
"As an opponent, I can't be more clear."

"That's why I'm always out of control."

Looking at the scene below, Jin Gu couldn't help sighing.


In her original ending, she should have exited miserably as a villain.

Even the mother: Tiamat, should also be eliminated.

But this Lord Master is for their preordained ending.

Delivered a copy, enough to be called a "miracle" of salvation!

Facing (Li De's) such a Master...

Even if you lose your mind, there is nothing you can do about it.


A conversation between two maids...

Let "Jiu Mengzi", who was also staying at the scene, suddenly think of a big event!

Like a feather, Lukoa floated down on the high platform below without making a sound.


"I had so much fun just now, there is one thing I forgot to say."

Lukya scratched her face in shame, the corners of her mouth twitching uncontrollably.

It is unforgivable to break such a warm atmosphere!


Jiang Shang turned around suspiciously and looked in Lukya's direction.

It's not a small thing that can make her worry!

Lukya held the wine bottle in his hand, pointed to the world below, and said rape embarrassingly.

"How should I put it..."

"The portal opened by Thor did not close in time..."


"Except for "us"..."

"There are other dragons that have also quietly followed...".

361. Murder in the Foggy Night!Assassin: Jack the Ripper!

at this time...

The city below has entered the night...

Because of the tragedy that happened at dusk...

As a result, the streets tonight are extraordinarily deserted, and the emptiness is a bit scary.

The street located in the "hotel ruins" was already full of blockades.

For ordinary people in the city, it is a forbidden place that must not be broken into!

Not only that...

To hide the news here...

The cyborgs of the Thousand Boundary Tree family vigilantly set up a "human-repelling barrier"!

at this time...

A "search and rescue team" composed of artificial humans is searching for survivors in the ruins!


A gray mist spread silently from the corner of the street.

But for a few short moments...

The entire street was completely shrouded in fog, and the visibility did not exceed three meters!

"Strange...wasn't it sunny just now?"

"Today's weather shouldn't be foggy..."

A celebrity artificial man looked around suspiciously and murmured blankly.

The gray mist was inhaled by them into the nostrils, immediately frowning.

The pungent burning sensation made their lungs start to ache a little!

"Cough cough..."

"Cough cough..."

Within the area shrouded in mist, coughing sounds began to sound from 510.

Many artificial people began to ooze blood from the palms covering their noses.

It was blood coughed up from the nose and mouth!

"not good!"

"This is poisonous fog!"

"Everyone, hurry up...!"

An artificial human in charge of investigation, the first to discover the strangeness!

He immediately waved his palm, indicating that his companions were ready to leave this place!

But his words are not finished yet...

A sharp dagger cut open his neck precisely...

The artificial man's eyes widened in despair, and he fell into the ruins...

In his gaze before death, he was horrified to realize...

In the fog-shrouded streets, his companions are falling down one after another!

Some kind of invisible dirty thing, just like a ghost, slaughtered them!

He wasn't the first victim to fall, and he definitely won't be the last!

The coughing in the mist gradually subsided...

But only for a few minutes...

The [-] man-made humans at the scene were all dead...

Until the moment of death, they didn't know what happened!



The soft girlish voice echoed in the deadly silence of the scene.

The short figure of the girl ran briskly through the ruins.

But it quickly disappeared into the mist and completely disappeared.


at the same time...

Astolfo, who was riding the "Beautiful Eagle", has also reached the sky above the city!

He looked suspiciously at the fog that filled the city below, and frowned slightly.

"A thick fog..."

"If this continues, won't it be impossible to locate the target..."

Astolfo murmured in frustration, and hovered over the city on his handsome eagle.

Although he "evaporates rationality" and does things more evasively, he is not brainless.

This strange mist is obviously the treasure of the "Assassin"!

As expected...

That cunning assassin should be lurking in the mist!

Wanting to find her whereabouts on the ground is simply whimsical!

Taking advantage of the "flying mount" to start a blanket search is the correct approach!


In Astolfo, when the search begins...

On a dead street...

Suddenly there was a crisp sound of high heels...

A charming and beautiful lady with green hair, walking on the deserted street, has become an alternative sight.

Her name is: Liu Dao Lingxia!

And his identity is the master of "Jack the Ripper"!

"That's not okay..."


"If you don't find the 'airplane' soon..."

"My lord, the arbiter of the sky, will be angry."

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