"Do you need me to arrange for you a one-on-one opportunity?".

58. Hero Creation EX!The millennium obsession will finally be achieved!

Imaginary space

Jiang Shang's wicked instigation was exactly what Morgan wanted.

"If you can..."

"I want to teach Morgan a lesson on behalf of "Pan-Human History"..."


"I am, after all, a...magician..."

Morgan was a little hesitant to speak, and she responded to the Holy Grail's call, preferring the position of "legal output".

The Age of Gods magic that she is proud of can be divided into four different fields.


Mirror: time-space transfer magic.

It can move in dimensional space, and even forcibly transfer the enemy to the past tens of thousands of years ago!


Tower: The Lance of the End - Rungomigniad!

Morgan's mass-produced Endless Gun is as powerful as the holy gun itself, and can fire twelve guns at the same time!

That terrifying power has already exceeded the normal range!


Court: A terrible curse that traps enemies.

for example...

Sweet Dreams, Abyss, Frustration, Innocence, etc...

Among them, the "Court of the Innocence" that has demonstrated its power is the magic that trapped Merlin!


Coffin: Similar to artificial hibernation.

People who are frozen in the "coffin" can maintain their original shape even in the past thousands of years!

As if time and space were frozen, everything remained before losing consciousness.

Even if the outside world is already in a state of vicissitudes!

In the story of "The Fairy Camelot" in the Lost Belt...

Matthew, who traveled through time and space, hibernated for thousands of years in a "coffin" until he met the master again!



Under the guidance of Odin, the god-king of Northern Europe, the incarnation of "Sage Grimm"...

Morgan also has all the "Rune Runes"!

You can create clones and conduct multi-line operations at the same time!

As the "Magician of the Age of Gods", the talented Morgan is a talented woman who even the gods are amazed by!



Morgan, who lives as a "Berserker Class", cannot display his true strength.

But if you use "Age of Gods Magic" and launch a long-range artillery strike...

So effortlessly, that King of Knights—Artoria, can be wiped out together with Fuyuki City!


If you do that, it's pointless...


Or close combat is more to her liking...

She wants to attack with fists to the flesh, making the girl reflect on her mistakes in pain!

For Morgan of "Pan-Human History", let out a breath of evil!

But alas...

Morgan's servant panel is not as gorgeous as Arturia, who is a "sword rank servant"!

She doesn't have the powerful bonus of the "Three Knights Class".

It's not the most suitable "Magician" class for her.

Let this thin-skinned and tender Her Majesty the Queen, and King Arthur, whose swordsmanship has reached the realm of the gods, have a one-on-one "close combat".

It's kind of... difficult for her...


can't say...

Jiang Shang clearly saw Morgan's shy expression that he couldn't express.

He could see her thoughts in almost a second.

"This is simple..~々."

"I'll apply enhanced skills to you, isn't that all right?"

"That Miss Knight King, didn't she also fight with the Master?"

"If she can, why can't you?"

Jiang Shang spoke with a faint smile, persuading the hesitant Morgan.

The voice falls...

Jiang Shang directly launched "Hero Creation: EX"!

The ice-blue magical breath gushed out from Morgan's body, quickly strengthening her body.

Almost all of her magic circuits are opened at this moment!

The originally weak panel has been improved by leaps and bounds in an instant!


Muscle strength: C. "Ascension: A-"

Durability: E. "Ascension: A-"

Agility: B. "Promotion: A+"

Magic: A+. "Improvement: A++"

Lucky: B. "Improvement: A+++"


After being strengthened, Morgan only felt that his body was filled with endless power.

"This is... a hero made..."

Morgan showed a surprised expression and said in a low voice.

A similar enhanced skill, a certain "Flower Magician" that she hates, also has it!

But compared to the effect, Jiang Shang is obviously better!

after all...

Whether it is the strength of the spirit foundation, or their respective achievements, or even the degree of popularity...

This oriental martial saint far exceeds Merlin...

In Celtic mythology, Merlin, turned to stone by Morgan, could only watch the destruction of Britain...

And Jiang Ziya, who assisted King Wu to defeat Zhou, established the 800-year prosperous dynasty in one fell swoop!


Even with the same skill, the effect in Jiang Shang's hands is far better than that of Merlin!


"How does it feel?"

Jiang Shang asked Morgan how he felt, but at the same time he felt a little regretful.

As a power player...

He really wants to give Morgan a state full of various boosts!

Realized in the game, comparable to the "nuclear explosion" horror damage!

It's not enough to be a hero...

He needs more augment skills...

For example: the long-cherished wish of a military division...


"` ~I am now...feeling good..."

A moving smile bloomed on Morgan's face, expressing his feelings at this time.

With the addition of "Hero Make: EX", she has absolute confidence at this time!

You can defeat Artoria in close combat!

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