
The girl who should have died...

But like a walking dead, he stood up strangely again!

From the beginning...

The so-called "Jack the Ripper" is not a single individual!

Just like the way she speaks, she often uses "we"!


Physical damage alone cannot completely defeat her!


Let her treasure "Dark Fog City" be activated to the maximum!



Black Joan showed a puzzled expression, before she could react.

Jack the Ripper's body suddenly exploded into a cloud of mist!

Only in the blink of an eye!

Just spread to the whole street!

Send everyone on the scene, including Ilulu, to the "Inherent Barrier"!


Inherent enchantment...

Under the dark night sky, there is a pungent poisonous mist...

Surrounded by retro buildings, looming in the mist...

On the deserted street, there are only a few faint street lights to guide passers-by.

Black Jeanne of Arc stood on the spot blankly, looking up at the huge chimneys in the distance.


It is no longer the world before...

It is the Noble Phantasm of "Jack", which is transformed into: the inherent barrier...

"What a weird place..."

"It's really annoying..."

Black Joan looked around, clutching her nose in disgust, her face became even more gloomy.


In the foul-smelling river beside her, a child's body just floated past!


A vague, short figure emerged from before Black Jeanne...

It was a gray-haired girl with the same face as Jack...

"it's here..."

"Children are just victims..."

Jack spoke weakly, then shrugged and disappeared into the mist.


"What are you talking about!"

Joan of Arc reprimanded impatiently, she tried to take steps to chase the departing girl.

Everything here has undergone an earth-shaking reversal, and everyone is lost!

even includes...

The vicious "Ilulu"...

But at this moment...

Another voice sounded from behind Black Joan...

"'~Don't you know?"

"Obviously all of this is right in front of you..."

The sad girl's voice sounded from the sewer...

That was the child's body that had just floated past, but now she climbed onto the shore!

The gray-and-white girl raised her crippled hand and pointed to the dark alley!


A skinny stray dog ​​is eating something!

Sensing Black Joan's hostility, the wild dog tore off a severed arm!

Frightened and disappeared into the alley, leaving only the bloody scene!


Black Joan covered her lips, her body reacted instinctively.

Right at this moment...

"It's good to have a child born successfully..."

"The child who was not born..."

"Everyone will be thrown into the river..."

The figures of children emerged from all directions and surrounded her.

"The world is very ugly..."

"We abandoned children know this all too well."

Pairs of numb and empty eyes stared at Joan of Arc and said in unison.

Under (Li De's) Black Joan's gaze, more and more children are appearing in front of her!

And these kids...

It's the body of "Jack the Ripper"...

It is the fog city of the industrial age, those children who died tragically, turned into evil spirits!

And this time...

The densely packed children have already exceeded thousands, and it is impossible to estimate them with the naked eye!

Facing the scene in front of him, Joan of Arc's complexion became worse and worse.

As a "hunter", she came to hunt specially!

Instead of running over and bullying a group of children!

at this time...

The gray-haired little Jack appeared again...


"Where's mom?"

"Where is our family?"

Little Jack asked in a sleepy voice.

Trying to use this sympathy, the sense of guilt as a human being, to break the heart of Joan of Arc!


When I heard the resentment of these "evil spirits"...

A scornful sneer appeared on Hei Jean's face.

on her mind...

The figure of a "Mother Goddess of Creation" has emerged!

Black Joan rolled her eyes in remorse, and complained helplessly.

"You want to find "Mom", right? "

"Then I'll take you all to meet "her" in the past! "


366. Smart Joan of Arc!God's punishment is coming, Ilulu is in danger!

Within the inherent barrier...

Black Joan's answer caused the children present to fall into a brief stupor.

He planned to defeat this woman's line of defense, but they were the ones who broke the defense.

"Do I need to lie to you?"

"Don't think I don't know, what are you going to do!"

"You want me to feel guilty and get my sympathy?"


"Only you can come up with such a ridiculous method!"

Looking at those vigilant eyes, Joan of Arc sneered contemptuously.

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