who engraves his name on it will live forever!"

"Even if you die unfortunately, you can be resurrected again."


"Are you willing to exchange your loyalty for this "eternal life"? "

After Jiang Shang unfolded the "Fengshen Bang", he threw it towards Chiron below!

The god list flying in the air surrounds Chiron's body.

And right in front of Chiron, unfold a blank picture scroll!

"Conferred God List!"

"Even such fetishes are alive!"

"Is it too wasteful for someone like me to write my name on it?"

Chiron opened his mouth in shock, speaking in disbelief.

His trembling pupils contained the light of heartbeat.

The legend of "Fengshen Bang" is no joke!


The excitement in Chiron's eyes was caught by Jiang Shang.

Jiang Shang smiled gently, enveloping the sage.


"I appreciate your talent..."

"Compared to fighting, you are more suitable for educating talents..."

"I can give you a piece of peaceful and pure land that is free from disputes with the world."

"Allows you to select excellent children and write myths in another world."

"What do you think of this condition?"

Jiang Shang smiled and promised.

The intelligent life in the imaginary number space will come in handy one day.

Let "Chiron", the great sage, guide them to practice martial arts.

One day in the future, this planted seed will surely grow into a towering tree!

"This condition is too generous!"

"I am willing to accept and offer my allegiance!"

Chiron said excitedly, and he used his hand to write his own name in the "Fengshen Bang".

A bright golden light flashed!


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